Sunday, September 18, 2011

Nikon wedding pictures!

My neck muscles hurt. Sow like 7/8 of the day today I've been tilting my head like 45 degrees cause it hurts if I move to the left too much or look back or like exert pressure... You get what I mean. So now I have this salonpas plaster thingy that just burns up my whole neck and it doesn't work.... yet.

I think I damn suay sia wahlao. Swollen eye ulcer that tore into half (AHAHA my own.. hypothesis) and NOW  NECK MUSCLE SUAN :(. Wahlao everything restrict my movement I feel so sadz.


But today I did my A Maths homework and I am proud to say I done most of it all by myself today hehehehez (with help from the textbook also lah LOL AHAHAHAA) and I am so happy with myself :))) I ♥ Further Trigo. 

Okay anyway like I said... pictures from the wedding dinner yesterday from my Nikon.. just in case you haven't seen the album on Facebook yet. Yeah the album's name very nice tyvm ;). 

I think Kaiwen look very handsome on that day leyh!! 
Jingwen, Kaiwen, me, Pamelia. 

Hiak hiak can you spot my brother! Us walking around the hotel cause we were bored :(. 

Check out my pretty heels wtf so nice. From Charles and Keith, I think we couldn't get it in my size in City Square mall so we went to Suntec to get it! Wore it like... thrice only hehez but it's so pretty!! 


Me trying to open up the cupcake. Imagine my delight when I saw this whole table full of cupcakes zomg :'). Cause lately I've been reading Shiberty's blog and wahlao she bakes the most prettiest muffins everytime I see I hungry. Doesn't help that I usually read her blog at night at like 1am :(. 

Unglam shot of me trying to figure out a way to eat my cupcake cause it was like stuck in the paper cup thingy and I couldn't just bite off the cream and get my mouth all creamy right :(!! (But eventually that's how I ate it anyway sheesh). 

Still trying to figure it out LOLL EPIC FACE AHAHAHAHAHAA. Wearing my Hello ring from Bugis 3 for 5 dollars... must go buy some more rings the next time I'm there :(. So cheap, some more all adjustable and all damn nice sia. Was contemplating whether to buy six or three. Regret buying only three :'(. But hey, better than nothing! 


In the ball room! 

Poor Kaiwen had to sit at the red table (the VIP one) cause they had like extra seats or something and Kaiwen was the... open-door-for-the-car boy etc so they asked him SO HE WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM OUR TABLE :(. LOL lucky Pamelia and Jingwen didn't go they almost went with him >:(!!!! 

Cherie!! Inside her Angry Bird pouch is a Smurfette toy from Macdonald's Happy Meal LOOOL AHAHAHA I WANT :(. 

We I tried using portrait mode which had flash and the pictures turned out so unflattering so I changed it to no flash mode which looks so much better lorhzxc. 

AHAHA Cherie trying to put a rose in my hair. Poor Jingwen had to act amused and fascinated (eh she ownself say one horh) when the young kids came up to us to show us some 'magic' tricks. (Which consisted of them hiding in a curtain and 'disappearing' LOOL). Me and Pamelia just got bored like after a few seconds AHAHAHAA LOL. 

I look cock eyed but I like Wanting's shirt!!!! I bet it's from Cotton On LOL AHAHAHA I've been wanting one like since forever but it's like 30 dollars :( I'm waiting for sale then I'll buyz AHAHAHAHA. 

AHAHAHA I like this shot that Jingwen took! 

AHAHAHA Jingwen entertaining the younger one's. 


Been back on Tumblr for a while now after MIA... soooooo click here for awesomeness. You're welcome :). 

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