Saturday, January 8, 2011


You know one thing that annoys me is when people just start insulting other celebrities. For example Justin Bieber. So many people are liking all those groups on Facebook, commenting on his music videos, basically just thrasing him.

I'm not saying this because I'm a fan of Justin Bieber. In fact, I'm not. I don't hate or love him though. I just don't understand why everyone's talking about him that way. It's bloody unfair. He has TALENT. Why do you think he got signed? Do you have it? If you don't, then just shut your bloody mouth and let him sing his songs the way he wants to. It's his life. 

Sure, it's your mouth, it's your bloody opinion, what rights do I have to stop you from talking like that. 
You don't see me going around thrasing YOUR K-POP STUFF, YOUR ANIME CHARACTERS and everything, do you? Sure I say eew occasionally, but I don't go around thrasing them. 

It's just, bloody annoying -.-. 

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