Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First day of work.

On work attachment at Raffles Shop (gift/souvenir shop in Raffles Hotel). Today was the first day of work and damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, feet hurts so bad.

So planned to meet Agnes at 8.15 but we were both early so we met up at like 8:05, then walked from City Hall to Raffles Shop. Took the staff entrance staircase downnnn then got our uniforms and went to change.

Wah the pants suddenly so tight >:( around the thigh area cause I have fat thighs (thing is it wasn't this tight when I tried it on) AHAHA LOL and throughout the entire day me and Agnes COULD NOT bend down properly. Mine were just right except for the thigh area but Agnes' pants AHAHA LOL DAMN LOOSE SIA. It's like tight and loose at the same time. Best. 

Hair was so pretty today but had to tie it all up .__________. why oh why. 

Well anyway so the first hour or so, me and Agnes' fixed christmas decorations that dropped and then we were brought up to the museum+shop to wrap... kaya in bubble wrap. The boss called Kaya "Kaya Jam" then at first I was like huh what kaya jam lol. Keep hearing people would be so happy to work with bubble wrap, LOL the whole day today I touch so many bubble wrap but all also cannot pop later cannot serve its purpose already AHAHA LOL joke. Pack Kaya with this girl called _______ in the museum shop. Packed like 213879817 bottles of kaya. 

Well so after we finished went back to the shop and then yay we got to help out at the counter! At first when we were asked like who want to volunteer to work here the teacher said we would mainly pack hampers but yay we didn't!! We totally got to stand at the counter and pack the customer's purchases inside the paper bags. So much more fun. 

Then after a while Michelle (permanent worker also) who worked there took over the counter and man, she's damn intimidating lah wahlao. Then me and Agnes a bit scared of her cause she not as friendly as some other people there. And then she like like to chase us away like that -_-. She scolded me like twice wahhhhh sidjoiasuhdisdaiuo. So friendly to customers but to us.... -_- forget it. Well then at 11:50 she told us to go for lunch even though our lunch time was at 12. Oh well. 

Bistro coupon we didn't know we had to take and we had to walk all the way back to get it :(. 

Me and Agnes ate Lor Mee. Okay lah not that bad AHAHA LOL. And the staff canteen looks damn nice!! Even got two Mac computers and one plasma screen can use during break. but we only had 45 minutes totally rushing. Cause we had to go to our lockers+rest+get the coupon+walk back to the shop so we were like ajkhsda rushing all the way. 

So went back and mostly did packing at the counter and also wrapping of presents and when there wasn't a lot of people in the store Michael (Like our supervisor?/the people working there permanently) would show us around and tell us like the origin of this so in case customers asked we would know. Oh and damn a lot of customers that were damn cute lorh! 

So there was this angmoh, he bought like tea towels and everything then when I was about to put his things inside the paper bag he was like, Oh it's okay I don't need a paper bag. So we were like okay,  then just pass it to him. So he started like folding his stuff all together so can fit inside his bag and he started saying like, "I'm not trying to be offensive.. sorry if I'm being offensive" like repeatedly in this tune!! AHHAA LOL then his friend beside him was paying and she laughed and said He's just being weird. Then he started saying, "Being weird is better than being offensive~" Like damn cute lorh he!! LOOL. And he managed to stuff everything into his little pouch LOL. 

And there was this couple, damn sweet. Old one, then the husband wanted to pay for the things, then the wife smiled and told us, He's spoiling me, then the husband said, Well I'm trying to and she replied Well you're doing a pretty good job! And he bought this huge ass book and chocolates for her and then I passed the bag to her when the husband paying then when they were about to walk off the husband look at her carrying and he was like, Oh you're carrying it! like super shocked, then she was like, It's the least I can do! And I think the husband wanted to help her carry lehhh. Omg at that moment I just wanted to melt why so sweet one :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

And there was this super picky lady and Michelle had to attend to her AHAHA LOL damn funny I stand down there watch show like that cause she was determined to check every single tee shirt she was going to buy like RIGHT AFTER the others pack inside the nice plastic bag then she tell them she want to see -_-. LOL. 

And then haflway when Agnes went for a break or something Mark (our supervisor) brought me and three other newcomers (not on work attachment, I think me and Agnes was the youngest one working in the shop) on a tour around the hotel and my feet were damn pain already and Agnes wasn't with me :(. AHAHA LOL but the others were quite nice :). AHAHA LOL. The hotel was damn nice and after we finished the tour I came back to the shop helped with Agnes at the counter and then at 5pm they let us off. 

And this is me and Agnes after work. 

And there's this two people I just don't like at the shop. But two I like more! One is this guy who just started working there only I think! Then he super nice one! LOL we actually saw him in the Human Resources room when we were waiting for someone to bring us up to the shop and he almost smiled at me and I smiled but faster turn away!!! And I didn't know he was working there also until I saw him there at the shop again AHAHA LOL. We were at the counter then and then he was at the cashier and he asked me, you're working here one week? Then I said two, then he was like Okay good! Got somebody to talk to! LOL. And other things lah, super nice and easy going unlike the other guy around his age working there -_-.

And Michael was the nicest out of all the workers there today! Second is Mark LOL. AHAHA LOL last is the woman I don't like ._. lol. When me and Agnes were wrapping we keep wrapping wrongly, like never measure properly, the wrapping paper too big, or we cut until very ugly... Michael was around at that time then he'll come and check every once in a while and also if I happen to burst out laughing and then he'll see me and come over and give us that What did I tell you ;) face. AHAHA LOL then he'll teach us how to do properly and give us tips and help us cut properly also. Super nice plus he smells quite nice LOL. Like even if we wrap until very ugly he'll just like give us tips like can just use sticker cover the ugly part LOL. And he'll tease us for cutting too ugly or something LOL.

Okay this is a long post I have band tomorrow and so no work AHAHA LOL don't need see her face ._. Was ranting to Kengpum about her zzzzz.

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