Thursday, October 13, 2011

Exams are over!

Woo woo woo woo. 

LOLLOL so today my A Maths ended at like 9.15 and then me and Ng waiting in school until 12 before we left to go to Pizza Hut for lunch :> LOL cause I think it won't even be open at 9 lorh LOL. And we stayed back with Mingmin and Kimberly who were studying for Bio (AHAHAA) and played Temple Run and Kartrider woot woot. And Kengpum Azwan and Shaik also came to Pizza Hut LOL AHAHA. 

FREEDOM. Are you dizzy yet. 

And LOL a random picture I found while clearing out my photos just now AHAHAHA omg this is so funny I don't know why I so cute one. 

EDkjt7 on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

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