Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bridging day four.

2007 photos of myself on FB! AHAA LOL but I once used someone else's account to see my profile got lesser than what I see it as :'(....... 

LOL bridging is so fun* I decided to take a video of myself and my partners (who got dragged into this nonsense bahahaha) during lessons. It's damn boring... yet entertaining lulz. So embarrassing like the first two videos I went to ask/answer the teacher and all damn fail :'( #paisehmax omg LOL AHAHAHA. Okay bye. On annotations!!!!


AHAHAA LOL the Jannelle one is damn boring I warn you first cause Wang Jing was reading the passage and I had to listen to how she pronounce the word cause later she ask me to read if I read wrong will get punishment AHAHAHA LOL.

Oh and if you watched these you have just wasted like more than fifteen minutes of your life.


LOL Andy's pencil case's keychains (almost typed chicken no idea why AHAHA LOL) that I bought for him okay!!!! 

Penguin for his birthday present and Koala as a souvenir for him when I went to Australia (if you can't already like tell from the huge I ♥ Aus logo on the stomach AHAHA LOL. So cute right omg lol Andy loves these two things he doesn't let like a lot of people touch (excluding me since I bought it ._.) or so I like to believe :(. 

I did a bit of holiday homework already >:( but still so much left wtf it's so demoralising ahhhhhhhhhhhh :'(. Okay bye AHAHAHA LOL. 5 MORE DAYS OF BRIDGING AHHHH. 

Oh and I don't know and forgot if I have mentioned this but YAY I can help our for Graduation Night!!!!!!!!!! 
Shi Rong SMSed me and told me Mrs Teo needed more people after all so I can help out hehehez (Mrs Teo got Jian Hong to replace me the other time cause I thought I had band on that day -_-). So happy and it's like double happiness cause when I told Kimberly about me being able to help out she said she also want and I asked Shi Rong and she said can so yay best friend+grad night duty=happygirl96 x2 AHAHAHAA LOL OKAY WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE oh you know I was so happy when I received Shi Rong's SMS after like MT class yesterday I screamed and jumped all the way down the classes AAAHAA LOL. 

Oh and speaking of screaming along the classes the other day Aaron had the loud hailer and he was using like the loud speaker part to like disturb Meizhen and we just finished Lit so we were like waiting for Geog to finish in our class so we could go in and then Miss Seoh came out and was like Jerlyn! and Aaron went to hide!!!!! Wahlao so Miss Seoh thought is I make one :'( and when I wanted to point to Aaron and his loud hailer/speaker thing she thought I was trying to tell her time's up and she was like OH and went back in to dismiss the class and then afterwards Timothy was like Eh Jerlyn Miss Seoh want to see you and I was like teacher you want to see me uh and she said you make a lot of noise right in this joking sarcastic tone and I was like NOOOOOOOOO IT WASN'T ME :'((((((. 

Oh I was quite shocked she knew my name!!! Because she never taught me but we did like see each other on the 69 bus like twice and once she smiled at me when she dropped off at TP and there was even this once I was drawing like what she was wearing on the day she was invigilating our class for MYE during English and I liked her clothes!!! And she walked by AND SAW AND THEN SHE GIGGLED WAH I TELL YOU MAD EMBARRASSING LAAAH :(. AHAHAHA LOL but I think she very cute hehehehehez. 


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