Monday, September 26, 2011


Wah, everytime I don't blog on a certain day my views go down by like legit half...........*brbcrying*.

Erm that's why in September my posts suddenly so much lorhz! All because I can look at the stats LOL AHAHAHAA. Okay anyway just to explain myself :(. 

Exams coming, in like 10 or 9 days wtf, and I have so much things left to do, and so much things to do. Practice test papers, write my notes. I really don't want to do badly even though sometimes I need so much just to start working on my notes or homework. But on the bright side... once I start I will start :). Kind of. Then I'll go for a break and.... then yeah you know what happens :B. AHAHAHAA LOL BUT I REALLY DO HAVE TO WORK HARD LOL :(. 

So yeah, please do forgive me I know everyone's using the same reason cause it's true lorh wahlao :(. And I already have the Australia Day Seven post's pictures halfway on my blog's drafts so that entry will be up soon... probably by next weekend, or if not after my exams!!! 

Erm so to make it up to you guys I shall leave like three pictures I took that I thought turned out really pretty!!! And I took this from the draft about Day 7 in Australia so you'll probably see this again AHAHAHAAA LOL BUT IT'S SO PRETTY :'). 

I like the cactus one the most though. AHAHAHAA LOOOOOOOLZ praise me. The Cactus photo was taken in Queen Victoria's Market and the other two plants one are from some park... In Australia. OKAY MORE ON THAT IN MY AUSTRALIA POST LOVE YOU GUYS. I'm going to write my notes for Social Studies nao like a goodgirl96 AHAHAHAAAA LOOOL. 

Oh and my new profile picture thing at the side of this blog was taken at this park too! Pretty right! Green grass + sunlight is the best to take photos with lorh, the photos turn out damn pretty lorhz wtf *cries tears of joy*. 

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