Saturday, September 3, 2011

Australia Day Six, Part 2! 200th post! Including all my drafts LOL AHAHAHAHA.

The part two pictures appeared magically into the Day Six album!!!!!!!!!!! LOL okay anyway here it is.. super boring and plain but I have to complete this or else it won't feel complete! 

Continuing on from my shoes!

My mum trying on boots which she later regretted not buying LOL AHAHAHAHAHA. 

Random bird we saw which I took a video of hehe. 

Then buffet dinner at Crown which was crazy we got like this huge crazy bowls of prawns (I don't know why I didn't take a picture of them AHHHHHH) and we couldn't finish them all cause we had like two more bowls we could redeem but we didn't LOL AND THEY WERE CRAZY GOOD PRAWNS ZOMG PRAWN CRAVINGGGGG. 

Then our parents went to the casino and gave me and my brother like seventy dollars worth of credit to play in the arcade LOL AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

Okay this was embarrassing this angmoh guy came up to us and asked us if we wanted his tickets cause he didn't want them AND I WAS LIKE YOU DON'T WANT UH in a Singaporean accent wth embarrassing much I had to repeat myself like three times :(. All in different accents and sentence structures AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 

Counting the tickets EHEHEHEHEHE. 



LOL and after that we had ice cream (yes I ate a lot in Australia wth). 


And some random poster I saw that I wanted to take a picture of AHAHAHAHAA LOL. 

So cute but we didn't get to ride on it :((((. 

And supper back home yes zomgwth more food :( eat till stuffed wth LOL AHAHAHAHAHA OH AND THE INTERNET CONNECTION HERE IN THE CITY WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN IN THE COUNTRY SIDE (That's what I shall call it LOL AHAHAHAHAHAA)!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Okay abrupt ending sorry for the very boring and mundane post it's 2.13 am and I just got back from like watching The Smurfs LOL AHAHAHAHAA.

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