Tuesday, November 1, 2011

As promised hehehehez.

Today is 1/11/11!
AHAHA LOL finally remembered to bring my memory card for Weitat to help me transfer the pictures yay ♥!! AHAHAHA LOL oh and before I start on my shopping trip post look!! 

The $69 shoes I mentioned in my previous post! Omg chio or not :'(. Okay lah I think it looks like men's shoes but... :(. Okay anyway. 

Went out with Clique 4 on the Monday before we got back our results (yes super recent lah I so updated hohoho) and I finally uploaded all the photos up yay! 

Planned to meet up with Kim and Weiling at Tampines interchange at like 10 am (yes crazy I know we damn kiasu cause we originally wanted to check out H&M one AHAHA LOL). Then Kimberly was late................................ by like one hour plus. She woke up at 10 ._.. I had to call her mum AHAHA LOL and her mum called her and 'scolded' her AHAHA LOL so funny omg. 

Oh and Weiling's cookies, delishhhh. 

After she woke up we told her to meet us at Simei instead where we were planning to meet Jannelle AHAHA LOL and we ate at Starbuck's wooo. 
Pie that tasted like lasagne and it was so good omg but so ex >:(. 

Weiling's cookies!!! 

Jannelle's. Meh I don't like AHAHAHA LOL. 

I like this picture Weiling took of her Carrot Medley. I was damn cheapo told her the price of this can buy like 2 big bottles of carrot juice at NTUC fair price say until so loud some more AHAHA LOL omg. 

So we left and we told Kimberly to meet us IN the train AHAHA LOL omg so funny.

Prize for the most earliest woman ever. 

Ya Kun barley in the toilet cause that's so cool. 

SHOPPING SO NO PICTURES AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL. Managed to get my brown belt, three rings and a bag (this one)!!! Spent like 28 dollars and I was so sad AHAHA LOL cause I like spent the most mehz >:(. 

Then we headed back to Bugis Junction weeee. 

And saw this Neoprint store!!!!!! We never took neoprints together like as a whole clique even after like three years cause usually it's like when we go out one of us is not around O_O. 
AHAHA LOL omg all our newly bought bags and our bags o_o. 

Focus on my face my camera loves me aww. 

AHAHAHA LOL okay that is all. We did have a slight argument over who took how many and what cause I go and act smart click on the share within three people the layout AHAHAHA LOL whoopsies. 

And then we went to sit at The Soup Spoon cause our legs were hurting >:(. 

Failed group shot one. 

Failed group shot two and AHAHAA LOL @Kimberly. 

(Still kinda) Failed group shot three and tak boleh tahan this Weiling every photo also ready one wtf!!! AHAHAA LOL. 

AHAHA LOL I like this picture cause I look thin AHAHAHA LOL and LOL at my watch which is so loose cause I like it like that AHAHAA LOL. 

Yeah I'm always so glam and camera ready AHAHAHAA LOL. 

Jannelle laughing so hard cause I'm so funny AHAHAHA LOL. 

Unglam tissue. 

And then we went to Plaza Singapura FOR NO REASON AT ALL WTF AHAHAA LOL. 

Yeah my lovely nails omg. 

Weiling's earring's plus Jannelle's I♥NY ring cause she's going to New York this year that lucky chicken >:(. 

AHAHAHAA LOL the rest all mine except for the I♥NY one AHAHA LOL my Chupa Chups one fell apart wtf. AND AHAHAHA LOL my connector Awesome ring that I bought from Ginny also broke like when I was trying it on need to ask my mum super glue for me AHAHA LOL weeee. 

Ordered some brownie with cheese thing and Jannelle ordered Shepard's pie so that we could all sit and eat and talk for a while AHAHA LOL brokegirl96. 

Empty circle line train back home wah best AHAHAA LOL. 

AHAHA LOL THIS ABOVE PICTURE AND THE ONE ABOVE IT LIKE VERY MATCHING. Makes us look like we have huge legs if we join the two up AHAHAHA LOL. Okay lah sad I not so matching but Weiling and Jannelle's one is SO AHAHAHAHA LOL. 


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