Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 in a glance.


So was reading Huiting's blog just now and saw her like what happened in 2011 post and haha reminded me to do mine which I told myself I would not do until 31st December or something. Well it's 1:41 am now so it is technically 31st December. And I confirm also cannot sleep so whatever. Gonna cheat a lot and just read from my posts LOL and summarise it all up h3h3h3z. I guess all the events I'm going to write about isn't like THAT major LOL (some of them la LOL) but important to me LOL :).


Wedding lunch at Bugis the hotel there lol doesn't really affect me but hey, the picture was nice LOL. 

So in 2011, we became sec three's. Which was a pretty big deal. I was separated from Weiling Jannelle and Kim :( but it was okay since I had Ng Tim and KL with me in 3E1 (yes all boys). I chose to take Double Pure Science, and that means I had to take A Maths. It's like buy two get one free. Don't want free they also want give you.

Was actually quite excited about A Maths LOL joke, cause the book very nice *crow flies over head*. Found it super hard to cope with all the upper sec stress. So used to being released at 1.40pm, but now (well then) as sec three's we could only be released at like 2.50 and CCA starts at 3.30. Best. No more lunch outside of school :(. Chinese teacher scared me, A Maths was hard, Science's was hard, and I had no art to look forward to. Basically I hated Sec Three life LOL.


Was referee for the sports competition for sec one's LOL. 

My father won it in a lucky draw LOL 32 GB okay!!!! 
LOL and I spoilt my Aino. 

Started to stay back in school to do homework LOL. 


Discovered my secret SEQ talent AHAHAHAA LOL. Topped the class with 12/13 for my essay woot. Was named MVP by Miss Seow. Remembered bragging about it to Isa lol. Discovered my love for being a goalie in handball. Decided I was going to take a Tourism course in Poly AHAHA LOL. 

Started on my pad book ;). 

Started going to the coffee shop for lunch and to do homework with Ng LOL. When our Friday lunch dates first started to originate (is that a word AHAHA LOL). 

Went to some school for band exchange (I am a horrible blogger all the events also never write down where and what psh). Saw Shu Hang cause his school was also there LOL and talked to his friend through SMS cause Shu Hang told me to. Was hoping a new friendship would spark but meh the conversation ended in like ten minutes -_-.


Passed my first Physics test AHAHA LOL.

SYF sound check LOL. First time I laid my eyes on their mallets LOL. Chio max. LOL the sec fours will still with us :'). Remembered I sat with Ng on the bus to and back LOL and I ate sushi. 

Isa bought Reese from someone at like four dollars (original price two dollars lol) for me aww. 

Met Isa and Amos and Kim at Mac's for breakfast. And yeah if you noticed Isa is wearing the Topaz shirt and not Ruby cause he changed houses so he could sit with Topaz lol joke. Found out he had brown eyes haha lol. 

Mr Teo entrusted me with his bag LOL. And I sat on Isa's shirt cause I didn't want to sit on the grass LOL. 

Found out about Wasabi San!!!!! 
Ate there with Ng and Chuanyin LOL. 

Caught 'I am number four' with Kim Keith Tan Aloy and Isa at Kallang Leisure Park. 

LOL said Andy was awesome. Sang in Chinese class LOL and got second place after Huiting. All star team for handball for the first time! Found out about Australia's trip? LOL and realised I could not go for Sec Three CIP trip LOL. Sadgirl96 cause I've been looking forward to like Sec 3 CIP lol since like sec one or two. Figured out how to download Sims 3 Custom Content LOL. 

Went out with Jannelle and Kimberly, and Awesome 5 during March holidays LOL. Softball had their chalet on our Awesome 5 outing and Isa Nasrul (?) and Aloy came to find us LOL with their junior. 

ANTM cycle 16 came out!!!! 

John Lim our then subs teacher now full time (?) said he likes me cause I keep asking question during Maths Class AHAHAHA LOL. 

Yaaaaay my father got it as a surprise for me AHAHA LOL. 

Band practices on Saturday to practice for SYF (which we got Silver for!!!!) LOL. 


Met Hongwei :) when I stayed over at Jingwen's house and he came over to study and we ended up catching a movie LOL (Jingwen lie to me say his name called Jeremiah psh). Horrible angle but whatever la ;( and LOL my hair was so disguting LOL. 

Created a Twitter like finally cause Jingwen keep asking me to LOL. PASSED MY 2.4 KM RUN LIKE ON THE FIRST TRY AHAHAHA LOL even though I was sick halfway but I was like aiya just get it over and done with and meh I got really sick by the time I finished AHAHA LOL BUT I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!! AND LOL Hongwei texted me get well soon AHAHAHA LOL so random LOL. Got my first Forever 21 clothes LOL that I rarely wear now LOL. 

Did an about me video for Chinese IN CHINESE AHAHA LOL. Got close to Andy around this point LOL. 

And somewhere along March or April or something LOl, Timothy Ng KL and I were the organising commitee for Wordnesday, some game we do like every once in a week, and it was so cool cause I GOT TO MAKE MORNING ASSEMBLY ANNOUNCEMENTS IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL AHAHAHA LOL. I did it like twice, once in front of the whole school once through the intercom speaker thingy LOL and I liked it a lot so was really happy when I found out about the Wordnesday thing LOL.  

More pictures here

Napha test! Got closer to band mates ♥. 

Started preparation for MYE. Stayed up till like 3 am to study with Andy on my iPod MSN AHAHA LOL. Pinned up my fringe more AHAHA LOL. 


MYE exam period.... :(. 

Then after exams went to catch Fast and Furious 5 with LOL Isa Nasrul Kim and Hyon!  

Failed A Maths, both my Pure Sciences and Chinese lol super demoralising. Rebonded my hair LOL and changed my specs :). 



Went to Australia for 13 days LOL. 
Furthest and longest I've been overseas LOL. Post here

Taken by Hongwei AHAHA LOL. 

Jingwen's chalet LOL. Where we went out with Hongwei again and he even stayed over AHAHA LOL. 

Band camp 2011 :). Formed Lesbians! 

Hosted a school from China and this is my buddy Pei Pei LOL she's so cute!!! 

AHAHAHA LOL did some Chinese project thing LOL. Got bacterial sore throat LOL. Took A Maths retest in the hall when I still had sore throat meh. 


Racial Harmony Quiz :) AHAHA LOL which was fun!!! 

Studying more with Andy :). AHAHA LOL MR LOO COMMENT. 


Stayed over at Jingwen's house again. Spent 40 minutes in front of her room's mirror trying to tie my hair for the concert later on LOL. 

Performed with band in Fengshan CC for National Day. Played the bass drum for National Anthem yay!! 

Was super sad that our conductor decided to cancel out one song cause that song I learnt how to play the crash cymbals for it :( and I didn't get a chance to show case my true crash cymbal talent!!!! SMSed Andy all the way and was sad when he couldn't come :(. 

National Day celebration in school :). Andy was marching and I promised him I would scream GO ANDY for him. I REALLY DID DURING THE ACTUAL MARCHING (WHEN THE WHOLE SCHOOL WAS QUIET OKAY) AND MR TAN SCOLDED ME AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA LOL but it's alright ;). Celebrated my birthday with one third of the class and Timothy (who was birthday coordinator with me) bought my favourite chocolate and banana cake from Awfully Chocolate even though I was just joking when I told him to buy it for me!!! Ate a bit before rushing back to the band room to bring up our instruments to the hall for concert :). 

Performed in school concert with band. Played the mallets and for one song I played the cowbell AHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL and Azwan kept laughing at me LOL. After performing rushed back to the hall to sit with Andy and gang :). 

Went out with Clique 4 on 8th August after the concert :). 


Andy wished me happy birthday like four times ♥. Through phone call, MSN, SMS, Facebook. And another time on Facebook AHAHA LOL. 

Skyped with Andy at 2 am! 

Got closer to Guijin. iPod screen cracked LOL. 

Radio station tour to 92.4fm. Worst day of 2011. Long story. 


Performed for my school's 10th year anniversary lunch. 

Got my eye swollen.

AHAHAHA LOL cause a lot of people can't see the swollen part AHAHA LOL got another picture of it clearer but LOL I deleted it already :(. 

LOL found out about my stats! 

Found out about Megan and Liz :). 

Grad day for band members :(. Made graduation video but meh. 

And like all my friends in sec three lol GOT A ROLE IN BAND except for me. Bloody unfair I swear -.-. Super angry that day lol. 

Got the worst ulcer of my life LOL. The bigger one split into half and I think there was another one. YES IT SUCKS SO BAD. 

Wedding dinner! 

Everybody was talking about how pretty my cousins were in front of the three of us. Yeah whatever I'm like foreverugly -.-. Had Chinese Oral!!! America's Next Top Model Cycle 17 All Stars came out! Until now also havent finish watching AHAHA LOL. Attempted to cut my own fringe and failed


Stayed back in school more to do work and prepare my notes for EOY. Slacked with Gan on one fine day. 

Stayed back and we accompanied Danish whose feet was broken AHAHA LOL and watched his friends play soccer and played with Aikel's camera (didn't dare to use Kengpum's LOL cause I didn't know him yet and it looked so huge and expensive LOL). 

Sec 4 NA students last day of school for the year before their N Levels ;(. AHAHA LOL met Kengpum (and Aikel and Gabriel Gan and others LOL) on that day and he even talked to me on this day later at night okay AHAHA LOL. LOL he wanted to ask where I bought my camera cause he overheard me talking about my camera to Gan and Danish LOL. 


Talked more to Kengpum on Facebook messenger and one day before my A Maths exam (I STILL REMEMBERED CAUSE I WAS AT LONG JOHN'S WITH KIM AND NG AND ZOONSHANG STUDING LINEAR LAWS LOL) I asked him for his number LOL and he was like nah it's more appropriate for me to ask you that, so can I have you number? AHAHAHA LOL so we changed from FB to SMS LOL. Joke. But anyway he went back to Thailand so we switched to FB AGAIN. 

Went to Pizza Hut with Ng after our last paper LOL. 

Went out with Clique 4 to go shopping LOL and took our first neoprints together LOL. 

Weiling and Jannelle introduced me to the best froyo on Earth AHAHA LOL. 

PASSED ALL OF MY SUBJECTS EXCEPT FOR A MATHS. Had Sports Fiesta. Did awesome for 3/4 of the game for Handball :). I WAS THE GOALIE. 


Bridging >:(. Uploaded another video of us in class it's at the end of this post!!! 

Had my A Maths retest (which I passed!!!!!!!!) :). Went to TM and saw Kengpum and Afiq :). Practiced for our end of the year concert, got scolded a lot for Ocean Breeze March cause I kept screwing up the solo LOL. 


Went to Genting and Malacca again LOL. Started using Whatsapp to talk to Kengpum and Andy when I was overseas LOL. KENGPUM WENT BACK TO THAILAND AGAIN GRRR. FOREVER ONE. 

Went out with Clique 4 again to watch Tin Tin LOL. 


December 4th had our awesome band concert AND I PLAYED OCEAN BREEZE MARCH VERY WELL LOL INCLUDING MY SOLO BUT NOBODY TOOK A VIDEO OF IT AHAHAHA LOL SADGIRL96 WAHLAO LOL. Went ECP with Amos Guijin Ruiqi Jieling and Beitriss LOL. Roller bladed for a loooooooooooong distance LOL. 

Took a picture with Celestin Loh after our concert LOL and her friends mentioned us in her vlog!!!!!! 

Highest ever page view for the day LOL. 

Finished work attachment at around the second week of December LOL. LIKE FINALLY OMG AHAHAHAHA LOL. 

Went back to school a few times to study with Gan LOL. 

Went to USS with Shaynnie and Lynn LOL.

Christmas :)!
Changed my specs and rebonded my hair (rebonding sucked). 

Spent New Year's Eve with Danish Shaha Gan and Shaik LOL doing sec one orientation gifts and eating dinner at Mac's. 
Danish is awesome at art LOL. 


We were watching this video Kengpum sent to me on Christmas AHAHHA LOL AND COULD NOT STOP LAUGHING AHAHAHA LOL. 

Overall just had a wonderful dinner (LOL I used 'wonderful', how fancy) with them haven't laughed this long for a while now LOL. And my hair can finally be washed. TO BE ABLE TO BATHE IS A BLESSING.

Okay that is all for my 2011 in a glance post took me damn long to write this okay!!!!!! AHAHA LOL I spent like 3 or 4 hours on this :(. Well in overall I guess 2011 was a pretty good year AHAHA LOL. Learnt a lot of new things, LOL discovered my love for handball goaling (AHAHA LOL my verb for being a goalie LOL), discovered I could do a lot of things LOL. And I think I kinda became more aware about OCD AHAHA LOL. Did some research about it AHAHA LOL and I am 95% sure I have it LOL. And I'm sorry if this post wasn't really that interesting AHAHA LOL but I took a really long time LOL :(. 

I went through sec three, bring it on sec four life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
JIAYOU JERLYN. And a happy new year to you guys :).

Uploaded a few more random videos AHAHA LOL. 
Yes the title is kinda lame AHAHA LOL BUT WHATEVER LOL. Video of Kaiwen playing with Phoebe AHAHA LOL damn cute LOL!!! 

Another one of the videos we took in class during bridging AHAHAHA LOL cause I was bored LOL. Haven't put annotations but it's okay AHAHA LOL. The video still LOL I look so pale. 

And a random 5 second video of a bird on St Phillip's island in Melbourne AHAHAHHAAHAHA LOL post about this place still not up yet AHAHA LOL.

And I'm so happy LOL today suddenly got like 13 likes on my DP AHAHAHA LOL.

I know to some of you all not that much la but whatever I happy can already!!! AHAHAHA LOL. Going to upload some more pictures later. And in my defence I only asked 2 people to like it AHAHA LOL. 

My blog is on Weiling's top sites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWWW.

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