Thursday, December 8, 2011


There was fried tofu but I didn't take GOOD JOB JERLYN. 

Most slack day. Waited for our boss for almost an hour wooooooo. 

Should have asked for more cheese :(. 

Whole day pack hampers/tie ribbon BEST I TELL YOU. See all the rows of hampers behind. THE YELLOW RIBBON I TIE ONE OKAY. I TIE NICE NICE PUT FLOWER AND THE CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT (The rectangular block under the flower on the basket above ^^^)  I TIE ALL LIKE 8/9 OF IT OKAY OKAY OKAY (I think only like one or two is Hairie do one) OKAY TOOK ME 3 HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of our boss came in in the morning, on the radio, talked to my supervisor (Allan; damn cute one!!!) and walked away so the whole day me Wan Ping (one of the other part timers hired to do hampers she damn chio one I just added her on Facebook but cannot put her picture here later people think I siao siao stalker AHAHA LOL) and Hairie blast music!! Songs like All About Us (♥♥♥), Give me everything tonight, Firework etc played yay! 

We actually wanted to blast this indian radio station when Allan came in and pretended like we actually understood (we even planned to bob our heads to the music AHAHAHA LOL) but we played it for like 10 minutes and Allan didn't even come in :(. 

AHAHA LOL so me and Wan Ping were packing these body soap hampers and I was like shit ribbon go inside also (cause all these hay were on the floor and got scraps of ribbon left over from our hampers just now and it went in AHAHA LOL) and Allan said eh you all pack love letters inside uh, as a joke. Then Wan Ping and I were like EH WE GO WRITE THEN PUT INSIDE LAH. So we did AHAHA LOL with Fed Ex post it's Wan Ping found. 

Okay work is over YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I am happygirl96 tomorrow going to see new house cannot go out with band mates >:(.  

On a slightly more happy but nerdy note... Got a lot of Sim requests today including two neighbours!!! 
Here's me trying to flirt with Ng cause I too lazy keep switching to my brother's account. But unfortunately when I took this screenshot his Sim got one thought pop out. Can you look at the thought I am so insulted >:(. Ng if you're reading this I SPENT OVER 20 ENERGY FLIRTING WITH YOUR SIM YOU BETTER FLIRT BACK shamelessgirl96. ♥♥♥. I think your Sim don't like me. So sad. 

Random note. LOL I think all these number things birthday things very true leh. Mine is Monkey LOL joke. 
If you are a Monkey : Very impatient and hyper!!! You want things to be done as quick as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. That way, you people are unique. You would like to keep yourself safe from all the angles. Shall your name be dragged or featured in any sort of a controversy, you then go all panicky. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are!!

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