Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finally, a proper blog post.

Wedding dinner todayz! 

I know I haven't been posting any proper... interesting blog post for a long time (well it seems like a long time :O)! So I guess this shall count as one! But hey, compared to the past two ones I don't care this shall be counted as a proper one. Except it's like 2.10am in the morning and I'm so lazy to grab the pictures from Facebook (the ones I took with my Nikon) and you can't blame me because it's 2.10 am (I REPEAT AGAIN, 2.10 AM)!!!! Even though I woke up at like 3pm AHAHAHA

I'm thinking of changing my blog name to since drenchedinthesun was like so long ago when I was obsessed with Open Eyes by Debby Ryans and it sounds so melancholy and all sad and all when I don't even post about sad things and stuff (YEAH YEAH I KNOW I ONLY POST ABOUT RANDOM THINGS LIKE ULCERS AND PEANUT BUTTER BREAD FINE I GET IT *stomps floor*). So maybe I will. Just not today cause I can't bear to change my URL :(. 

Oh and my mum didn't upload all the photos of the wedding onto Facebook INCLUDING THE ONES OF ME AND JINGWEN ACTING CUTE AND OUR CAMWHORE PICTURES AND ME AND KAIWEN'S BLUR-BUT-I-STILL-LOOK-NICE PHOTOS :(. Shall upload on my own tomorrow+the rest of the photos during my outing with Kimberly and Clarabelle+ photos when I cooked Laksa (which tasted horrible cause we added like scrambled eggs inside yuck thinking about it makes me want to puke) with Jingwen AHAHAHA LOL. 

Oh and my dress is so unflattering at certain angles and every time I take picture must be wary of how  I stand and all :(. I wanted to wear my five dollar dress I bought from Cotton On but my mum didn't want me to cause I had no belt to pair it with + all my other dress belts were too big for me already hehehehez. Well anyway here's a picture I manage to kope from the album. 

Here's a flattering picture of me AHAHAHAAz. I was trying to get the rest to act cute along with me and I don't do this all the time horh!! 

Oh and today this cute waiter was asking me if I wanted another glass of orange juice and I was SUCKING ON MY THUMB CAUSE I HAD YUMMY CHICKEN SAUCE ON IT (don't judge me I bet you'll do the same I mean you can't just waste it right!!!!!!!!!!!!) SO EMBARRASSING ZOMG D:. 

Note to self: Replace label "Posts with a few pictures" to "Posts with pictures"and apply on other posts!! 

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