Monday, January 3, 2011

Warning long post ahead LOL.

My 4th birthday party with my parents friends and my relatives LOL. 
Jeric, Pamelia, Jingwen, Me, Kaiboon (look like angmoh cause he so light skinned LOL) and some other guy I have forgotten about LOL). 

So I was at Holland Village last night and I was just telling my family how I could remember quite a lot of things I did or what happened when I was young lol. My brain is actually filled with childhood memories and not what's the defi of incomplete combustion and what's the chemical reaction when sugar is heated and stuff like that. I'm weird, in a cool way like that. 

Like when I was young I used to stay in Indo (but most of you already know that anyway lol) in a one storey house (before i moved to another house in Indo) and I vomited chocolate milk or something in front of my bedroom door.

And we would always buy stacks of papers just to use all the time and there was once when I was quite young I took the plastic bag of PLAIN WHITE PAPERS (this part might get a bit confusing LOL) and on top of it was a PRINTED piece of paper in indonesian or something like labelling this is this brand of white paper and I was really young and I didn't know how to read it so I thought it meant Welcome to my room or something and I took scotch tapes and pasted it on my bedroom wall and my mum was quite mad at me LOL.

And how I used to take a used box where we used to put cakes and muffins or something and I would take that box (it was sort of orangey red I think LOL) and me and my neighbours would go infront of my house there would be this plot of land with bushes with flowers growing on them so we would pluck all of them off and put it in our boxes.

And me and my neighbour would play at my house sometimes and we would pretend to be Japanese even though we didn't know how to speak Japanese actually LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL and we would just speak gibberish but we actually understood one another cause as we were speaking gibberish we would do all this hand gestures and everything.

And how I went to this mall once and saw our used to be neighbours after we moved house and someone told me I used to go over to their house and watch them pluck bean sprouts (I still remember this like A BIT).

And once my father was talking to our NEXT DOOR neighbour and I went out and showed my neighbour my father was talking to my pink Minnie Mouse wallet.

And then when we moved house I had this friend who was one year older than me in the same school as I was in (I still remember her name, Audilia or something) and I used to go to her house all the time and we would just play random stuff and once she told me whenever she saw something cute she would have this urge to pinch it or something and I thought it was really funny in a weird way and I didn't understand why she would say and do that but now I do LOL. We were playing Hamtaro when she told me that.

And her house exterior was blue and very ang moh looking and she had cactuses outside of her house which I  have always wanted to poke but never dared to.

And when my play time was over my maid would come over to her house to pick me up with my chauffeur or something (YES I HAD ONE LOLOLOLOLOL) and I would hide in my friend's den/study room cause I really didn't want to go home LOL. It was wooden everywhere LOL AHAHAHAHAA.

And when my brother had this spiderman gun thingy that he could put on his hand as a glve and do spiderman's finger action just before he shoots out all the spider web thingy, my brother had that glove and when he pressed it white foam would spray out and we sprayed it all over our small tiny garden. LOL.

And once when I was in Kindergarten in Icthus or however you spell it we had this kitchen play area and I think I saw one of my friends tear this sponge that was there into half so I did it too and then I think this teacher saw me and she wanted to scold me but I ran under a table to hide under there LOLOLOL.

And I always took a long time to eat so I was usually the last one sitting on the table eating my lunch while everybody is on the floor doing something else LOL AHAHAHA. And I would massgae my teacher called Ms Josephine or something LOL.

And my friend Kenny once helped me carry my bag to the room we had to assemble at before we could leave and we would say a prayer before we go home and I think I said it once on the mic or something LOL.

(Edit: not my father's boss, father's partner. I lazy change only lololol).
And my father would bring me to the place he worked sometimes and I liked it so much.
One side of the land would be houses where I think the boss stayed or something, and far away was another row of houses and in between these two houses place was a grassy field or something and they had like two fierce dogs down there and my dog used to stay there and me and my father would play fetch with it in this empty plot of land but after a while they built something in it so it wasn't empty anymore LOL.

And my friend (son of the boss??) who stayed there told me stories about my dog like how it ate a squirrel or something O_O. My dog's name was Bingo BTW and FYI LOL. And my friend had this whole cupboard of toys which I used to play with sometimes but I think I had to put the toys back to where it was. And it was all antique, like there were dalmation 101 dogs toys there, soldiers and all these stuff in a glass cupboard.

And sometimes the boss's wife or something would lend me this big yellow metal box or something which I thought was kinda cool I guess when I was young cause my friend had this whole random markers in it and crayons and all the art stuff and considering I love Art so much, of course I was fascinated LOL.

And besides the grassy field was the factory. Factory and machines on the ground floor and offices upstairs. And the floor upstairs was very thin like when you step on it got sound one like it's creaking or something LOL and the toilet was quite small.


And my father had this whole office to himself where he had all this cool stuff and while he did his work I would lie down on the floor with my paper on this big world map (I couldn't do it on the floor because it was carpet floors and my pencil would poke through the paper if I drew there) and I would just lie on the floor and draw.

And sometimes I would just wander around the second floor and I would look into the big office where it was golden looking and even had a sofa (boss one?) and besides it was this small room where there was a computer and my friend or my friend's brother or something would play Zoo Tycoon and I liked it so much but I didn't get a chance to play it I guess LOL. And my father's boss sometimes gave me candy to eat :D.

I still remember a lot of things lahhhh, like how my mum would bring me to this place to do her grocery shopping and after that we would go upstairs where we ate really nice grass jelly and there was also this shop where they sold Barbie stuff at like 5000 Rupiah or something and I would buy it everytime I'm there.

And we were in this shopping mall once and I brought this spy device thingy I bought from Singapore for like 5 Singapore Dollars there and I dropped one of my pieces in the arcade and I was so upset I told my parents to buy me one more of this spy device toy thingy in Singapore.

And outside the arcade where I lost the spy device toy thingy I ate this baked potato with cheese on it and it WAS DELICIOUS.

Okay I'm done reminiscing or however you spell that LOLOLOLOL. And all this happened in Indonesia cause I stayed there most of the time LOL.


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