Monday, December 12, 2011

Does rollerskating make you lose calories.

Cause if it doesn't I'm going to be so asdfghjkl :'(.

Went to ECP with Amos Guijin Ruiqi Beitriss and Jieling today!! Met up with the first three at Bedok inter after I went to collect movie tickets that I won from the Gobbler contest lol hiak hiak (I even had time to buy bread from bread talk and still be the earliest!!!!!!!). Then ruiqi brought us to Parkway Parade that area and went to eat her snowflake ice dessert thing LOL. Didn't feel like eating >:.

Then went to buy sushi for my lunch and went to ECP. Ruiqi was so sweet she kept letting me rest on her throughout the entire day AHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL.


LOL. The sushi was awesome though. 

Then met up with Beitriss and Jieling at Macs then we walked to go and rent our skates and bikes! The rest cycled while I rollerbladed. I gei kiang only. roller blade three hours 15 bucks, they cycle three hours 6 bucks like  that. HEART PAIN LEH :'(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Plus we cycled from one end to another like halfway five minutes through the journey regretted my decision liao AHAHAHA LOL. Cause like 3/4 of the road were rocky, then keep bumping up and down then feet very pain :( only 1/4 of the road was smooth!!!! AND THERE WAS THIS ASDFGHJKL HUGE SLOPE UP AND DOWN. We went up the steeper and more scary (cause got the white line bump things you know like on the car roads!!!) slope and when we wanted to return our bikes and skates WE HAD TO GO DOWN THAT ASDFGHJKL SLOPE AND I WAS LIKE SHITTTTTTTTTTT. 

And the rest all wayyyyyyy in front already (obviously cause they cycle I roller blade) and I was like :(. LONELY I'M SO LONELY. AHAHA LOL but fortunately Guijin was just slightly in front of me and scare the heck out of me I thought he also going to forget about me and cycle in front but heng I half way down that time he turned around wait. LOL I didn't roller blade down la obviously siao what if I trip over the white bumps!!!! Go down one slope already asdfghjkl scary already la please. So instead I went to walk on the grass slope next to it. More like soil..? So was a bit more stable and I could walk down. GOT ONE POINT I WENT TO THE NOT GRASS PART WAH ASDFGHJKL I ALMOST SLIPPED DOWN THE SLOPE WAHHHHHHH SO EMBARRASSING. 

Okay anyway that's my slope trauma for the rest of the day. So many slopes up and down so tiring :(. 

We did rest from time to time la. Two times when we were  going to the other end of east coast park, and once when we were on the way back to the skate rental there (and one kinda short one for toilet break for them and put on plaster time for me). I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF OKAY I DIDN'T STOP ALL THE WAY FROM THE END TO THE PLACE THEY WERE WAITING FOR ME BECAUSE I WAS SO SLOW AT THE SLOPE AHAHAHAHAHA LOL. Eh but still I went quite far okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

One of our rest areas! 

I wished I had a map but I can't be bothered to search for it la but we went THREE AREAS OKAY THREE AREAS OKAY!!!! AHAHA LOL cause ECP is like divided into many different areas lah like A B C and D etc. I know we went three cause each section got different coloured sign boards. THREE OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL. 

Then we eventually DID cycle/skate for THREE HOURS. Okay la maybe like 2 hours 40 minutes BUT WITH A FEW SHORT BREAKS ONLY OKAY OKAY OKAY DO YOU KNOW HOW TIRING IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHHAA LOL scare me cause amos cycle and he got like buy 1 hour free 2 HOURS -_- so I went to rent the blades for 3 hours AND NO FREE TWO HOURS LAH WAHLAO ONE HOUR 5 BUCKS HEART PAIN. And I was like Amos we better cycle/skate for three hours or else Imma gonna asdfghjkl you cause I paid FIFTEEN BUCKS FOR THOSE THREE HOURS ARGHHHHHHH. LOL. 

Well the rest were quite nice to me LOL cause I was like sigh-ing quite often cause so tired then they still want go further!!!! And they kept asking me eh you tired or not want sit down and rest want to sit on the bike or not awwwz :3. 

Okay after we returned our bikes/skates at around 5 plus amos and guijin went to the beach to play in the water while the girls sat on the sand and I sat on Guijin's shirt.  

New app I downloaded last night when I couldn't sleep damn cool the effects even though I'm not sure how to save them to my own iPhone gallery AHAHAHA LOL. Called powercam I think. These two pictures are like the only ones I could save to my gallery and I don't even know how AHAHAHAHAHA LOL wtf!!!!! 

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL AMOS WILL BE SO MAD AT ME FOR POSTING THESE UP. Eh but he and Guijin body damn thin but quite nice one actually. AHAHAHA LOL. 

And a totally non relevant pokemon picture I saw on Faceook AHAHAHAA LOL DAMN CUTE RIGHT WAHLAOOOO especially the bunny mudkip one and the snake!!!!!!! AHAHHAHA LOL omg . 

Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself.
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday.
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you.
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias.
Day 5 - Six songs that you're addicted to.
Day 6 - Five things you can't live without.
Day 7 - Four memories you won't forget.
Day 8 - Three words you can't go a day without.
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do.
Day 10 - One person you can trust.

Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias.

1. Death. 
2. Beehives (mainly cause of the appearance of it yuck). 
3. Mangrove tree roots? And thin tubes clustered together sticking out of the ground. 
4. The supernatural? 
5. (Extreme) Pain..? 
6. Ending up in Hell. 
7. Being paralysed.  


"You shot the bullet, you shot the bullet that killed me, not feeling my heart beat and I was dying. I, I've been through it, I, I've been through the agony. And now my eyes are drying, trying, no more crying like it's just a game. So disaster strikes and I'm alright cause my love's on his way."  
Disaster, JoJo. 

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