Saturday, November 26, 2011

Late 4am update.

Why hello. It feels so long since I last updated even though I only updated like yesterday..? It's 4.19am now yeah crazy I know wtf. Andy went to sleep like forty minutes ago and Kengpum like one hour plus ago so I have nobody to talk to now.

So had band again today, third time this week already. I start work on Monday. Can't go for band's two days one night trip. Sucks so bad. No overseas trip and even the trip in Singapore I cant go because I have work the next day and the trip is 5pm to 7.30am yes i know right -_- and I already need to ask for two off days because of practice and concert. So annoying cause everyone is talking about it and I can't bloody go.

Well anyway. Played Ocean Breeze March yet again today cause we had to run through the whole program.

Did quite okay, so much better than the very first time. When I first got the score, I assumed only the solo was important cause if it wasn't I wouldn't bother practicing the song if I knew
I wasn't going to be heard/going to be important. How wrong was I because apparently almost every single part I thought I could avoid turns out super important.

But I guess it's kinda satisfying when the conductor takes the time to make you learn that part by hook or by crook cause when you're finally able to play it with the band you get this whole sense of satisfaction and achievement.

Solo screwed up cause was too fast the first try, but the second try he counted out loud with me so I knew when to come in :). First time played it so 'perfect'. But I'm quite sad because Timothy wasn't there to share the joy with me cause he'd always give me a thumbs up whenever I play that part correct. Get well soon Timothy!!!!!!!

Okay anyway it's 4:28am now I should get to sleep okay goodnight :). Here's a random screen shot from my conversation with Andy. Preparing another post about another of our conversation, I hope. Okay goodnight :). I know my Whatsapp background very nice AHAHAHAHAA LOL. Cath Kidston background one!!!

And I don't know if Andy's going to read this but. I used to take him for granted so much and all, until we drifted apart and I realized how bad I've been treating him (whacking him and all) and yeah but we're better now yay (nowadays he will give me smileys and meme's AHAHA LOL) Sometimes I just think and realized how lucky I am to have Andy in my life. Super mushy I know wtf. Like sometimes I wonder if I can actually count on certain people. But with Andy, it's different. Like I know every time I need advice or something, he's always there (both physically and mentally??? Like he's always awake until so late AHAHA LOL + he's THERE for me as a friend) to wake me up, and it makes me happy. I never knew I'd be such good friends with him considering we were enemies in sec one like we couldn't stand each other I swear AHAHA LOL. Talking about sec one..... I went to dig out something that I suddenly remembered me and Andy doing when we were sitting besides each other!!!!!!!! And I also remembered I told Andy about it once and I told him one day I'll take it out and show it to him AHAAHAHAHAA LOL.

'Goodboi =DD' and 'naughty' and 'HaHa, still never erase something' is he write one even though I forgot what the something he was talking about was AHAHAAA LOL. 'As if. It's the opposite you draw wrongly' and the 'GOOD!!' also he write one AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL OMG WHY WE SO FUNNY ONE. And last time he'd always tell me to shut up that's why I wrote there good boys don't say shut up AHAHAHA LOL omg.

Okay this is a long post about Andy. You better be touched when you see this so touch that you shit bricks and cry a river for me AHAHAHA LOL. Love you loads AHAHAHA LOL joke joke <3333333333.

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