Friday, December 23, 2011



You can talk about the topics in a video, just a text post or both! I think videos are best because it’ll capture the real emotion of the topic. You can make the videos/text post long or short, meaningful or not, it’s what you prefer.

Day 1: What has been your most memorable moment in 2011?
Day 2: How much have you changed overall in 2011?
Day 3: A person who has impacted your life in some way this year.
Day 4: Something you’ve learned this year.
Day 5: Describe an adventure you had this year.
Day 6: Any words of wisdom/advice for anyone?
Day 7: 10 things you want to say 10 people.
Day 8: Things you hope for in 2012.
Day 9: What are you looking forward to in 2012?
Day 10: Anything you wish to say to end 2011/start 2012.

Doing it all at once again, even tho it's not the end of 2011 yet LOL.

Day 1: What has been your most memorable moment in 2011?
I have quite a lot but if I had to choose one period of time where it was the most memorable one.. It'd have to be the June holiday period. Was very happy during that period :). Like the only time I was sad there was when I'd miss my friends when I was overseas.

Day 2: How much have you changed overall in 2011?
I guess I didn't really change that much, although I did learn a few more things about life.

Day 3: A person who has impacted your life in some way this year.
Andy, in a good way LOL ☺. AHAHA LOL I mentioned him like so many times on my blog already LOL but I know he reads this so HI ANDY GAN DONG MAH. You may cry now LOL.

Day 4: Something you’ve learned this year.
Learned that I shouldn't take people for granted because everybody's bound to leave eventually.

Day 5: Describe an adventure you had this year.
I guessed I didn't really have an adventure this year LOL. IS WORK ATTACHMENT COUNTED CAUSE THAT WAS SO HARD AND TIRING.

Day 6: Any words of wisdom/advice for anyone?
Same as day four's question and answer, LOL. And never expect anything from anyone. Don't put your hopes up too high lol, and set realistic expectations. Pray :).

Day 7: 10 things you want to say 10 people.
1. AY: Thanks for always being there. Told you this a million times already but hey, another time won't hurt. I'm sorry if I get unreasonable at times. And thanks for always staying back with me after school/coming back to school during the holidays to do work/staying up till 4am to study and teach me Physics A Maths Chemistry LOL and everything else for MYE 2011 (even though I still got like 46/100 D:) AHAHAHAHAHAA LOL. I hate you for being so smart and asdfghjkl your handwriting so cute one!!!!!!! AHAHAHA LOL love you!

2. IA: Thanks for always being there for me, I do miss you and our stupid conversations and our name callings and going out for lunch and movies and everything else but hey, nothing much I can do. We're not really good friends anymore but well, just friends is better than nothing :).

3. KM: I've only known you for a whole this year, but you've been a good friend. We didn't talk much f2f this year, only texted and MSNed and FBed. Hope to talk more IRL next year and it wont be awkward!!!! AHAHAHA LOL.

4. SN: You're awesome, and it's kinda sad we stopped talking for a while. But I'm happy everything's fine now. Thanks for everything. Didnt expect we'd be kinda close friends but we did ever since you talked to me on FB to ask me about our class BBQ last November!!! I do hope we'll be closer next year LOL yay. Hope you find your sock. AHAHAHAHAHA LOL.


6. RN: I know how you feel now LOL.

7. TY: I'm sorry for that fight we had over Wordnesday. And this year we were involved in a whole lot of projects together and I'm glad you were the one who was doing it with me. Thanks for everything too :). Love youuuu TEEHEE.

8. KN: We're not as close as we used to be but we still are! I do like the times we stayed back together with Andy and gang to do homework (and eat cheese hotdog prata LOL). See you next year in the same class for the 7th year ;). AHAHAHAHA LOL. I hope you see me see dao sian le. I STILL LOVE YOU AND I KNOW YOU LOVE ME TOO LOL.

9. KY: HI I LOVE YOU. And I'm so sad we didn't get to be in the same class this year :( but it's okay!! We're still as good as ever, yayyyyyy. Miss you so much :'( SEE YOU IN SCHOOL.

10. NG/ZY (okay la now you guys can probably guess how I name all this people in this post like which letters represents what LOL): FRIDAY LUNCH DATES make me broke but it's okay at least it's productive!!! Go and update your blog la wahlao >:(. OKAY SEE YOU IN BAND LOVE YOU LOL.

Day 8: Things you hope for in 2012.
I hope the world doesn't end, and I hope I'll be more hardworking LOL and score 10 for my L1R4!!!

Day 9: What are you looking forward to in 2012?
SCHOOL REOPENING even though I'm very sure I'll regret saying this AHAHA LOL. And moving to my new house yay new room LOL. AND PROM NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND CHINESE NEW YEAR AND MY BIRTHDAY YAY MONEY AHAHAHAHA LOL $_$ <<<< this is Mr Money Face LOL.

Day 10: Anything you wish to say to end 2011/start 2012.
LOL no, not really. BRING IT ON.