Saturday, January 15, 2011

Quiz quiz quiz :)).

Does the last person you texted smoke?
Jacob, no. 

Are you close to your father?
Okayokay lah.

Is there that one guy/girl that you’ll always have feelings for no matter what?

What do you spend most of your money on?
Food. Obvious.

Do you like winter time?

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend smokes?
Yes :(.

What do you say duing awkward silences?
I.. don't say a thing.

Honestly, if you could go back three months and change something would you?
Yeah, I guess so.

Can you commit to one person?

Do you tend to make things complicated?
Hmm, maybe.

Do you have someone who is very protective of you?
I don't know lololol.

Do you like to hold hands?
Yeah :).

Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?

Best thing that happened to you this week?
I got hit by a tennis ball. So funnee.

Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
It's a tie. Shhh.

Are you one of the people that never drinks soda?
Sometimes. If I had a choice.

Does anyone think you’re cute?
ME! Neh kidding.

If your phone goes off during the night, do you answer it?
Scary if it's an unknown number. But yeah, I guess.

Do you ever crack your knuckles / back / ankles / wrists / etc?
Just did :).

Do you ever use words like stoked or sick?

Why are you/ were you texting the last person you texted?
Replying Jacob cause he said I wake up very early today. (which is true, i woke up at 9 plus today, and usually I wake up at like 1pm and reply my SMSes)

Who last made you laugh?
Ng I guess :D. Dump the baby in the sea to bathe them and they will float lolololol.

Can you trust boys?
Some. Depends.

Are you currently sad?

What does your phone do when you get a new message?

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Last time.

Are you going to get hurt by a girl/guy anytime soon?
Bashed up by Sufy for going to school nyehehehe. 

What color are your eyes?

Were you single on your last birthday?

If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?

Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?
Yes :/

Do you like where you live?
Okay okay lah :).

What are you listening to now?
I DON'T WANNA DANCE~. By Hey Monday. Awesome band ♥.

Do you like dark or light jeans better?

Rarely wear jeans, but dark I guess :D.

Are you emotionally strong?

Has the last person you kissed ever cried to you?
LOL no?

Can you honestly say that at this point in time you’re happy with the way things are?

How’s your life lately?
I hate A Maths.

Do you know anybody that sleeps with their eyes open?
What NO LOL.

By what age would you like to be married?
25 :).

Does the number of people a person’s slept with affect your view of them?

What did you dream last night?

Do you ever think about the past?
Obvious, yes.

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
I don't really know :/. Sadder I guess LOL.

Expecting something to change in the next month?
Hope so. 

Is there anybody that you wish you could fix things with?
Yeah. So much.

Are all of your friends in relationships?
LOL not all.

Is there anyone out there who can make you cry very easily?
I guess so :O.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

What’s on your mind?
I DON'T WANNA DANCE. And homework.

Think back to September, were you in a relationship?

Have you ever been called ‘emo’ ‘scene’ or ‘goth’?
Emo? I guess LOL.

Do you care what you look like?
Of course lah LOL.

Is there someone who you’re attracted to?

Have you had sex with more than 5 people this month?
Eew no, LOL.

Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?


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