Friday, October 28, 2011


Click on the link and help me like please! I don't think you even need to like the group, just the picture can already! Aiyo just one click only :(................. BAHAHAHAA SHAMELESS.

HEHE thanks in advance! And by the way the picture is my father take one, caption is anyhow put one LOL. But they use my name to enter cause they think I got more friends then got higher chance of winning so embarrassing omg. HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEE I think I'm like second place highest around 63 100 ++ >: Thanksssssssssssssssss :).


This is payback because she go and stalk my old blogs wtf >:(.

Oh and today was the last day of school............ not. We still have bridging during the holidays wtf and not forgetting band. Wah best I tell you. Did IPP, spring cleaning and all that jazz. LOL this year last day of school like bochup one LOL cause next year prolly the same teachers etc so no one cried or something AHAHA LOL. 

Went for lunch at MOS Burger with Ng Yuli Agnes and Yan Yi AHAHA LOL and then when I went back to school to wait for Gan, Guijin dragged me along to Bedok Interchange again WHEN I JUST GOT BACK FROM THERE to go eat with him and Kiat Theng and I made him pay for my bus fees cause I didn't bring my EZ Link card LOL AHAHAHA. And we went to Macs and I watched them eat. Me and Kiat Theng bullied Guijin..... :). AHAHAHA LOL then we went back to school and stayed in the PAC room and watched Numbnut and Chick Vs Dick LOL with Azwan Shaik Gan Khairul and Amos weeeeeeeee.

And I think I left my water bottle there D:. SAD MAX WTF. 

Oh and LOL Lee Jian Hong gave me Ferrero Rocher in class today!! 

Azwan ate it though LOL cause I gave it to him. I didn't really like Ferrero Rocher anyway ._.. But I still took it from Jian Hong cause he giving me leh!! Damn sweet omg. SPECIALLY FOR ME ONE I BET AHAHAHA. Cause I was halfway across the room and Jian Hong was like, Jerlyn, come here! Then I walk over to him then he took one ferrero rocher out from his bag and he was like eh you want or not. At first I thought is from Council one since I like helped out for today's Farewell Concert for Mdm Tay LOL AHAHAHA. Then someone came over and he was like eh Jian Hong I also want leh, and Jian Hong was like LOL sorry I only have one. Then I go and ask Jian Hong eh you give me for what uh and he said erm... for being my partner lah! LOL AWWWWWWWWWWWW NOW. And I mean like if it wasn't meant for me he wouldn't have bothered to call me when I'm like so far away from him right (or so I'd like to believe)!!!!!! AHAHAHA LOL.

LOL and I'll be so sad if he doesn't want to sit next to me for Bridging >:(. Cause Andy already say he want to change place SAD MAX. 

And Azwan gave me a flower LOL that he took from the box of rejected flowers in the PAC room meant for Mdm Tay. 

LOL and I was like why so ugly one LOL then he was like eee I give you the flower then you say ugly :(. LOL and I left it on the table and Khairul took it and gave it to Gan WTF and I stole it back from Gan and I was like OI AZWAN GAVE ME THAT and she was like NOOOO KHAIRUL GAVE ME THAT. But in the end I took it BAHAHA LOL so it's mine now :3. 

AHAHAHA LOL AND DO YOU RECOGNISE THIS!! Me and Weiling's bag that we both bought together at Bugis Street (LOL the pictures still not up yet BOOHOOHOOHOO) AHAHAA LOL on Budget Barbie weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Even their bag also so flattened and all out of shape one LOL so sad >:. 

Okay byebye the thought of holiday homework depresses me greatly and I just remembered I promised myself I'd do holiday homework today......... but that mood of motivation is gone and I shall not care bahahaha. 

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