Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Warning I know this is probably going to be a super long showing off post. But I included pictures!

Oh but on a non handball related note I just ordered this connector ring that said Awesome from Ginny LOL  it was $6 :B.

(excuse the picture quality!!!! AHAHAA LOL). 

 LOL it's like customizable but I thought my name too short (I do love my name though) LOL SO I BECAME SHAMELESS AND ASKED FOR ONE THAT SAID AWESOME BAHAHAHA. Woooo. 

And okay back to my topic!! 
LOL yes today's post is going to be about today's handball game bahahaha if you can't like already tell from the title bahh. 
DISCLAIMER LOL: I'M NOT LIKE DISCRIMINATING AGAINST OTHER CLASSES LIKE SAY THEY LOUSY ETC, I just wanted to like talk about how I thought I did cause I am just THAT shameless. And that's why I won't like put in like what class got what score etc cause if I said my class won against this class it would be kinda mean :/..? So yeah. I'M JUST TALKING ABOUT HOW I DID :(. Like the shameless person I am LOL. 
Well anyway so we had our sports fiesta today and I was playing for Handball and I was the goalie LOL and I guessed the boys asked me to play (they individually asked not like ask the whole class who want to play I am so honoured) like partly because of this and partly also because so that all the stronger players would be like playing more instead of defending AHAHAHA LOL. And I was like the only girl goalie there!!!! 

So for the first game, my class did awesome LOL 8-1, and I barely had to defend much (defended only one ball out LOL the other ball went in LOL) cause the boys kept grabbing the ball from the opponent so they like never got a lot of chances to really shoot and the people watching were like aiya Jerlyn just sit down lah O_O. And the first time the ball went in I defend DAMN STUPIDLY LAH, I just like put my feet up LOL cause my reaction was damn slow >:-( so lucky I redeemed myself by defending the other one LOL. 

Third game was the best!! I thought I did pretty well cause the other team didn't like score and my class won like 8-0. And on the first like shoot, the ball hit my chest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL like those who were watching were like OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. LOOL AHAHAHA damn funny I tell you LOL but my chest was sore for like throughout school lorh! And that game I did particularly well and people were like GO JERLYN (awwz :3) and Miss Seow said I could be MVP again AHAHA LOL and Mr Teo praised me!!!!!!!

 And I felt like I like redeemed myself after the teribble second game (more on that later >:). 

Fourth game!! Was a tie LOL 4-4. This game was the last one and this class the shooter (Benjamin LOL AHAHAHAHA) was like seen throughout the entire sports fiesta to be like damn violent when he shoots (O_O) and I was quite afraid throughout the entire game and even before that too LOL AHAHAHA. And Cheuk Heng also asked me if I wanted him to replace me but I told him if I couldn't take it I'll exchange with him AHAHAA LOL. 

And like Benjamin did shoot like twice..? And I tell you I scared until like ((*!#*(!* when he holding the ball sia I'm like, "OMG WEIJIAN/AARON/WHOEVER I SEE FROM MY TEAM" GET THE BALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Once it hit my leg and I thought I blocked it but it went in wtf LOL, and the second time I think it went in. AHAHA LOL but he was damn nice after the game he was like, "Eh Jerlyn your leg okay or not?" AWW GENTLEMAN NOT AHAHA LOL. 

And after the game my group members we were in class like talking about the game and they told me whenever they saw Benjamin with the ball they will immediately rush to the goalpost to try and defend me LOL. And Weijian even jumped up just to block the ball for me and it hit his leg wahhhhh I damn touched AHAHAHA LOL cause he said it hurt that means if it had come to me wah I could be the one in pain cause it lasted Weijian like till recess also have :X. AHAHA LOL but I so touched worh :') EHEHEZ. 

Mark!!!!!!!! Totally just realised I said goalie instead of keeper but whatever it's still the same right!! 

And okay the second game was THE WORST OUT OF ALL I'm telling you. I did so bad, and our class lost 2-5 :/. I guessed it was really my fault that we lost cause that game I had no mood to play AT. ALL. Like it was just this sudden change of mood and I guess some of you would probably know why cause you could like SEE ._..

And after that game I was damn upset I tell you, and I think some people thought I was upset cause the ball hit me and I thought it was pain etc, but like not trying to show off lah, but I don't mind getting hit by the ball, and that's why I actually LIKED being the goalie. But halfway through the game I felt damn bad for like, because of my lack of mood to play I was causing the group to lose, and some of my group members could see that I wasn't like my right self, and Aloysius offered to sub in for me and yeah that's why I like sort of gave up my goalie post for a while. But yeah no I wasn't upset cause of the ball hitting me etc. Upset cause I felt disappointed in myself >:-( for not doing as well as I possibly could?

So I was ranting on Twitter just now (not to gain pity etc, but really because I felt damn bad :/ ) and hehe some of the people saw and were trying to comfort me aww :').

Alif was damn good (but LOL AHAHA my team still tied with their class :B). 

LOL this one a bit BHB for me to put up but eh not I say one horh!!! AHAHA LOL. 

LOL the fourth game!! 

LOL like I said, I thought like part of the reason they asked me to be the goalie was so that like everyone on like the playing field/'zone' (like those getting, catching and shooting the ball lah LOL AHAHHAA) could be like the more better and faster players (the boys!!!) lah. AHAHA LOL but he said I was a good female goalkeeper also worh, so it's like good goalie, good players = (Y). AHAHA LOL OKAY LAH SOUND DAMN BHB >:-(. 

And yeah I did feel much better when they told me all this, so yeah thanks :). And thanks to everyone who cheered and asked if I was okay after the second game just now!! DAMN SWEET WORH (I think I also heard this group of girls who were behind the goal post I was defending said like JERLYN YOU ARE AWESOME and Miss Seow was like What about her teacher? AHAHAHA LOL) and like even other classes the people told me to jiayou :). 

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, can't wait for the next Sports Fiesta which like will be our last one before O Levels SAD MAX LOL :'(. Okay and I still can't find my camera USB cable thing :(. 

Yey I like my blog stats for today AHAHAHA LOL. 

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