Saturday, July 2, 2011

I should probably get started on my homework and band grad video!!

But for now.. I'll attempt to blog about Australia. I feel like it's been rotting in my photo albums page only to be seen by me cause I didn't want anyone to see the pictures but on my blog first so A.HA.HA.

Need to do band grad video :((. And by today I must finish my SS and maybe... Chinese if I'm in the mood to do so hohoho.

Woke up, had breakfast! 

omnomnomnom being in Australia has made me like bacon more than I ever did! Like half of my trip breakfast all like this one hohoho. Jealous not. 


Walked to the playground *all alone.. in the cold*! 

My poor ugg boots covered in shit :(. 

Li-Anne and Li-Nelle! 


*angels start singing in the background* 


How cute is this. 

Sadly I was too paiseh to go up and play with them cause I am so old :(. 

And after that we checked out and went to Sovereign Hill! Which was pretty interesting. 


Some place with oldern (modern, oldern??) type settings depicting Australia in the early something something. I don't know, anyhow guess one. 

AHAHA almost all the shops can go in one :), not just there for display only hohoho. 

Clomp clomp clomp. 

Apparently this was quite famous! And we bought like... four small bottles, and two big bottles. Sad story though. We gave away all the small bottles and there was none left for me to keep :'((. And we gave away one of the big bottles even though I wanted the mixed one :( which I agreed to give away cause I THOUGHT I had some leftover small bottles but it turned out my brother was giving it to his best friend :( so we left one big bottle only boohoohoo. 

Okay sad story, you can cry now. 

PRETTY NOT. Now you can see why I was so sad :(. 

Demo on how he make! 

AHAHAHA that cute little kid kept turning back to ask his father for lollies. Like (*$(@*# times. Then his father kept saying you have to wait, they're still making it! *aww so cute die of cuteness*. Ahem, I let him stand in front one ;). Cause I'm just that nice. 

*eye sparkles*. 

Hohoho and he gave the audience free candies! 

Which was hot and awesome btw. 

And then we went to watch some gold making show after a candy making show. 

How to make Gold.
The guy kept saying get ready your cameras cause it was amazing and whatnot and I literally spammed. 

1. Pour gold liquid. 

2. Do something to gold solid. 

3. Talk about gold solid. 

Tadah gold! *okay lame bye. 

This made me sad and demoralised! Cause I suddenly shot up to 48kg but I was actually just 46kg :'(!! 

But ho! I am worth so much. 

Raspberry drops! 

AHAHA bowling alley! 

AHAHA can dig for gold! Not really dig lah.. like, scoop up some pile of stones in the water and put it in a (rusty) plate or bowl type of thingy and find gold inside AHAHAHA. They actually really have gold inside but it's super tiny lah please LOL. No luck :(. 


This needs no explanation. 


My jacket makes me look huge and fat. 

Group photo AHAHAHAHA. 

LUNCH AT KFC. Which is much better than Singapore's one. Except no SAUCE. 

My Zinger meal AHAHAHA. 

My mama's twister. 

Brownie!! AHAHAHA but not as nice as Miss Nadiah's one :(. 

I don't know who he is but he has to be famous right!! 

Super sweet. Meh. 

Eat too much will sian one :(. 

Too much computer is not good must look at green once in a while!! Okay then drove back to the house. 

I am a healthy blogger hohoho. 


I sat here with the other children and one of them asked me which year I was born in (the one who asked is like 11 or 10), and I was like 1996. And he said: "Wah! I like to see old people." They were born in like 2000 so anyone born in the 1990's is old!!! 

And then I helped Li-Anne and Li-Nelle download stuff AHAHAHAHA. 

Okay abrupt ending. 

YAY DONE THIS WAS KIND OF SHORT :O. Should do band grad video now! And SS :(.

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