Sunday, January 30, 2011

Maybe doing this will help.

To do.
  1. English 3 Newspaper articles,
  2. Chinese worksheet,
  3. Chinese spelling, 
  4. Physics workbook page 9 to 11. 
Yes, my homework left. Sigh. 
Good thing there's no school lessons on Wednesday all the way until Next Monday AHAHAHAHA CAUSE OF CHINESE NEW YEAR :D. Test on SURDS on next next Tuesday though, after we come back from our holidays :(. Sian. 

Hi Rabani.


Hi. Yay meeting Lun and Andy and Ah Liang tomorrow. I hope they remember -.-.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Brought my iPod Touch 4 to school today :)).

Today was fairly okay. Seriously, I hate school. I have nothing to look forward to, like seriously. The last two years at least I had Art to look forward to, and that was like 2 days a week. Now the only thing I enjoy is P.E., cause there's no tedious 2 rounds around the basketball court running and all those useless warm up's.  And P.E.'s one day in a week. 

Hate A Maths. Hate Physics. Hate Chemistry. Hate Chinese. Hate E Maths. Special Projects Commitee, Birthday's in charge, Notice board commitee, four band practices a week. Homework almost every day. 
I really want to drop A Maths and take Art instead. 

Well enough of ranting, at least next week only got two days of lessons and this week's homework is mostly done because I stayed back in school with Ng and Timothy to do homework :) ♥. 

Pictures from iPod touch, Aino spoilt again fyi. 

 Testing shot by Isa lololol. 

Someone's mouth. Don't ask. I didn't take this one lololl. 


My shoulder hurts neck hurts thigh hurts.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR MY PERFORMANCE IN P.E. We had to do warm ups cause the basketball court was wet then and we couldn't play tennis. So we did some warm up and I was tired like after the third run LO. So after that we did push up's which I sucked at seriously LOL AHAHA.

AND THEN, we had to do this thing where we were in push up positions and had to keep our body up with our hands on the floor (elbows touching the floor like that AHAHAHA) with our clenched fists for two minutes. After that, you lift one hand up while still in that position for like ten seconds or something la AHAHA. And lift the outer hand after that etc etc.

And I DID IT UNTIL STAGE FIVE WHERE WE HAD TO DO IT ON ALTERNATE HANDS AND LEGS AND I LOST MY BALANCE AND FELL :(. Me and Batchimeg were the last two girls remaining out of the like six AHAHAHA. And me and Timothy kept high five-ing cause we thought we would fail at the first stage.

And after that, we had to be in sit up positions and do sit up's, but our hands must always remain at my thigh there. So I did it in the second round. First round highest for girls were 44 in one minute. And guess what, I topped the second highest in the second round by 5 points :). I did it like 56 times AHAHAHAHAHA so proud of myself <3 LEYH.

Miss Seow was like Highest is 51!
And then she passed by me and asked how much I got but I thought I did it wrongly but after she saw what I did she said YA YA CORRECT CORRECT so how much you get? So I told her and she was like, OKAY WAIT HIGHEST IS 56 FROM JERLYN (♥).

Okay physics and chem test was so hard :(.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Disturbing Isa.

Kim took Isa's phone and we took pictures of us in the toilet and set it as his wallpaper ♥.

Well anyway, Friday was really boring except for Meet The Parents :)). At first I was quite upset cause I was assigned to a group I didn't know and wasn't close to, but the girls there were really friendly :)). And we were in charge out Court 2 for Sec 1's orientation games Captain ball! Awesome I was the referee and I was given these ;). 

Oh, the whistle gave ME, power.
Luckily the others didn't want to be the referee's :) and I had Fengshan and Ahmal or something helping me referee too, so yeah it was damn fun .

Well don't get me wrong, lightens up the atmosphere, and me Isa and Rachel and Haz and Khairil sat on the court just random talking and rambling after the first two games finished? and Isa wouldn't lend me his gameboy SP >:(. 

You just can't deny the truth. So did Isa. (his hand I'm holding btw ^) 

It was funnn :)), the sec one's were enthu this year!! Must help out next year too :D. 
And then after that we had Meet The Parents session duty and with Kimmy Andrea Xinhui Haz and Rachel (though I didn't do much with Haz and Rachel during MTP cause they were ushering or something and I was registering!) ♥. So four of us just kept talking and talking, just bonding while helping out with the parents :). Fun, though we didn't get to see the campfire fully! And we got an applause from the council when we came to the briefing late cause we helped out with MTP and missed out on the campfire :(!! 

And I left my P.E. shorts in Mrs Teo's locker LOLOLOLOL. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Done with my English homework!

Now all I need to do is finish my A Maths homework and learn my ting xie.

Quiz quiz quiz :)).

Does the last person you texted smoke?
Jacob, no. 

Are you close to your father?
Okayokay lah.

Is there that one guy/girl that you’ll always have feelings for no matter what?

What do you spend most of your money on?
Food. Obvious.

Do you like winter time?

Does it matter to you if your boyfriend/ girlfriend smokes?
Yes :(.

What do you say duing awkward silences?
I.. don't say a thing.

Honestly, if you could go back three months and change something would you?
Yeah, I guess so.

Can you commit to one person?

Do you tend to make things complicated?
Hmm, maybe.

Do you have someone who is very protective of you?
I don't know lololol.

Do you like to hold hands?
Yeah :).

Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home?

Best thing that happened to you this week?
I got hit by a tennis ball. So funnee.

Who do you feel the most comfortable around?
It's a tie. Shhh.

Are you one of the people that never drinks soda?
Sometimes. If I had a choice.

Does anyone think you’re cute?
ME! Neh kidding.

If your phone goes off during the night, do you answer it?
Scary if it's an unknown number. But yeah, I guess.

Do you ever crack your knuckles / back / ankles / wrists / etc?
Just did :).

Do you ever use words like stoked or sick?

Why are you/ were you texting the last person you texted?
Replying Jacob cause he said I wake up very early today. (which is true, i woke up at 9 plus today, and usually I wake up at like 1pm and reply my SMSes)

Who last made you laugh?
Ng I guess :D. Dump the baby in the sea to bathe them and they will float lolololol.

Can you trust boys?
Some. Depends.

Are you currently sad?

What does your phone do when you get a new message?

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Last time.

Are you going to get hurt by a girl/guy anytime soon?
Bashed up by Sufy for going to school nyehehehe. 

What color are your eyes?

Were you single on your last birthday?

If you were in the hospital would your number one come see you?

Are there things in your life that you’ll never be able to get over?
Yes :/

Do you like where you live?
Okay okay lah :).

What are you listening to now?
I DON'T WANNA DANCE~. By Hey Monday. Awesome band ♥.

Do you like dark or light jeans better?

Rarely wear jeans, but dark I guess :D.

Are you emotionally strong?

Has the last person you kissed ever cried to you?
LOL no?

Can you honestly say that at this point in time you’re happy with the way things are?

How’s your life lately?
I hate A Maths.

Do you know anybody that sleeps with their eyes open?
What NO LOL.

By what age would you like to be married?
25 :).

Does the number of people a person’s slept with affect your view of them?

What did you dream last night?

Do you ever think about the past?
Obvious, yes.

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder?
I don't really know :/. Sadder I guess LOL.

Expecting something to change in the next month?
Hope so. 

Is there anybody that you wish you could fix things with?
Yeah. So much.

Are all of your friends in relationships?
LOL not all.

Is there anyone out there who can make you cry very easily?
I guess so :O.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?

What’s on your mind?
I DON'T WANNA DANCE. And homework.

Think back to September, were you in a relationship?

Have you ever been called ‘emo’ ‘scene’ or ‘goth’?
Emo? I guess LOL.

Do you care what you look like?
Of course lah LOL.

Is there someone who you’re attracted to?

Have you had sex with more than 5 people this month?
Eew no, LOL.

Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?


A Maths lessons.

When Mr Loo is like this, 

And I'm just like this. 


Friday, January 14, 2011

Cough cough cough.

The front part of my ankle hurts, sore throat, eye hurts, nose feels hot, plaster on thumb. Geez.

  1. Do English Exercise 125 and 126 (Half completed)
  2. Learn ting xie (Haven't started on it yet)
  3. Finish up my English Compositions introduction (Left a few more lines then finish LOL)
  4. Do A Maths (sian -.-)
Well, not a lot lah, considering some are almost half done. Shall procrastinate. Ankle ankle ankle still sore! I thought won't one leh :(. I thought a bit and for a while only, even though I was hoping it would be longer so I CAN WEAR CRUTCHES LOLOLOL SO WEIRD RIGHT, ME. I KNOW AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Then pain is even longer than they eye that got hit by the tennis ball lah please. Well actually no la, cause my eye still hurts. And I want a bruise on my eye so if people ask me what happened to me eye I shall say Oh I got into a fight and I own bwahahahaha *evil laughter here* AHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

But not during Chinese New Year please :). And I need A Maths tuition.


Then I think about summer all the beautiful times.

Accident prone much?

Lemme see,
  1. twisted my leg yesterday when going to retrieve my ball, 
  2. Heng Jun hit me with his racket when I bend down and got right up again after getting back my ball, again, LOL. 
  3. Kai Lun was playing with the tennis ball and it slipped out of his hands or something and bounced on my head. 
  4. I turned around to get back the ball that Zachary Ng threw too far away and I couldn't catch it and Tony went to return the ball with the racket (like hit the ball with the racket lah LOL) and I turned back at around like the moment he hit the ball, and yesh, it went straight into my face LOLOLOL. Damn epic. 
  5. And paper cut today. Hurts so badly. Open the wound and can see the skin barrier thing. MY SKIN IS SO THICK LOL. 
Oh life :). 

I'm going to fail. Confirm :(.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


But then Wenkee got 5 points added by 王老师 :( sO we got tied and had to do some shOwdown battle thing. And obviously I lost. Sucks.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


You know one thing that annoys me is when people just start insulting other celebrities. For example Justin Bieber. So many people are liking all those groups on Facebook, commenting on his music videos, basically just thrasing him.

I'm not saying this because I'm a fan of Justin Bieber. In fact, I'm not. I don't hate or love him though. I just don't understand why everyone's talking about him that way. It's bloody unfair. He has TALENT. Why do you think he got signed? Do you have it? If you don't, then just shut your bloody mouth and let him sing his songs the way he wants to. It's his life. 

Sure, it's your mouth, it's your bloody opinion, what rights do I have to stop you from talking like that. 
You don't see me going around thrasing YOUR K-POP STUFF, YOUR ANIME CHARACTERS and everything, do you? Sure I say eew occasionally, but I don't go around thrasing them. 

It's just, bloody annoying -.-. 

Weekends and homeworks.


And I woke up at 10am today. I deserve a round of applause. Clap clap clap. 
I was writing out what I'm supposed to do this and BY this weekend and realised it was a lot :(. Considering I will be quite busy this whole weekend. 
  1. Study Chemistry test on Chapter 1. (Quiz on Monday D:)
  2. Do A Maths mastery worksheet. 
  3. Prepare show and tell speech for CHINESE. YES CHINESE. I had it all in my head already last night. My whole speech about band and percussion \m/. 
  4. Prepare Archimedes play for CHINESE AGAIN. 
I need Google translater. Hoping I'll finish it by today :/, even though that might not be possible since I have the whole bursary thing today at 3.30pm until don't know what time, then my aunt's coming over to fetch me at around 6pm to bring me out for dinner! I hope I can do everything at night :). Maybe study Chem and do a bit of Maths? I left 4 questions. And they're like grouped under Compulsory, Intermediate and something harder :(. 


Friday, January 7, 2011

Special Projects Coordinator.

Love Hey Monday ♥. 

So I am the special projects coordinator and Mr Teo wanted us to be the Birthday incharge thingy something person too, together with Timothy, and so we would have to get a cake and buy (but I prefered doing it myself, cause you know, more special) before everyone in our class' birthday. So Timothy was thinking, we're going to do this for 33 people (excluding both of us), omgg LOL.

And so today was Rachel's birthday, and so I did a card (though it was quite plain) and got a cake for her (chocolate, cause she once told the class she liked chocolate :))), and we celebrated her birthday before she left for her duty, and we sang Happy Birthday and then she looked really happy and then she thanked me and hugged me before she left :). It was really touching actually, lol :'). And then Aaron thanked me through text and face to face and told me something and told me that Rachel was really happy after we celebrated for her :D. And she just texted me to thank me for the card and the cake and all :). It made me really proud and happy about myself, that I could like make someone this happy. 

I like this job :). 

A Maths. Urgh.


It's homework every. single. day. Argh urgh ergh :(((. Damn sian lah, and I hate Maths and we get Maths homework almost every lesson D:. And argh, some bursary thingy tomorrow -.-. Damn sian lah, -.-, even though get money. BUT ARGH I SO LAZY GO D:. I want to drop A Maths and take Art instead. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oh my feet :(.

School has started! 

I was hoping for introductions on first day and all these stuff, but apparently we don't do that anymore in sec three. Except for in Physics, where the teacher had us say our register number, our name and our favourite subject and one interesting fact about us. And Mr Loo gave us homework for BOTH A Maths and E Maths. Heng arh, lucky today don't have maths SO NO HOMEWORK :)). Though I haven't finished my A Maths homework. Damn cheem :'(.

CCA fair today, and had to wear court shoes. Hurt like shit after band was dismissed. I guess because I carry the marching snare drum and all my weight plus the marching snare drum's weight all act upon a smaller surface area (LOLOLOLOLOLOL) and they hurt sooooo soooooo much D:.

And for Chinese I have WANG LAO SHI :((. She punished me and Kai Lun and some other guy to ACT OUT ARCHIMEDES (or the correct spelling LOL) THAT GUY WHO SCREAMED AND RAN AND SHOUTED EUREKA ONE. Cause we read the worst for the chinese passage LOLOLOL. And then since 3E1 I'm the only girl from 3E1 in that MT class I have to go FIRST for the CHINESE SHOW AND TELL. GEDDIT, CHINESE, CHINESE D:. NEXT MONDAY OMG. ARGHHHHH. Lucky tomorrow don't have Chinese cause then we don't need to do the play so fast AHAHAHAHA and today I skipped Chinese cause got band AHAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA again.

And during CCA fair Kai Lun whacked my face with a stack of paper and my senior and my friends started laughing D:.

Monday, January 3, 2011

School starts tomorrow :D!

You are now watching the Shaytard's vlog, 
Just sit back, relax and follow along. 
Do the things Shay says do the thing Shay does, 
With his cool family and just because, 
He posts his life online for you, 
He's done it for a year let's hope for two, 
We're ready for a video so let it be clear. 
Heeeeeeeeeeey, he's vlogging hereeee. 

OMG, listening to Andy was one of the most greatest decisions I have ever made. To watch Shaytards ♥! Lolololol. And tomrrow council duty is still the same so yippee can see my mentees again :)))).

But they might not want to see me :'((. Well anyways LOLOLOL, I'm thinking I have morning duty with them on Tuesday's, and Monday and Wednesday and Friday? Or was it Tuesday's and Thursday's. I really forgot and they haven't replied so I need to check the notice board tomorrow :). And I'm the oldest there but I'm the shortest. Sadded :(. And just thinking this year my mentees will have their own mentees :')). They grow up so fast. LOLOLOLOLOL, I'm just kidding. 

And sian lah, tomorrow got band then on Wednesday we have house meeting -.-. At least house meetings might end at around the same timing so I can still go back home on the same bus as Cheo Ah Lun.

I DON'T WANT BAND :(((((((((((((((. And Kim not same class as me :(. 
I'm just excited to see our new teachers ._.. I miss 2E1'10 already :(. 

Warning long post ahead LOL.

My 4th birthday party with my parents friends and my relatives LOL. 
Jeric, Pamelia, Jingwen, Me, Kaiboon (look like angmoh cause he so light skinned LOL) and some other guy I have forgotten about LOL). 

So I was at Holland Village last night and I was just telling my family how I could remember quite a lot of things I did or what happened when I was young lol. My brain is actually filled with childhood memories and not what's the defi of incomplete combustion and what's the chemical reaction when sugar is heated and stuff like that. I'm weird, in a cool way like that. 

Like when I was young I used to stay in Indo (but most of you already know that anyway lol) in a one storey house (before i moved to another house in Indo) and I vomited chocolate milk or something in front of my bedroom door.

And we would always buy stacks of papers just to use all the time and there was once when I was quite young I took the plastic bag of PLAIN WHITE PAPERS (this part might get a bit confusing LOL) and on top of it was a PRINTED piece of paper in indonesian or something like labelling this is this brand of white paper and I was really young and I didn't know how to read it so I thought it meant Welcome to my room or something and I took scotch tapes and pasted it on my bedroom wall and my mum was quite mad at me LOL.

And how I used to take a used box where we used to put cakes and muffins or something and I would take that box (it was sort of orangey red I think LOL) and me and my neighbours would go infront of my house there would be this plot of land with bushes with flowers growing on them so we would pluck all of them off and put it in our boxes.

And me and my neighbour would play at my house sometimes and we would pretend to be Japanese even though we didn't know how to speak Japanese actually LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL and we would just speak gibberish but we actually understood one another cause as we were speaking gibberish we would do all this hand gestures and everything.

And how I went to this mall once and saw our used to be neighbours after we moved house and someone told me I used to go over to their house and watch them pluck bean sprouts (I still remember this like A BIT).

And once my father was talking to our NEXT DOOR neighbour and I went out and showed my neighbour my father was talking to my pink Minnie Mouse wallet.

And then when we moved house I had this friend who was one year older than me in the same school as I was in (I still remember her name, Audilia or something) and I used to go to her house all the time and we would just play random stuff and once she told me whenever she saw something cute she would have this urge to pinch it or something and I thought it was really funny in a weird way and I didn't understand why she would say and do that but now I do LOL. We were playing Hamtaro when she told me that.

And her house exterior was blue and very ang moh looking and she had cactuses outside of her house which I  have always wanted to poke but never dared to.

And when my play time was over my maid would come over to her house to pick me up with my chauffeur or something (YES I HAD ONE LOLOLOLOLOL) and I would hide in my friend's den/study room cause I really didn't want to go home LOL. It was wooden everywhere LOL AHAHAHAHAA.

And when my brother had this spiderman gun thingy that he could put on his hand as a glve and do spiderman's finger action just before he shoots out all the spider web thingy, my brother had that glove and when he pressed it white foam would spray out and we sprayed it all over our small tiny garden. LOL.

And once when I was in Kindergarten in Icthus or however you spell it we had this kitchen play area and I think I saw one of my friends tear this sponge that was there into half so I did it too and then I think this teacher saw me and she wanted to scold me but I ran under a table to hide under there LOLOLOL.

And I always took a long time to eat so I was usually the last one sitting on the table eating my lunch while everybody is on the floor doing something else LOL AHAHAHA. And I would massgae my teacher called Ms Josephine or something LOL.

And my friend Kenny once helped me carry my bag to the room we had to assemble at before we could leave and we would say a prayer before we go home and I think I said it once on the mic or something LOL.

(Edit: not my father's boss, father's partner. I lazy change only lololol).
And my father would bring me to the place he worked sometimes and I liked it so much.
One side of the land would be houses where I think the boss stayed or something, and far away was another row of houses and in between these two houses place was a grassy field or something and they had like two fierce dogs down there and my dog used to stay there and me and my father would play fetch with it in this empty plot of land but after a while they built something in it so it wasn't empty anymore LOL.

And my friend (son of the boss??) who stayed there told me stories about my dog like how it ate a squirrel or something O_O. My dog's name was Bingo BTW and FYI LOL. And my friend had this whole cupboard of toys which I used to play with sometimes but I think I had to put the toys back to where it was. And it was all antique, like there were dalmation 101 dogs toys there, soldiers and all these stuff in a glass cupboard.

And sometimes the boss's wife or something would lend me this big yellow metal box or something which I thought was kinda cool I guess when I was young cause my friend had this whole random markers in it and crayons and all the art stuff and considering I love Art so much, of course I was fascinated LOL.

And besides the grassy field was the factory. Factory and machines on the ground floor and offices upstairs. And the floor upstairs was very thin like when you step on it got sound one like it's creaking or something LOL and the toilet was quite small.


And my father had this whole office to himself where he had all this cool stuff and while he did his work I would lie down on the floor with my paper on this big world map (I couldn't do it on the floor because it was carpet floors and my pencil would poke through the paper if I drew there) and I would just lie on the floor and draw.

And sometimes I would just wander around the second floor and I would look into the big office where it was golden looking and even had a sofa (boss one?) and besides it was this small room where there was a computer and my friend or my friend's brother or something would play Zoo Tycoon and I liked it so much but I didn't get a chance to play it I guess LOL. And my father's boss sometimes gave me candy to eat :D.

I still remember a lot of things lahhhh, like how my mum would bring me to this place to do her grocery shopping and after that we would go upstairs where we ate really nice grass jelly and there was also this shop where they sold Barbie stuff at like 5000 Rupiah or something and I would buy it everytime I'm there.

And we were in this shopping mall once and I brought this spy device thingy I bought from Singapore for like 5 Singapore Dollars there and I dropped one of my pieces in the arcade and I was so upset I told my parents to buy me one more of this spy device toy thingy in Singapore.

And outside the arcade where I lost the spy device toy thingy I ate this baked potato with cheese on it and it WAS DELICIOUS.

Okay I'm done reminiscing or however you spell that LOLOLOLOL. And all this happened in Indonesia cause I stayed there most of the time LOL.



1. What do you do if you are in the bathroom with a beetle flying around? 
Run out lah lololol. 

2. What do you do if you hear a song you like playing on the radio when you are all alone in the room?

3. You want to speak to your crush badly. What is your line?

4. What do you do if all your friends hate a particular band that you love?

5. What do you do when you trip and fall in front of many people?
Sit down there and laugh AHAHAHAHA. 

-6. You forgot to do your multiple-choice question homework and your class starts in 5 minutes. What do you do?
Rush through it and hope my teacher goes through it with the entire class so that I will have time to do it when she's going through AHAHAHA. If not :(, then I bo pian copy from my friend LORH LOL. 

7. You have bad breath and someone speaks to you. How do you react?
Cover mouth lah, sheesh. 

8. You just finished gym and after a shower, you drop your underpants on the wet floor. What do you do?
Pick it up lah LOL. 

9. wat do you do if a personality quiz says that you have a lousy personality as your result?
WhAii ThAnK Euu :3. 

10. Your friend gave you the worst gift you have ever received and asks: Do you like it? How do you react?

11.(Continued from question 10) What are you really thinking secretly inside?

12. A hot guy/girl keeps looking at you while you are on the bus. What are you secretly thinking inside?

13. Your crush and you are eating dinner together, the food you've ordered came first, you do not want him or her to look at you eating while his or her food hasn't come. What will you do?
Idc. I'm going to eat first ehehehe. 

14. You are alone in your house and you realized that there is a burglar. What do you do?
Call police lah, obviously LOL. 

15.What do you do when your best friend had just spoilt your favourite one and only camera with all the important photos you cherished inside?
OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Then... nothing else I guess lolololol. 

16. What do you do when you receive a call from a kidnapper and your friend is in their hands?
OMG D:. 

17. What do you do if you break your friend's favourite vase but he or she didn't see it?
Tell lorh. 

18.You were told to buy carrots by your mother, but you forgot it and went back home with garlic. How will you explain to your mother?

19. What do you do when you see a cat chasing a mouse?
Follow them AHAHAHAHAA. 

20. You missed your favourite tv show and it was the season finale. 

21. There is a crash in your schedule, one is your friend's wedding, the other is your another friend's last day of funeral. what will you do?
Go funeral for a while then go wedding I guess. 

1. Where did you take your profile pic?

Facebook? Johor Bahru, Amigos Horse Riding centre place or something LOL. 

2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Smurfs teeshirt and white shorts (SMURFS AHAHAHAAAAA LOL). 

3.What is your current problem?

4. What makes you happy most?
I have no idea lolololol. 

5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
Hey Monday - I don't wanna dance. Awesome song. 

 6. Any celeb you would marry?
Sorry, I'm not really one of those crazy fangirls. 

7. Name someone with the same birthday as you?

8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
Yeah. Twice D:. 

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
No :'(. 

10. Do you still watch kiddy movie or kiddie TV shows?

11. Do you speak any languages?
English and singlish.                                                 

12. Has anyone you've been really close with passed away?

13. Do you ever watch MTV?
Like once or twice or thrice only I guess :D? 

14. What's something that really annoys you.
A lot lah LOL.  

Chapter 1:

1. Middle name: Ain't got any. 

 2. Nickname(s): - (L)LAMA ♥.

3. Current location: Parents room in front of the computer AHAHAHAAA LOL. 

 4. Eye color: Black. I think. 

Chapter 2:

 1. Do you get along with your parent(s):
Yeah ♥.

 *Chapter 3: 


 1. Ice Cream: Good authentic 
Matcha ice cream. 

 2. Season: I've never experienced winter and fall D:. 

3. Shampoo/conditioner: I don't really have any LOL. 


Chapter 4: 
Do You...

1. Dance in the shower?
Yesh :). 

 2.Write on your hand?

3. Call people back?
If they just called and I know their numbers AHAHAAA. 

4. Believe in love:

5.Believe in God?
YESH ♥. 

6. Any bad habits?
Biting finger nails D:. 

7. Any mental health issues:
I'm not sure :/. 

Chapter 5:

Have You...

2. Sprained stuff:
Nope :D. 

3. Had physical therapy:
No I guess O_O. 

4. Gotten stitches?
Don't think so. 

 5. Taken painkillers:

 6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
YES *showoffshowoff*. 
And I tried finding a picture of us snorkeling but I couldn't find it D:. 

8. Thrown up at the dentist:

9. Sworn in front of your parents?
I don't think so AHAHAHAHA LOL. 

10. Had detention?
I think I did once or something like that but I didn't go cause of band or something LOL? 

Chapter 6:

Who/What was the last

1. Movie(s): Rapunzel A Tangled Tale. 

2. Three people to text you: forgot.Kim Sufy and Ng (in order). 

3. Person you called: My father :D. 

4. Person you hugged: My mum I guess. 

5. Person you tackled: Eh I don't do tackling :D. 

6. Person you talked to on YM: Yahoo Messenger? LOL. I use MSN more. Jingwen. To ask about the snorkeling picture cause I once found it on her blog AHAHAHAA. 

7. Thing you touched: The keyboards lah LOL. 

8. Thing you ate: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. That was last night and I totally forgot LOL. I ATE AT CRYSTAL JADE BUFFET YESTERDAY :D. 

9. Thing you drank: Water I guess LOL. 

10. Thing you said: I forgot LOL. 

11. Person you kissed: I forgot O_O. 

12. Place you went? Erm the toilet I guess AHAHAHAA LOL. 

First letter of your name will be the first letter of your answers and the answers must be real and not made up :D. 

1. What is your name: JERLYN. 

2. A four Letter Word: Jars LOLOLOL. 

3. A boy's Name: Jeric :). 

 4. A girl's Name: Jennifer. 

 5. An occupation: Janitor. 

 6. A color: Jade LOL. 

 7. Something you'll wear: Jacket :D. 

 8. A fruit: JAMBU. 

 9. A food: Jam. Can or not LOL. 

 10. Something found in the bathroom: JACUZZI LOL. 

 11. A place: Jerusalem. 

 12. A reason for being late: Just woke up. 

 13. Something you'd shout: JIMMY. 

 14. A movie title: Jackass LOL. 

 15. Something you drink: Jam.  

 16. A musical group: 

 17. An animal: THE SEXY JAGUAR. 

 18. A street name: John Street LOL. 

 19.A type of car: JAGUAR. OH THE SEXY JAGUAR :D. 

20. The title of a song: Jingle Bells LOL. 

Well just in case you're thinking why I'm so smart to come up with some of this answers, I used Google for some LOLOLOLOLOLOL.