Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Okay so this chio girl from some angmoh country go and comment on my blog post!!!!!!!!!! Wah I see until so demoralised like she speaks good English and super chio and she has like so many followers and I'm down here like..


So I have decided that I will speak in proper English right now!!!!!!!!!!! Starting from this very line.

--------------------------------- "The-Line-Which-Jerlyn-Will-Speak-In-Proper-English-After-She-Crosses-This-Line" line --------------------------------- 

Although I think it's quite safe to assume that I will fail eventually and very soon. But if you never try, you'll never know! I mean it's not that I'm ashamed of Singapore's 'language' but you know.... o_o. Okay anyway.  

So today I woke up at 10:36am when I was supposed to be in school by 11am. Yeah genius I know. Apparently my snooze button failed on me. I am so diappointed :(. Joke. So I rushed out of the home and guess what, my bus took so long and I was like nuuuuu :(. AHAHA LOL I reached school at 11:30 + and my teacher wasn't even there yet and she left all the other councillors to discuss about a performance we were supposed to do (it was cancelled in the end whoopee!!) and if we were fine with the dress code. We waited so blooming long and in the end we spent like three or two hours helping out with the settling of the report books and all the jazz. We ran up and down left and right and I was sweating so much :(. But yay me and Shi Rong make a great pair!!!!! 

Meh, the briefing was at 2pm or some where around there and it wasn't even by the teacher I dreaded. Not that I'm complaining anyway hehezzz. And we had 2 boxes of pizza to share among six of us cause the other four councillors left AHAHA LOL. Yey more pizza. And I was a very nice girl I actually went down to buy four cups of ice so that we could share the bottle of Pepsi we were given. But I think Rafiq and Khairul no likey me :'(................... Oh hoo hah, it's okay :'(. And I walked into the band room holding a pizza box cause we had two remaining pizzas cause Shi Rong didn't want hers and I gave it to some of the band members to share and I felt bad cause I poured chili powder all over it cause I thought Shi Rong wanted it but she didn't and because I poured chili powder all over the pizza Hungshen couldn't eat it cause she's allergic to chili :(. 

And I am so sad my band conductor decided he would run through Ocean Breeze March first because he "wanted to check whether the mallets practiced her part or not". Oh yeah, I don't even have a name for him to call :( (except if you count the mallets a name for me cause that's what he calls me sometimes,  'mallets'). Even during warm up he was like... "Erm, what's her name, you seem... yadda yadda". 

The whole day it seemed like I was the only individual he picked on. It's kinda infuriating. Especially when he said: 'Eh you, your English Oral fail is it. Oh no maybe not oral, listening comprehension. Tell you it's this already, you go and play that. Listening comprehension fail right?" and "Oh maybe I should get your teacher to let you pass without 50%" or something along that line. Okay at that moment I swear I tried my hardest not to cry in front of him. 

I tried my very best to try to please him, try to get my solo parts right. But it's so blooming hard especially when he's staring at me and I could feel like so many eyes on me. Especially one of my juniors who sits directly in front of me. Every single time it comes to my solo/ whenever the conductor scolds me he just sits and stares at me. I swear I'm so bloody annoyed by him every single time he stares at me. Like, okay, I know you can play your bloody solo and you're two years younger than me and I'm older than you and I can't play something so bloody simple. I mean I do like him, but at that moment I just feel like asdfghjklqwertyuiopzxcvbnm. 

Okay enough on the bright side I could play almost everything from that song this time round compared to the previous time -.-. 

And I miss Ah Tan who's at OBS :'(.. And I'm going to write another blog post after this if *cross fingers* my photos are successfully uploaded on Facebook!! Yaaaay. 

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