Sunday, July 17, 2011

Australia Day Five!

Breakfast was usual angmoh breakfast omnomnomnom. 

And house tour of the house I was staying at for like 8 or 9 nights! 

Living room, kitchen and dining table. 

Behind the living room sofa is another living room area, another TV where the game console (Wii!) is, and laundry room besides the bookshelves. 

My parent's guest room. 

Corridor! <<< Li Nelle's room to the side which cannot be viewed when I uploaded the pictures here and I can't be bothered to find it again AHAHAHAHA. 

Li Anne's room in which me and my brother slept in. Li Nelle's room looks almost the same, just a single bed and not a double bed, and her room is blue themed not pink. 

Kitchen counter. <<<< Bigger dining room at the side. 

Some area? 

Me in the huge ass mirror AHAHAHHAA. 

I don't know who took this picture :O. 

And then we headed off to the train station to take a train to the City (ohyeah!!). 

Aiyo, this button so scary. You see they say the green one will tell you when the next train coming right!! So I pressed it then suddenly got the ringing telephone sound, you know when you call somebody then they haven't pick up yet! AHH that one AHAHAHAHA then scared the crap out of me. I thought I press the red button or something then call the operator wahlaoooo. End out I didn't and I really did press the correct one -___-. 

Freezing cold sia wth. 

Train lai liao! 

I wasn't actually allowed to take pictures but I already did anyway so AHAHAHAHAHHAA. 

Outside of the station! 

Chio not. So old-sy and all. 

Wahlaooo damn cute sweet shop everytime walk past but end out I didn't get anything from here :(((!! 

Our apartment! 

My brother looks like an elf AHAHAHAHAHA. 

Waiting to check in! 

Some stand where all the coupons are!! I wanted to keep the prettier ones for souveniers but I don't know all go where liao :(. 

Still checking in.. I kept myself entertained by reading the DVD's for rent. 

Heh our apartment! One of the toilet doors at the right <<<, and another one is in the master bedroom AHAHAHAHAHAHAA. 

Kitchen area. 

Dining and living room area AHAHAHAHAA. 

Where me and my brother slept in. 

Master bedroom. 

Huge mirror. 

Toilet again AHAHAHAHAA. 

And then we headed out to walk around the city! 


Omnomnomnom we got pizza slices to munch on while walking! Super cheap. Tho I forgot the price liao. 

Sat down to eat. 

Horse carriages!! 

AND ZOMGZOMGZOMG THE SUSHI IN AUSTRALIA WAS SO FRIGGIN' GOOD LAH ZOMG WE HAD IT LIKE ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY THERE LORH ZOMG :( I MISS THEM NOW AHAHAHA D':. At first I didn't like the fact that all their salmon rolls were like with avocado but I ended up liking it!! Cause they were oh so good. 

Oh lookie. 

Some random man on the streets playing some local instrument or something! 


Ate.. again. 

Fried rice. 

Ice lemon tea, grass jelly with milk tea and tea I guess. 

This was oh so good. 

AND THEN EAT AGAIN LOL cause my mum saw her favourite something bun. 

Omg so good too. 

My mum photobomb AHAHAHAHA. 

Tram :O! 

Epic face AHAHAHAHAA. 

Free tram ride around the city xD. 

LOL here can rent bicycles one BUT MAD EXPENSIVE LORH AHAHAHAHA. 


LOL epic face again. 

Some really nice man offered to help us! 


And while my parents went to check out the casino.. they left me and my brother some money to get ice cream BUT MY BROTHER WITH HIS LOVE FOR MANGO DECIDED TO GET MANGO ICE CREAM. 

Actually not all that bad lah LOL. 

Pretty looking lights outside the casino. 

Walking around Crown which was HUGE. 

Walking back home to the apartment! Australia starts getting dark at around like 5.30 pm during this season! 

Blur shot of me and a public toilet AHAHAHAA. 

But before we went back home we stopped off at Cole's to do some grocery shopping! 

Lindt cafe which we didn't get to try cause it was so expensive :(. 

AHAHAHA my brother setting up the table for dinner. 

Which my mum cooked at the apartment's kitchen! OMNOMNOMNOM. 

Okay abrupt ending AHAHAHA. 

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