Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hello, nihao.

Looking at my blog is kinda depressing (because I have no social life). I just deleted my previous post cause it just looks kinda, out of place and random. I like to see myself as super organised so I don't really like random posts of things that amuse me all over the place so I guess I'll sort all those out and decide what I want to do about my very disorganized blog >:-(. More on that next time and/or after I finish my exams this Thursday.

And I'm prolly going to work even harder to make my blog much nicer and put more efforts into my Australia posts but please do forgive me because I actually forgot quite a lot of things + how I felt and all since it was so long ago >:-(. Planning to go shopping with the girls (I sound so girly) after exams. Need more rings and I actually want to check out H&M if I could :-).

So I guess this little short random update blog post is just to apologize for the lack of interest in my blog. No actually I still like to blog, but you know that period of time where you just have no social life at all! That's what I'm currently facing so... Yeah. And I'm happy today because I found 2 new YouTube Channels to watch. They're both like from Britain or something or the UK and they have all this Primark hauls and I'm jealous because I want to go Primark. But I guess that's just because we don't have a Primark here and we want things we can't have + a new place to shop would definitely be a plus. On the bright side... We have Watsons and MissGlamorazzi from YouTube actually kinda likes Watsons thought it's just like our usual... Pharmacy store or something lulz. Same theory.

Oh and I've been wanting a satchel bag/messenger bag type thing. You know those hard cover types. I've been looking for a nice one for ages and I can't find a good and cheap one >:-( when I was in Bugis the other time with Jingwen and Kaiwen. Hope my mum gets me one online :3 even though I just recently bought a bag online (the one Rubi and Cotton On sells for like 30 dollars plus) and even though I have like 12 going out bags (I only use like my brown Equip one and New Look black one) so I'm quite happy! I want it to come soon soon!!

Oh and speaking about bags I need to start trying to use all my other bags or stuff those I don't use at all into my mum's drawers of bags (AHAHAHA SHHH) so tha I don't have to deal with them :-) and I will only have those I like more now hanging in my room :3.

Okay that's my update turned ranting about bags post :-). Oh and now I'm starting to talk to Kengpum! Okay only like twice on FB chat only but it's super long covers that can last for around two hours plus okay quite long considering the fact that I'm talking to someone I barely know at first! And he said thanks for talking to him aww :3. I quickly grab the chance and tell him no problem we csn talk again next time (shameless but that's what I said last week when we talked until like 2.30am and it worked BAHAHA. Well accordingto me it did lah!!). Plus, he's cute. LOL okay cannot reveal anything else already a lot of people know I think he's cute (and Ruiqi told him that too LOL embarrassing but he still talked to me so AHAHA) so embarrassing. I always embarrass myself :-(.

And okay bye my hands hurt from typing too much on my Father's iPhone. Goodnight shall study tomorrow because I hardly studied today.

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