Friday, September 30, 2011

Australia Day Seven!

Is it day seven or eight........................ So here it is I am supposed to be bathing I know my previous post also was written when I was supposed to bathe but I confirm you that post after I write halfway my mum came in and I had to stop writing so I bathed before I continued to write and then publish that post SO NOT COUNTED. 

Woke up, then went on our way to Queen Victoria Market. 

Some famous post office turned into shopping centre/landmark?? 


AND ZOMG ONE OF MY FAVOURITES (but eat too much will sian one lolz). 
CHURROS! Sprinkled with icing sugar and my father bought a cup of chocolate also cause people were buying it too so I wanted to try it LOL AHAHAHAHA. 
I fell in love with Churros like ever since I went to USS with Sheryl Sheri and Weilin and Sheryl and Sheri bought churros and shared with me and zomgtheyweresofriggingood. There was stall that sold Churros near my apartment in Australia and I kept pestering my parents to buy (the day that I bought KFC) and we did and it wasn't all that nice maybe cause I was full + it was damn sweet. Not normal icing, it's like... you know the hard hard icing? Yeah that LOLZ. 

AHAHAHA SO SAD WE BOUGHT THE LAST FEW ONES. So they had to wait like 10 minutes for a new batch :). 

Jam donuts again omnomnomnomz. 

Nothing better than sugar coated donut filled with piping hot strawberry jam on a cold day wah I craving for churros and donuts now even though they were like super fattening but zomg drools. 

I LOVE UGGS I DON'T KNOW WHY PEOPLE DON'T LIKE WTF. My father bought me a pair the previous time he went to Australia for one week (AND I COULDN'T GO CAUSE WE HAD SCHOOL D:) cause I wanted one soooooooo badly but there was a hole in it like halfway through my trip :'(. And they're crazy expensive my parents didn't let me buy a new one cause expensive + where the heck are you going to wear Uggs in Singapore. And they almost wanted to throw away my Uggs :'(. 

Omnomnomnomz SUSHI AGAIN. 

I think I was trying to take that chio Angmoh girl <<<< AHAHAHAA LOOOOLZ. 

Pointless photo of a shihtzu in a pet store in the market cannot see the shihtzu some more wtf. 


I WANTED TO BUY THIS FOR _ _ _ CAUSE... I don't know LOL AHAHHAA damn funny max. 

And then we finished our shopping at the market and walked to find an ice cream shop. 

I was like damn -__________- when walking there cause wahlao so far+must walk+feet hurt+cold!!!!!!!!!!


And finally we reached wth. 

Mine is the durian and green tea one! 

Okay okay only lah I guess ._. and I was too full to finish. 


AHAHA you see like citizens just sprawled all over the park reading books or sleeping! So we copied them :3. 

AHAHAA LOL funny story behind this few pictures. Took a whole lot of our shadows trying to make shapes including L-O-V-E and this woman saw us and she offered to help us take a picture. 

And when we pose nicely already she was like..... No hand movements *imitates what we were doing* LOL AHAHAA I like them they're all so friendly lehz!! 

Pretty brown leaves. 

Erm I actually found this quite interesting LOL AHAHAHAA. 

Then we took a tram to... 


Erm no pictures of the shops cause I was too busy shopping tyvm. 

Went to eat at Nando's cause Jannelle told me they were nice! 

I don't really like the peri-peri sauce though... 

Damn small coca cola and sprite bottles wtf. 

Hot like mad, no joke. 

Some random bird that kept eating leftover fries. Some angmoh's actually put vinegar on their fries and we tried it too and it's actually quite nice leyh!!!! Give me tomato and garlic chili sauce anytime thoughz. 

Told you. 

Bird on a heater thing. 

After more shopping.................
Super tired siolz. 

My blog so must have picture of my ownself here BAHAHAHAHAHAA LOLZ. 

Family shot! 


Inside the tram on the way back! 

Ermm... some famous place. 

And then we saw this like performance going on about immigrants or something and I didn't really understand anything ._..

Kinda scary wtf. 

Sho bluez! 

AHAHAA LOLZ we rested at this chairs for like 10 minutes. 

AHAHAAZ LOL got some Hungry Jack's (Australia's version of Burger King) and we got a free sundae! 

LOLZ MUST. TRY. I made a lot of people in Singapore jealous by posting a picture of my Krispy Kreme donut. Mad expensive but wahlao Singapore cannot get :'(. 

AHAHA LOL Aaron Khoo and Kimberly's cousin commented and asked me from where cause they thought I bought it in Singapore AHAHAAZ LOL. 

And erm some random pictures of my shopping that I took in the apartment LOL AHAHAHA. 
Damn cheap stuff, but I only bought like bags and one notebook :(. ALMOST EVERYTHING WAS LIKE 3-5 DOLLARS and plus the clothes kinda remind me of like Cotton On. Too bad I didn't like crop tops then I THINK THERE HAVE SIA :(. 

Wallet and shirt from Valleygirl, the rest from Factorie. 
Wallet was around 9 dollars (when I talk about prices in this post it's usually like in Australian currency) (Most of you probably have already seen it cause I used it until it fell apart -________-), shirt was around 9 dollars too? Notebook 1 dollar, bag around like 5 dollars each. So sad the strap cannot adjust so much, it's like you know those type of belts then only got like a few holes unlike like normal bags wihch you can adjust to as high and as low as you want? Aiya, basically the bags were too long for me so I haven't use them yet. BUT THEY CHIO maybe can use as clutches idk I'll figure something out LOL AHAHAHAAA. 

The shirt looks damn ugly and unflattering in the picture so here's a picture of me wearing it! Not that bad actually wore a lot of times already worhz. 

Random souveniers to be given away or/and some to keep. The two pink pens at the top right hand corner was like less than ten dollars each + mad chio so my father bought two one for me and one for extra if we want to give it away!

This was all from the Cotton On at the outlet store except for my bag (also in my previous Australia's post). 
Shoes were two dollars (HNNNNNNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), bag was around 14 dollars at Equip (expensive if you convert but I use it so many times already all pay off already + I walked one whole round around the whole huge store before deciding I should buy it so I guess I really wanted it) It was like 19 dollars on the tag but when I pay only like 14 dollars. They had like a black one too but I really wanted brown more! 

Shorts 5 DOLLARS EACH. Dug through like the whole table full of shorts to find my size cause at that time I only had like one pair of shorts that like fit me exactly (I'm like Aus 8, US 6, UK4??)( The rest I had were like one or two size bigger (all from Sec 1 and Sec 2 ._.) so I just bought any shorts I could find my size in :O. 

AHAHA LOL looks damn measly. Bracelet from Equip also for like 5 dollars. Originally wanted to buy a bangle I saw from there for _ _ _  _ _ _ _ but I saw this and bought it for her instead BUT THEN HALFWAY THROUGH I DECIDED IT WAS SO NICE IT WAS GOING TO BE FOR ME LOL AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM SO BAD. I haven't like really worn it out though Dx. 

And okay abrupt ending again AHAHAA LOL FINALLY I'M DONEEEEEEEEEEE. 

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