Wednesday, December 14, 2011


First off!!!
Please click here or on the picture and help my cousin! Oh come on it's just one click lah eh she the type who likes love sleep so much everyday sleep so early this time she stayed up to do all this just help her by clicking like thanks!!! LOL I don't even think the number of likes matter but MAKE IT LOOK NICER CAN.

I guess this is going to be a random compilation type of post. Like talking about things that have no link with each other kkkkkk. AHAHAHA LOL. 

LOL remember I posted a picture me and Gan took with Celestin Loh? 

 LOL Jingwen gave me the link to this video and she was like eh they talking about you right? 

Okay that is all. Erm the first seven seconds of this video they said two girls wanted to take picture with Celestin LOL. And then the guy (in the background of the picture with a black shirt with that red head cartoon or something above the lady looking at the camera LOL) starts beatboxing so I guess nobody remembers the two un-named girls at the beginning anymore but it's alright!!!!! h3h3h3z. 

Okay anyway that aside today I wanted to play the Sims and I spent so long downloading custom content (things that will make your Sim look prettier/make your house look nicer/just add-on's la basically) I SPENT SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it didn't work out in the end *dig hole and cry*. I was so sad :(. No more pretty Sims. 

I think 183 for one day is like the highest I've ever been :). Super happy yaaaaaaaaay. LOL when I first saw the stats thing (around 9k total page views then LOL) I was like holy cow people actually read my blog. I thought only A FEW friends would read only!! But aiya who knows maybe some of them just click and exit the browser but I don't care don't burst my bubble >:(. AHAHA LOL and I swear not all is I ownself bo liao click refresh on my own blog over and over again okay okay okay okay okay. 

Okay enough about my stats disclaimer disclaimer I'm in no way bragging and I'm really grateful that I have all this viewers yay I love you all h3h3h3z I know other people got more lah DON'T NEED TELL ME I AM ALREADY VERY CONTENT WITH THESE NUMBERS OKAY. And some more I am like this no life girl everyday sit at computer blog like every single day but anyway next year I have O Levels and I won't be updating so much so I guess it balances each other right right right!! 

Oh yesterday I was talking to Jacob yesterday and I found my new favourite word. 

How can someone not just give me award for the most hardworking boliao blogger in my house

AHAHAA LOL I EVEN WENT TO PICNIK AND DO UNTIL SO CHIO LAH PLEASE!!!! And I even added the definition even though it's more cheem than the word well imo. I EVEN PUT STICKERS CAN YOU NOT LOOK AT THE WHOLE HARDWORK AND DEDICATION I HAVE PUT INTO THAT WORD!!!!!!! Okay la I know Summer's like over but anyway Singapore also still quite hot don't blame me for putting Summer stickers. Plus they were free. And cute. 

OH WHIMSICAL. If I name my daughter Whimsical everytime I want to call her I'll just be like EH WHIMSY WHIMSY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL OMG so cute right!!!!!!! 

(No offence if your name really is Whimsical I really do like it tho). 

Well anyway today I went to Raffles Hotel to settle admin matters and clear up everything in my locker etc. Reached there at around 11 or 10 plus. Then went to Human Resources to collect the paper work then had to go to like four different places to get the head or something to sign. First was the shop and omgholycow I saw Mark and he was so cute ehehehehehehez and he passed to me my form and then HE SHAKED MY HAND and said thanks!!!! 

Then went to my boss' office and got my superior to sign the paper work and all that jazz and Mr Tan (the boss) saw me and he was like, "Eh, you look so different uh?" cause usually at work I tie my hair fringe up (aka school hair/nerd hair/picture above!!!) and this time round I let down everything! AND ALLAN SAID HELLO TO ME OMG CUTE GUY ALSO. Okay then after that went to find the other two departments. 

OKAY SO HORH. The lady at HR told me to take the lift at the far end (wah damn scary lucky got people there) and take it to like the M level (Yes an M level) so I was like okay.. so I went into the lift and press M. Then I was at the basement mah, so must pass like storeys 1 and 2 to go to M floor? So I was alone in the lift and then suddenly the lift stop, so naturally I assumed it was M floor already. And I just walked out and another lady walked in to take the lift. 

AND I DIDN'T REALISE I WAS ONLY AT THE FIRST FLOOR AND THE LIFT STOP CAUSE THE LADY WANTED TO GO UP TOO WAH SO EMBARRASSING. BUT OF COURSE I DIDN'T KNOW LAH, so I stopped off at the level where they were preparing all the food so I was like huh what is this trying to find the stairs the lady at HR told me about. 

Then I walked out (obviously I wasn't supposed to be there at all) and this (DAMN CUTE) guy smiled at me when he saw me walk out of the lift (like blur kid like that) and asked yes? Then he came over to help me and I was like ermmmmmmm HR told me to go to *points at my paper*. Then he was like Oh this place uh? It's at M floor. Then I was like huh I not at M floor meh. Then he said nope this is the 1st floor only and he guide me back to the lift and HE WAS SO CUTE AND FRIENDLY AND HELPFUL LA :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

AHAHAHAA LOL okay that was my embarrassing story of the day. Unfortunately it wasn't the only embarrassing thing today cause today on the bus there was this lady with the same white cardigan as me wahlao when she dropped off she looked at my cardigan THEN of course naturally I'll look at hers and IT LOOKED THE SAME AHHHHHHHHH AHAHAHA LOL omg and halfway on the bus my bag strap drop and I was so embarrassed I just faster picked it up held it AND DIDN'T LOOK AT ANYONE ON THE BUS AT ALL SO EMBARRASSING HOW TO LOOK AT THEM. 

Okay well anyway then sign here sign there I go back to HR then from the corner of my eye I saw someone sitting so I assumed it was someone there for an interview or something so I didn't look and just continued talking to the woman and the person sitting was like pssst JERLYN JERLYN and it turned out Agnes just came back from Taiwan yesterday and she came to drop off her things also and they told her I'd be coming soon so she waited for me!!!!!!! 

AHAHAHA LOL then when we walked out and saw Allan again and he was like Eh? AHAHA LOL AGNES WAS SO SAD CAUSE HE WAS GOING TO ANOTHER DIFFERENT DIRECTION. And apparently I lost my evaluation form -_- so I had to go to the shop's office to get Mark (my direct supervisor?) to get him to pass to me another one AHAHAHAHAHAHAA LOL. Then when we walked out Allan was there AND I WAVED AT HIM AND HE NEVER SAY BYE WAHLAO but he said to Agnes :(. 

Okay so after that we went to the hotel museum (yes Raffles Hotel has a museum and a shop inside too!!!) to find one of our colleagues there she's a part timer LOL and we went up to talk to her cause she was alone cause she was covering one of our other colleagues while he went for lunch. Okay so we saw both Kala and Joel and we were happy and then we went back home. 

AHAHAHAHA LOL okay that was longer than I expected BAHAHA LOL I doubt people will read that anyway :(. 

Well I guess the most satisfying part about working there (besides the tiring and long hours and like the pay I will receive) is like I was an employee there even though I'm only on work attachment and then it's like I feel special cause I can gain access to the office and the store room and everything AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA LOL and also when customers ask me something and I can help them I feel really happy lah :). There was once this Japanese guy (I think) asked me if we have any more golf merchandises, and by then I knew roughly what we already had so I was like erm just these three, and I even explained one of them to him cause he didn't know what it was. And then halfway through I realised eh we do have golf balls too! But it wasn't in the shop then BUT I saw it in the Raffles Hotel Museum Gift Shop (smaller but sells all the things you can find at the Raffles Shop even though obviously I think the Raffles Shop got more la) once when I was like packing all the things around nice nice. 

So I told him and he was like Oh yes yes, like he wanted it so I asked Allan about it and he called the Museum gift shop and we told him we didn't have it here but we had it upstairs at the museum gift shop :). I don't know lah but it made me really happy!!!! AHAHAHA LOL okay this is a long post AHAHA LOL I should stop now. 

Here's a picture of me when I was in Sec One to balance out the long wordy post yes you can laugh now AHAHAHA LOL omg why was I so cute. 

And I want to go and eat a swiss roll (pandan swiss roll with cheese surprisingly very good from Bengawan Solo!!!). 

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