Thursday, December 29, 2011


Rebonded hair today. Don't like how it turned out. Went to find Jingwen after rebonding and shamelessly ate dinner with her family and waited till my father came at like 8 plus to fetch me home loooool. Bad mood today went to sleep at eight plus woke up at eleven plus lol and went to eat my dinner. Which was 12 sugar biscuits a cup of hot chocolate 11 strawberries and icing sugar but whatever la, today whole day I only ate one plate of fried rice that Jingwen's mum cooked lol surprisingly I finished it LOL and one donut half before I rebonded lol my hair and half when walking to Jingwen's house LOL.

Don't like how my hair looks like now sigh, hope it becomes better lol after I can wash it. 41 one more hours before I can do so lol................ Goodnight :).

Oh and on a random happier side note loooool Pamelia's parents has decided to book like dinner at..... Deng Deng Deng NIGHT SAFARI for the whole family and inclusive of the team ride!!! And maybe possibly we tram even eat part of the meal on the tram you know just like the appetizer LOL I don't know la I said maybe only LOL but I do know there's a dinner and tram ride for the whole family including JW and me and our whole family yay :')!!!!!! ATAS ONE OKAY LOL I saw the menu today cause we were supposed to choose the main course we wanted AHAHA LOL obviously I chose cod fish LOL because the other option was tenderloin and I didn't really like steaks so I assumed I wouldn't really enjoy that as much as the codfish LOL. And there's canapés and cream of lobster bisque and my cod fish with sea urchin sauce and all the good stuff YAY. Should be more or less confirmed la AHAHA LOL YAY.

Hope to get my DSLR fixed by then LOL my focus lens part is loose like senget already -.- I swear I'm not going to lend anybody my camera already (unless it's some rich dude who will pay if they break it or some professional or my relatives) lol put inside the bag then come back to band room become jammed then loose now wth who also won't pekcek and insecure la please.

Ahh whatever just want to get it fixed before CNY cause new lens very expensive I was talking to Kengpum about lenses and wahlao LOL even the one my father wants (f2.8, makes background more blur and the object more focused AHAHA LOL) so expensive like around 1 to 2k and my camera worth like 999 not even 1k AHAHA LOL I mean one dollar off only but inclusive of the body and the lens and accessories AHAHA LOL. And the one I want which is the long zoom range (mine is only 18-55 the standard one LOL) I want the 18-200 one (KENGPUM HAS THAT I JEALOUS WAHLAO) also so expensive so I rather just repair my current one since it's also not that bad and I don't really necessarily need expensive lens (some more I scared I cannot take care properly AHAHA LOL) cause I'm also not very pro LOL and my life also not so interesting one AHAHA LOL.

Okay long ranting goodnight band tomorrow AHAHA LOL.

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