Friday, December 2, 2011

Three days of work.


Was supposed to work today but woke up at 7.40 am so couldn't be bothered to rush and get ready. Told Agnes I was late and not feeling well so she went on her own. And then I went back to sleep. Finally can catch up on my much needed sleep and woke up at 3 pm plus. 

Pictures pictures to make up for my lack of proper blog posts!! 

2nd day of work (Wednesday) lunch! Asam soup with stingray and rice! Which I spilled on my vest yes tyvm. So I sent it for washing and yesterday (3rd day of work) I realised when I sent for washing I forgot to take off my name badge so I had to pay for a new one .________. sianz. 

2nd day dinner. Ate sooooooooo much cause I was so bloody hungry (Not all in the picture la LOL). 

Midnight snack. Told you I was hungry. 

Bought bread talk cheese sausage bun for breakfast because the previous day I didn't eat breakfast and the whole morning before lunch felt nauseous and my stomach hurt :(. 

AHAHA LOL best lunch out of the whole week at work!!! Mee Siam and potato salad (shared this with Agnes). Before lunch me and Agnes were packing postcards (can't really say pack what cause I scared I get sued or something) at the counter all the way at the back (where we did wrapping of presents lah, basically like all the packing work we didnt want to do in the open for customers to see) my stomach growled like 6 times and Agnes could hear it AHAHA LOL JOKE SIA. 

And where I could take off my shoes. 

ASFGHJKL I SWEAR WE DID OVER 500 POSTCARDS. The stack on the right is 250 postcards. We deserve a round of applause lah please. (Oh and I sneaked in my phone so that's why this time got pcitures of my work). 

Bread Talk (falling in love with bread talk now!!!!) donut yum yum yum after work while walking with Agnes to find a money changer cause she needed to change her money. 

And this is my supper+dinner cause I didn't eat dinner yesterday AHAHAA LOL fell asleep after bathing. 

Random Screenshots. 
This Gan uh. 

Awwwwwww :3. AHAHA LOL this was when me and Gan hacked Danish's Twitter account which is in my phone cause sometimes he wants to use it during band AHAHA LOL ehehehehez. 

Okay an award for most entertaining blog post please thank you.

I give up on the ten day challenge. 

Well anyway. Concert is in two days. Was reading weiling's blog about her helping out for concert deco/seats etc. Lol felt really bad cause I did only like 1/8 of the whole deco and all I did was correct a few things and paint in the designs. I felt like maybe the majors shouldn't have put me in charge of deco with Weiling cause I feel like she's doing all the work and I'm doing so less and I just feel like I shouldnt have been put in charge cause I don't deserve it. She came up with the design and when she talked to Mr Fahmi about the banner, I just stood there holding one side of the banner. well maybe I shouldn't have butt in and told Timothy to change the concert plan thing when I saw that only weiling and yukie got like asst in charge and in charge besides their name. Maybe I shouldn't have reminded them that i was in charge too because nobody even remembered I was 'in charge' too. maybe then all the credit would have gone to weiling because she did everything and not me. And stupid me just had to geikiang go and volunteer for the work attachment thing. If I hadn't done that maybe more time could have been given to help out with deco and the designs. Then the helping out for chairs and tables I didnt help out in the hall because all along every single concert we've done in school even the girls in Percussion would help out percussion and not the chairs in the halls so I didn't this time round and helped to sort out everything  in the band room with the other percussionists and like prepared all the sticks to be brought up and helped push the other instruments up. when everything for percussion was set up on the riser (made out of tables) I wanted to go down and take my water bottle and so I asked percussion who wanted things to be brought up and I helped them and when I got up I realised I forgot to take the sticks that Ali wanted so I went down again and by the time I finished going up and down the chairs were more or less alreay set up finished and so I didn't help out and went to pass Ali his sticks. Then he proceeded to teach the juniors how to roll properly while I sat there with the other Percussionists an Gan backstage helping when we could. So throughout the entire setting up of chairs etc I didn't help out at all while clara weiling and xingyi did. And during break me and Gan went ack to the band room while the other three stayed in the canteen talking about our conductor or something. then after break  the three of them were with ali and some others talking and I went over but I didnt unerstand who they were talking aout and so I got kinda afraid cause they were all so mad and so I just walked away with Gan to do our own things. I don't know but I'm afraid they might e talking about me because i didn't do a single shit to help out with the whole band concert arrangement thing :/.