Monday, January 3, 2011


1. What do you do if you are in the bathroom with a beetle flying around? 
Run out lah lololol. 

2. What do you do if you hear a song you like playing on the radio when you are all alone in the room?

3. You want to speak to your crush badly. What is your line?

4. What do you do if all your friends hate a particular band that you love?

5. What do you do when you trip and fall in front of many people?
Sit down there and laugh AHAHAHAHA. 

-6. You forgot to do your multiple-choice question homework and your class starts in 5 minutes. What do you do?
Rush through it and hope my teacher goes through it with the entire class so that I will have time to do it when she's going through AHAHAHA. If not :(, then I bo pian copy from my friend LORH LOL. 

7. You have bad breath and someone speaks to you. How do you react?
Cover mouth lah, sheesh. 

8. You just finished gym and after a shower, you drop your underpants on the wet floor. What do you do?
Pick it up lah LOL. 

9. wat do you do if a personality quiz says that you have a lousy personality as your result?
WhAii ThAnK Euu :3. 

10. Your friend gave you the worst gift you have ever received and asks: Do you like it? How do you react?

11.(Continued from question 10) What are you really thinking secretly inside?

12. A hot guy/girl keeps looking at you while you are on the bus. What are you secretly thinking inside?

13. Your crush and you are eating dinner together, the food you've ordered came first, you do not want him or her to look at you eating while his or her food hasn't come. What will you do?
Idc. I'm going to eat first ehehehe. 

14. You are alone in your house and you realized that there is a burglar. What do you do?
Call police lah, obviously LOL. 

15.What do you do when your best friend had just spoilt your favourite one and only camera with all the important photos you cherished inside?
OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Then... nothing else I guess lolololol. 

16. What do you do when you receive a call from a kidnapper and your friend is in their hands?
OMG D:. 

17. What do you do if you break your friend's favourite vase but he or she didn't see it?
Tell lorh. 

18.You were told to buy carrots by your mother, but you forgot it and went back home with garlic. How will you explain to your mother?

19. What do you do when you see a cat chasing a mouse?
Follow them AHAHAHAHAA. 

20. You missed your favourite tv show and it was the season finale. 

21. There is a crash in your schedule, one is your friend's wedding, the other is your another friend's last day of funeral. what will you do?
Go funeral for a while then go wedding I guess. 

1. Where did you take your profile pic?

Facebook? Johor Bahru, Amigos Horse Riding centre place or something LOL. 

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Smurfs teeshirt and white shorts (SMURFS AHAHAHAAAAA LOL). 

3.What is your current problem?

4. What makes you happy most?
I have no idea lolololol. 

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Hey Monday - I don't wanna dance. Awesome song. 

 6. Any celeb you would marry?
Sorry, I'm not really one of those crazy fangirls. 

7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
Yeah. Twice D:. 

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
No :'(. 

10. Do you still watch kiddy movie or kiddie TV shows?

11. Do you speak any languages?
English and singlish.                                                 

12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?

13. Do you ever watch MTV?
Like once or twice or thrice only I guess :D? 

14. What's something that really annoys you.
A lot lah LOL.  

Chapter 1:

1. Middle name: Ain't got any. 

 2. Nickname(s): - (L)LAMA ♥.

3. Current location: Parents room in front of the computer AHAHAHAAA LOL. 

 4. Eye color: Black. I think. 

Chapter 2:

 1. Do you get along with your parent(s):
Yeah ♥.

 *Chapter 3: 


 1. Ice Cream: Good authentic 
Matcha ice cream. 

 2. Season: I've never experienced winter and fall D:. 

3. Shampoo/conditioner: I don't really have any LOL. 


Chapter 4: 
Do You...

1. Dance in the shower?
Yesh :). 

 2.Write on your hand?

3. Call people back?
If they just called and I know their numbers AHAHAAA. 

4. Believe in love:

5.Believe in God?
YESH ♥. 

6. Any bad habits?
Biting finger nails D:. 

7. Any mental health issues:
I'm not sure :/. 

Chapter 5:

Have You...

2. Sprained stuff:
Nope :D. 

3. Had physical therapy:
No I guess O_O. 

4. Gotten stitches?
Don't think so. 

 5. Taken painkillers:

 6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
YES *showoffshowoff*. 
And I tried finding a picture of us snorkeling but I couldn't find it D:. 

8. Thrown up at the dentist:

9. Sworn in front of your parents?
I don't think so AHAHAHAHA LOL. 

10. Had detention?
I think I did once or something like that but I didn't go cause of band or something LOL? 

Chapter 6:

Who/What was the last

1. Movie(s): Rapunzel A Tangled Tale. 

2. Three people to text you: forgot.Kim Sufy and Ng (in order). 

3. Person you called: My father :D. 

4. Person you hugged: My mum I guess. 

5. Person you tackled: Eh I don't do tackling :D. 

6. Person you talked to on YM: Yahoo Messenger? LOL. I use MSN more. Jingwen. To ask about the snorkeling picture cause I once found it on her blog AHAHAHAA. 

7. Thing you touched: The keyboards lah LOL. 

8. Thing you ate: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. That was last night and I totally forgot LOL. I ATE AT CRYSTAL JADE BUFFET YESTERDAY :D. 

9. Thing you drank: Water I guess LOL. 

10. Thing you said: I forgot LOL. 

11. Person you kissed: I forgot O_O. 

12. Place you went? Erm the toilet I guess AHAHAHAA LOL. 

First letter of your name will be the first letter of your answers and the answers must be real and not made up :D. 

1. What is your name: JERLYN. 

2. A four Letter Word: Jars LOLOLOL. 

3. A boy's Name: Jeric :). 

 4. A girl's Name: Jennifer. 

 5. An occupation: Janitor. 

 6. A color: Jade LOL. 

 7. Something you'll wear: Jacket :D. 

 8. A fruit: JAMBU. 

 9. A food: Jam. Can or not LOL. 

 10. Something found in the bathroom: JACUZZI LOL. 

 11. A place: Jerusalem. 

 12. A reason for being late: Just woke up. 

 13. Something you'd shout: JIMMY. 

 14. A movie title: Jackass LOL. 

 15. Something you drink: Jam.  

 16. A musical group: 

 17. An animal: THE SEXY JAGUAR. 

 18. A street name: John Street LOL. 

 19.A type of car: JAGUAR. OH THE SEXY JAGUAR :D. 

20. The title of a song: Jingle Bells LOL. 

Well just in case you're thinking why I'm so smart to come up with some of this answers, I used Google for some LOLOLOLOLOLOL. 

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