Friday, September 16, 2011

My sad cookie story.

Lol.. erm this is me showing Zoon Shang my ulcer. 

It tore into half :'( and now everytime I smile the ulcer skin thing grabs on to my teeth and it tugs it!!!!! Wah lao super pain sia. Oh today when I was lining up for Subway cookies this small boy and old man in front of me was buying their sets (they took super long!!!! I almost wanted to cut their Q first since I only buying cookies but I didn't cause I'm just that nice LOL) I was like hoping and hoping that they wouldn't take the cookies I wanted cause LEFT LIKE ONE MORE RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE AND DOUBLE CHOCOLATE CHIP SO I WAS LIKE PLEASEEEEEE DON'T TAKE THAT OR ELSE I'LL BE SO SAD :'( *heart shatters*. Then.. slowly.. they order.. then suddenly.. the old man said.. give me that raspberry cheesecake one (for his grandson the little boy)....................................

But it's alright *wipes tear*.....
Cause the man also took away my double chocolate chip. He was like.. Erm... just give me the last cookie there...............................


I was so sad. But anyway I bought myself a Triple Berry Bar just to try and three cookie to da bao back hehehez. I bought White Chip (which IS MY NEW (ALMOST) FAVOURITE ZOMG IT'S SO GOOD but the raspberry cheescake one still the best worhzxc *heart shatters remembering what happened just now*) and 2 chocolate chip. And the chocolate chips one were a new batch (HNNG!!) and they had LESSER CHOCOLATE CHIPS I WAS SO HAPPY CAUSE I HATE TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE CHIPS CAUSE I LOVE THE BATTERRRRR #pickypickypicky. 

It was so good omnomnomnomz. Erm okay that's my useless post of the day AHAHAHAHAZ LOL I am so cute. 

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