Saturday, October 1, 2011


Today I bought three rings at some flea market today but crazy ex like three for ten :-( I bought mine at Bugis for like three of five!! But got rings I must buy >:-( can only go Bugis like after EOY sian max.

I bought the cat ring, Singapore flag ring and the owl ring! LOL chio not!!!!!!!! Happy :-) hehehez.

And I rarely actually wear the like little and more dainty rings cause.. I prefer the chunkier ones!! More statement. And all the smaller rings all is come in one set one (that's why got two of the rings a bit weird on it's own LOL) + one more which the crystal came out so not in the picture :3 . Oh and excpet for like the dolphin ring which was like the very first ring I bought for my 'collection' TWO OR ONE RM only at Genting that's why it's like not so nice but I thought I'd regret it if I didn't buy it so I did and so cheap even if regret also not a very big deal.

And omg was talking to Ginny on Twitter and she say Mdm Ratnah talk about me before I think she say I like want to take Art but cannot take cause for my class A Maths is compulsory >:-(. Meh.

Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love, spotlight shining and it's all about us. 

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