Sunday, November 6, 2011

Youth Service at Harvester Community Church!

Hehez went to Gan's church today! Actually Timothy was coming along too but last minute he cannot go :'(.. Initially wanted to meet up with Gan at twelve but sadgirl96 she came at one :'(. Then we went to buy Mr Bean and walk walk around Bedok Point before heading off to Aljunied to Harvester Community Church!

Oh and I did bring my point and shoot camera because I wasn't going to lug my huge ass camera around hehez.
Going up to find Yiwen! My eye a bit weird uh :'(. 

LOL the people there very friendly! And the service was like normal Youth Service lah, sing songs and then preaching etc. But it was quite scary at first, when I saw like I don't know how to say, like some of the people getting touched by God, or something. If you've never seen it before it's like people will start screaming and they'll just like suddenly fall down. I only saw something like it once early last year and even so it was quite far away from my seat so today I saw like a lot and it scared me cause it all happened like a few steps away from me etc. Gan and Yiwen weren't with me at that time so Yiwen's friend (I forgot what's her name :<) kept me company since it was my first time at that church and she was so sweet aww :). Weeeee and she prayed for me so I wouldn't be scared and after a while it was okay and yeah! Overall I think it was quite amazing, and I'm planning to go there again next week wooooooo. Too bad I can't attend Beach Mania next next Saturday because I'll be overseas!!!! 

Bought cookies for some fundraising/charity thing AHAHA LOL. They were good I shared them with Gan and the last piece I gave to my brother AHAHA LOL. 

LOL Gan's failed photography skills bahahahaa LOL. 

And wee while on the way to the MRT station we bought Old Chang Kee to eat first, and quite a lot of people from Gan's Church walked by AHAHA LOL. 

Long legs weeee. 

Patheticgirl97 and patheticgirl96 sit at the stairs eat AHAHA LOL. 


So after that I met up with Jingwen Kaiwen and Jeric to go eat dinner at Macs nomz. 
LOL @ Kaiwen playing fruit ninja vertically. Kaiwen had an ulcer or cut on his tongue or something and he couldn't eat much bahahahaaha LOL. And Jingwen told me he laughed for one minute when he saw that I wrote sadandbrokegirl96 on my blog omg aww I am so funny

And Jingwen and I bought ridiculously childish candy cause we're cool like that. It was like $3.30 for both wuuuut. 

Watched Taken at her house and it was good :)! 

Oh and today I broke another ring wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Non relevant picture of my two dollar box from Daiso. Not all of my accessories, still got bigger ones/those in boxes in my other Daiso box. 

Today I broke the owl one and I am so sad :<. 

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