Sunday, November 27, 2011

Oh lookie!

Yet another random pictures post oh yay.  

I donated 1380 grains of rice today lol. I don't even know if it's real but oh well, it won't hurt to try. Can also practice my English grammar, vocab and Chemistry periodic table also anyway :). Click here! I'm a lazy ass so this type of things like charities that I can help out on the internet is like perfect for me lorh weeeee. 

And two/one day(s) (excuse my poor memory I feel like eating Kueh Lapis) ago I was playing Draw My Thing on Facebook. I don't know why they choose such a name for the game!

And so yesterday (well it IS 2:27am now) I went to the most entertaining chalet of my life. I kid you not......................... not. It was so boring. And Shaynnie is in Beijing and Isabelle went home early. I went there with 80 something percent of iPhone battery cause I reckoned we'd only be there for dinner. So wrong. Stayed there until my whole family's iPhones were like below 20% (well maybe except for my father's phone). And I didn't get to eat a cupcake :'(.

Wore my froot loops shirt from Jonker Street there! 

Owl ring and my red sailor boat shoes or whatever it's called in the back ground! 

Lomo on my pretty (but asdfghjkl expensive) bag!!!!!!!

(First round) dinner. Had like one more chicken wing, three bbq chicken drumlets, and like legit six or seven bowls of the Longan with peach etc dessert. 

Connection there sucked. Screenshot from Kengpum's phone LOL that's why it's my name there. And I won't have a black background so depressing :( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and I also stared at my brother for 1 minute and 40 seconds excluding the time I didn't count and he didn't realise. 

My chio background!!! Wahlao my mum say like aunty I am so hurt </3. 


Oh and halfway when I was Whatsapp-ing Kengpum with my mum's phone (cause I'm shameless like that purposely want to waste her battery and not mine) my mum took it away from me and said said she want to deesiao him LOL. 

Aiya in the end she also never deesiao sheeeshhhh. Their conversation lasted for only four minutes AHAAHAHA LOL joke!! 

Oh and here's my Sim flirting with my brother's Sim (that I made by hacking into his account tyvm). Cause I desperately needed to complete a quest that needed me to confess my attraction to another Sim. And I wasted like so much energy just to flirt with my brother's Sim so that I can unlock that interaction................. FOREVERALONE. Okay goodnight! 

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