Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm all sweaty and gross.

AHAHAHA just a quick post before I go and bathe........ I PASSED MY A MATHS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY CLASS TEST. 

They were like (almost) borderline passes except for Chemistry but that's not the point. Woot woot woot~. I thought I wouldn't pass Chemistry or do good for Chemistry (20/30 is okay okay!!) but I just memorised what I could and BAHAHAHA I PASSED woot woot. I even got one mark on a three mark question on blast furnaces and iron etc even though I totally didn't bother to study that part cause I WAS TOO LAZY AND DEMORALISED :(. But I think before the test people kept reciting that part so I guess I kinda remembered and I was like AIYA MAYBE COULD BE CORRECT so whatever I knew I just wrote LOOOOLZ. Awesome or what. Thank very much AHAHAHAHAHAAA LOOOOLZ. 

Gan, me and Seow! 

Bwahahahaha stayed back with Andy and gang (though he pangseh-ed me and the rest followed eventually bloooooddyyyyyy!!!) but it's okay *pats self on back* I still had Ng and Gan with me and Kim and Seow on another table LULZ. Oh and Kai Lun was the last to pang seh me aww :'). 

I think my face look damn crazy in this photo lulz AHAHAHA LOL. But imagine how happy I would be if our uniform becomes like compulsory to tuck in :( because I have this theory that tuck in will make me look taller cause like if tuck out will cover more of my like the leg area so yeah! Though people say tuck in usually is to make people with longer body look taller (I got longer legs than body) BUT I DON'T CARE I THINK IT ALSO APPLIES TO ME. Plus I look so cute lorhz please. 

Erm my drawing for the Fairy tales with a twist that Jacob needed + asked me to draw. Super rush + not much effort put into this + the castle like 2D and the cottage like 3D wtf + the total random-ness of the tornado in the middle of the picture + I was supposed to colour it but I didn't know until like just now when Jacob was like WHY IS IT BLACK AND WHITE. Whoops. 

Wah you know Jacob didn't come to school today so I didn't pass it to him lorhz, and HIS ENGLISH TEACHER COME FIND ME DURING LUNCH with a yellow post it with my name on it when he call me I was like wtf what have I done or gotten myself into now :(. 

AND AHAHAA LOL today Gan was doing her Science homework and she asked me... why do we have to add alcohol to the leaf when we want to test for starch? 

And I was like, To make the change more PROMINENT (erm like obvious lah). 
CHEEM NOT WTF I SO PROUD OF MYSELF SOME MORE IT'S LIKE COME NATURALLY ONE. Even though Ng was like PSHH. But his level of cheem-ness in vocabulary is so much more higher than me so I don't care BAHAHAHAA LOOOLZ. 

Okay I am done with my random post of the day maybe I should do like tags that are like random post of the day AHAHAHA LOOLZ GOOD IDEA NOT. I shall. 

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