Friday, September 2, 2011

Swollen eye :(.

Got back report slip for CA2 marks? Well I think it's CA2 AHAHAHA. 

My chinese marks are like higher than my English ones.. power right I know.  

And my left eye is swollen!!!! It began to hurt like on Tuesday or Wednesday, then on Thursday I began to like notice it more and I started asking the other band members whether it looked swollen or not! And they said it was lol. Oh and I went with Timothy to go buy drinks then I ask him to help me get ice from the drinks stall aunty! She so nice, always give me ice for free hehehe. That time when Tony threw the tennis ball into my eye it also hurt so I asked Mrs Lee to excuse me and Timothy so he could go and help me get ice LOL. Everytime I need ice for my eyes Timothy always help me get LOL AHAHAHAHA. 

So I went to research on how to cure swollen eyes! AND LOL AHAHAHA THE CAUSE AND ALL THE EXPLANATION SO CHEEM ZOMG WTH LOL :(. 

"Eye puffiness, also known as "puffy eyes" or swelling around the eyes, refers to the appearance of swelling in the tissues around the eyes, called the orbits. Eye puffiness, a form of edema, is usually caused by fluid buildup. While some degree of puffiness may be normal for a given individual, factors such as age and fatigue may make the swelling more prominent. The periorbital tissues are most noticeably swollen immediately after waking, perhaps due to the gravitational redistribution of fluid in the horizontal position."

Oh, and taken from The waking up part was true though LOL :O. 

It took me quite long to take a picture of my own eye... LOL SO IF YOU ZOOM IN ON THE NEXT PICTURE YOU CAN SEE ME IN FRONT OF THE MIRROR WITH MY NIKON AHAHAHAHA LOL. Oh and this like the zoomed in of the picture I took! Cause too near I couldn't get my camera to focus AHAHAHA LOL. 
Can you see a bit of swelling outside! On this side ^^^^^^^. It's redder irl. 

AHAHA LOL THIS PICTURE LOOKS KINDA FREAKY BUT CAN YOU SEE THERE'S LIKE SWELLING INSIDE MY EYE :(. So like when I close it or something it touches my eye ball and makes it hurt :(!! You see the hint of white at the reddish area there.. well yeah that's where the swelling is. If you can't see it.. I really won't bother trying to explain it further. 

LOL Amanda went to put ice on my eye during yesterday's lunch LOL.. like directly NO TISSUE OR ANYTHING AND IT WAS FREEZING COLD SIA LOL AHAHAHAHA. And I shall label this post under 'Sick' also LOL AHAHAHAHAHAA.

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