Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Here's something.

Cause I realised what a turn off my messy hair picture in my previous post was as the first entry of my blog :(. 

So oh look a distraction! 

Chemistry test tomorrow. I am very prepared to do badly or fail. I don't understand a single thing.

Peter Says London Can Make Aluminium.
Potassium Sodium Lithium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium. Zinc Iron Tin Lead Copper Mercury Silver Gold.
All except Gold reacts with oxygen... and that's like all I know wtf. And that lead oxide is yellow. Argh, some times I just hate Chemistry so so much.

I'm just going to add in what I have to say here cause I don't want this post to look so short LOOL AHAHAHAHAHA. AND YOU KNOW WHAAAAAT. Today's Chemistry test was da bomb, I think I can pass. Cause Miss Nadiah says hint, study your TYS. And she said this on one of the tests we had last time on Acids Bases and Salts AND AHAHAHA LOL WHEN SHE SAYS STUDY YOUR TYS CAUSE MOST OF THE QUESTIONS ARE FROM THERE........ she's not joking.

So yesterday I stayed up to study the reactivity series with Andy and then just read and try to like memorise the answers for the MCQ (in case she decides to switch around the multiple choices, you know. Cause I was like in class before the test AIYA JUST MEMORISE THE ANSWERS FOR THE MCQ PART LAH *voice of desperation* and she was like Oh I can change the answers around too you know, so don't just memorise the letters!). And I did... and also like read through the Section B's part the answers that she went through LOL AHAHAA CAUSE CONFIRM GOT MOTIVE FOR GOING THROUGH THOSE CERTAIN ONES.

And I did so the questions in MCQ were like 9/10 from TYS if I'm not wrong lorhzxc. Hope I don't make careless mistakes cause even though I kinda know what's some of the answers... I don't think I phrased it correctly. Just hope I pass :(. 

Oh and today was Miss Nadiah's birthday and before that was Physics and Teo Chun Min was going through the practice paper and I was like panicking CAUSE ZOMG WHAT IF SHE COME ALREADY NO TIME TO DRAW ON THE BOARD HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETC. So I kept like saying out loud to rush him wtf like when he says okay do you understand I was like super loud and said YES YES (even though I really kinda wasn't really listening D:). Wah I feel so bad lah :'(.

So anyway me and Timothy as like the birthday coordinators thing for our class we decided to like do birthday's for the teacher also, so Timothy bought the cake yesterday and cause I only remembered it was Miss Nadiah's birthday like only one day before I had like no time to do THE CARD :( so I just drew on the board.

And I drew in a rush and when she going to come in I was like ZOMG SO UGLY :(!!!! Say until damn loud I think she heard that's why when she was erasing the board to go through our TYS she was like.. Can I erase this sorry.. and sorry _______. I think she said my name and even Xinhui turned to look at me so I guess so leh SO PAISEH ZOMG.

Oh and LOL the whole class also sang a Happy Birthday song to her when she came in (Kai Lun tried distracting her just in case I couldn't finish writing on the board in time and we off-ed the lights just so she wouldn't like see it so fast lah LOL AHAHAHA) and the cake was on the table and she was so touched lorh it's like can see it in her face. She was like covering her whole face and all and then she said she said she was like speechless AWWWWWW :).

So happy leyh, that I was like a part of it :). Teo Chun Min and Loo Liat Siang's birthday next!!!!! Hope I can make up to Teo Chun Min for being so rude during his lessons :( (cause he always don't scold me so I take advantage of it AND I FEEL SO BAD NOW ZOMG OKAY MUST IMPROVE MYSELFZZ).

Okay super long ranting but AHAHAHAHAA LOL TOO BADZ.

Just heard this song over the radio and I thought it was new and I liked it so much and I kept singing it today in class and Kai Lun and they all were like... That's a very old song, since last year. I feel so outdated :(. 

But I like it ♥! 

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