Sunday, July 31, 2011

All these music games.

I used to love o2jam like crazy, but I never really knew how to download it (I was super young okaay). Only Pamelia (who was the one who introduced me to this game) had it on her computer so everytime I went to her house, this was the game I'd play.

If you know me, you'd know that I love games like this. O2Jam, Highstreet5 (almost the same as Audition, although weirdly enough I never really did play Audition) and of course, Tap Tap Revenge. And Dance Dance Revolution zomg, same, only Pamelia had that :(. And that game on PSP, I forgot what it's called.

Soooo, when me and Jingwen wanted to play DDR and O2Jam, you know what we would do? (cause the both of us had neither of these games D:) We'd search the song on YouTube (For O2Jam, Fly Magpie and Christmas Memories were the ones I really liked, and for DDR I like Moonlight Shadow) and pretend to play it. If it was O2Jam, we would play it on the keyboard. Even though it required the space bar to play (the golden bar) and I forgot how to use the spacebar without pausing the video :( so I couldn't play O2Jam with the spacebar just now :(!!! And for DDR, we'd use our own hands to pretend we were holding game consoles ._. OH THE LIFE OF US.

Okay random ranting I just miss O2Jam and DDR :(.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hi my birthday is in a few more days!


And I figured I shall do a wishlist sort of thing. Cause.. it's my birthday soon. Wink wink nudge nudge. You know.. in case... you want to buy me something.. *wink*. And just cause I want to fantasize a bit :).

Sidenote: Omg so annoying my mouse sometimes go like a bit loose or somethind when I want to click something it moves the cursor all the way to the left and it closes the whole webpage. Lucky with Google Chrome I can reopen it all. Geez :(.

1. Rings or accessories!
That look something like that. I don't know why. I used to not like accessories but I kinda like them now ever since I went to Equip and Diva(omg history behind Equip ever since I was young I read ang moh magazines and they'll be like this item was from Equip and blah blah blah and Singapore don't have so I was super happy when I saw it in Australia!!) and they had a sale and I bought like a lot of accessories from there! Oh but like I said, I lately like accessories! Except for connector rings. They look pretty, but I don't like the fact it restricts my finger movements. 

2. Nikon SB-400
Price: SGD$249. 

This is crazy ex lorh and my father told me he'd rather I buy lenses then to get a flash. But I don't like my camera's built in flash. With the SB-400 I can use bounce flash which zomg I like so much ever since I read and saw the photos from the lenses flashes manual brochure things my father got for me to read when he went to repair my Nikon (heh). Plus it's tiny! Unlike those huge ass ones which looks really professional.. but bulky. I don't want to carry a bulky bag everytime I got out. And I did my research okay!! The built in flash uses like three times more battery! See.

This is how you do bounce flash. So cool right. So the lighting won't look so harsh as compared to built in flashes. 

3. Sims 3 Expansion Packs.


A bit ex too, but Comics Connection having sale now!! Buy any two EA games and get like.. ten or fifteen or twenty percent off! But this.. I want these two games like 6/10 only. Cause my brother uses the computer with my Sims inside.. and sometimes I too lazy to play the Sims. So not so worth it if I buy but I would be so happy to get it though then maybe got excuse to play Sims!

4. A new clutch wallet. 

You know, like the one I have now that I bought from Australia. But IT'S TEARING APART WTH. Today one of the pockets like going to come out -____-. Pekcek. I want a new one and my birthday is an excuse to get one! New Look has some really pretty ones but the one in the picture is super chio lorhh wth :(. The blog I took the picture from said that they got it from a flea market in Bugis? I guess. But I seriously love the British flag trend that's going on right now and if you get me this for my birthday I will cry for joy :(. 


Yes I want a shopping spree. Who don't want :(. A shopping spree is just to summarise up all the clothes I want cause if I were to list them all out here my whole post will be super looooong. Heh. 

6. Lots and lots of pens and notebooks. 
I'm a bit weird. I love pens. I have this obsession with pens. I want a lot for my birthday. I want colourful ones. I recently went obsessed with the highlighter markers I have that are super chio, but I realise my notes look more neater (and by notes I mean Chemistry notes) when I use a lot of different colourful pens and a few markers and not a lot of markers and a few coloured pens. I want I want I want.

7. Honey Bunches of Oats Strawberry cereal. 
Okay this is kinda meant as a joke but my cereal stocks is running very low and I want more :(. Cause I'll be very sad if I don't have cereal. I don't know why I love this so much.. but I already ate like 3 or maybe even 4 whole boxes of this mainly on my own. I'll just watch some video on YouTube on my iPod, sit in front of it in my kitchen dining table and just eat one or maybe even two and maybe even three bowls of cereal. I'm just that obsessed I don't know why cause I usually get sick and tired of something after a while. But look! It's 0g trans fat and I just wished this cereal was healthy cause I've eaten a lot already :(. 

8. Polaroid Camera. 
Yeah yeah I know I have my Nikon but I just like having like instant photos to keep in my wallet and stuff like that. The camera isn't so expensive but the film is!! But I really want one zomg :'(. I think I'd rather get this then get the Nikon SB-400 leyh. Camera plus film I think also cheaper than the flash lorh :(!! 

And I don't think I want to get books for my birthday since I already have like a few books I haven't read yet :) AHAHAHAHAHA I have like FOUR in my To-Read-Stack of books!! Okay I can't think of anything else I want liao. As in physically want AHAHAHA. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I don't know why I just thought so cute zomg Mr Loo still awake using facebook at like 12 midnight. School day some more tomorrow AHAHAHAHA. And speaking of Mr Loo today I asked him about the Wordnesday Popular vouchers cause Ms Sew told me to get it from him and I told him that Ms Sew told me to get it from him and he was like go and tell her to buy herself and gave that look of his (AHAHAHA ZOMG) and walked away. Swag.

Three tests down, two more to go :). 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My (not so) current obsession.

Is this! 
Salmon... paste I guess from Ikea! Unfortunately my thumb is blocking the Ikea logo for both pictures but you can actually see a bit of the A popping out! Right right right! (And heh, my froot loops in the background!!). 

Pastej Lax. Sorry for the blur photos one hand holding my Nikon one hand holding Pastej Lax very hard to focus properly! But I stopped obsessing over it cause the biscuits to go with it has been munched away by me and my brother... :(. 

Just needed to blog cause I couldn't blog about Australia cause the pictures stopped uploading at some point :( and I'm too lazy to upload it all again.. so yeah. Teehee. Major procrastination. So annoying! If I want to cancel upload all the hundred plus photos I have already uploaded will be gone so that clearly kinda sucks. But I am a hardworking blogger I already put like some of the photos up onto my blog already it's just saved in a draft! And today the only productive thing I did was to upload a Youtube video.. on penguins. 

I seriously need to study. 
But on the bright side.. my hair's so pretty today!!

Okay goodnight AHAHAHAHA when I grow up I want to be like Xiaxue and be a professional blogger :(. Blog all day long blog all night long. But that's highly unlikely I guess.. so for now I shall just aim to be a Theme Park Operations Manager. Sounds so cheem right. Imagine future 21 year old Jerlyn. 

"Greetings, my name is Jerlyn and I am a Theme Park Operations Manager."

Okay random blog post AHAHAHAHAA.

Erm and here is my very random video of the penguins. They're so cute lah please!!
 I only have like 1 view on this AHAHAHAHAHA. You should watch in 1080p!!!  I wanted to leave it for my Australia blog post BUT BUT BUT IT'S SO CUTE cannot resist.The penguins very chio worh. 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.

And today's Racial Harmony quiz was epic. Mr Teo was like oh you can check your books when the question about who wrote the pledge came up, and after that question I mainly just used my phone to answer the question and we were really getting the points for the hard questions until someone saboed me! But teacher was like whatever, if you can use iPhone, use iPhone. And all the phones came out and we were like typing and typing and trying to get connection and 3G. Although we didn't win in the end (quite close to winning, lost our lead at around the guessing buildings one heh cause very hard to search on internet to get the answer, though for the guessing of bridges I went to google the description of the bridge and the place of the bridge which was Singapore River there so it was relatively easier I guess AHAHAHA LOL), our group was pretty awesome. Oh yeah, my class (Y). 

Credit for picture:

I'm feeling nauseous from all this GIF's searching.

But I passed my A Maths retest with a score of 35/60. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Maths retest.

Obsessed with this song now, want to learn Eminem's part! 

I think I'll fail A Maths retest. And I'm not going to blame anyone, or Mr Loo for not giving back my A Maths file and A Maths MYE. Cause I kinda guess it's my fault for failing MYE in the first place. This is so depressing. At least I tried.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hi from home I'm not in school AHAHAHAHAHA.

Hi there I am so cute hehehe. 

Went to the doctor's yesterday ZOMG waited for one hour plus plus but the doctor was super nice and friendly! And I have bacterial sore throat and (had) a mild fever (37.7 degrees celcius!) even though I checked in the morning/afternoon in school :O. bacterial sorethroat sounds so cool and it kinda relieved me to hear that the lumpS (emphasizes on the 'S') in my neck was from my bacterial sore throat AND HENG NOT MY TONSILS PROBLEMS ZOMG.

But my medicine was super ex tho the main one or my sore throat (I think) was like one go one and it will work for like the next seven to ten days. I still have like two other (well three but fever one I have the Panadol one at home so we didnt get that), one for my throat and one for.. The lumps thing? I kinda forgot. The lumps things on my neck has a proper name start with letter L I GUESS BUT I FORGOT IT'S CALLED WHAT LIAO LOL.

And my throat medicine is like lozenges (OH YAY) and my other one is TABLETS the one must swallow one ZOMG. I couldnt take it since I was young and finally last night I WAS ABLE TO TAKE TWO ON MY OWN VICTORYYYYYYY!

And I am Top Five in my Chinese class for getting 32/50 for my Chinese Common test oh yay for studying Lee Jian Hong's class words cause its his Chinese teacher set one AND I CAN'T EAT MY CEREAL BOOHOOHOO.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Throat hurts :(.

Hai. If you sit around me or something (cues in Isa Xinhui Andy and Lee Jian Hong) omg sorry. Througout the entire day I was so miserable cause of my sore throat. Sore isn't enough to emphasize on how sore it really is. And I kept complaining and be all miserable and all omg. It's like.. Something stuck at the end of my mouth, open mouth move jaws left to right will hurt, swallow (own saliva!!) also very pain, cannot eat properly without wincing/fidgeting/jumping whatever that word is, JUST VERY PAIN LA EVEN MORE PAIN THAN MY NORMAL SORE THROAT. went to get Gong Cha today so was late to go to the doctors omg sucks ttm :(. Hope can skip band and go tomorrow :(. Cause this sore throat is totally different from the others :(.

A Maths retest today ZOMG URGH Mr Loo haven't return us my A Maths file WHICH had my MYE there WHICH THE RETEST HAD LIKE TWO QUESTIONS WORTH ELEVEN OR MORE MARKS THAT I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO DO CAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE MY A MATHS MYE D:. And plus I was sick my throat was super distracting :( during studying and retest that time :(. Omg thank you thank you Sufyan so much for bringing Ricola for me before A Maths retest cause I forgot mine and was basically suffering throughout the entire day :'(.

I hate A Maths. Okay not hate. Mind over matter. OH MY GOSH HOW I LOVE A MATHS SO MUCH okay bye I got Ting Xie tomorrow but lucky huge exam over already a lot of stress lifted off my shoulders.

It's funny how everytime I blog about how less tests I don't have to worry about or not as much tests to worry about THE NEXT FEW DAYS ALL THE TESTS COMES CRASHING IN and I drank so much water today and yesterday I kept peeing and peeing okay too much information AHAHAHAHAHAA And I'm typing this on my iPod so pardon me if I have any grammatical or spelling eerie but I'm just too lazy to check in and now I can't even see what I'm typing which kinda always happens when I type wordy posts on ny blog on my iPod and THE KEYNOARD MAKING SO MCH SOUND ZOMG MY EAR PAIN LIAO OKAY BYE FOR REAL MY POOR EARS :'(.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


AHAAHHAHAHA I just think my legs looks long here. 

AHAHAHAA suddenly like Lucky by Britney Spears x). Australia day five post before this post! And please comment on my Chinese group blog zomg please :(!! We currently only have four comments which really is better than the others that I have already seen :( But we need like forty lah for like a good grade sian ttm wahlao :(.

And hah, what did I say, I knew nothing was going to change. 

Australia Day Five!

Breakfast was usual angmoh breakfast omnomnomnom. 

And house tour of the house I was staying at for like 8 or 9 nights! 

Living room, kitchen and dining table. 

Behind the living room sofa is another living room area, another TV where the game console (Wii!) is, and laundry room besides the bookshelves. 

My parent's guest room. 

Corridor! <<< Li Nelle's room to the side which cannot be viewed when I uploaded the pictures here and I can't be bothered to find it again AHAHAHAHA. 

Li Anne's room in which me and my brother slept in. Li Nelle's room looks almost the same, just a single bed and not a double bed, and her room is blue themed not pink. 

Kitchen counter. <<<< Bigger dining room at the side. 

Some area? 

Me in the huge ass mirror AHAHAHHAA. 

I don't know who took this picture :O. 

And then we headed off to the train station to take a train to the City (ohyeah!!). 

Aiyo, this button so scary. You see they say the green one will tell you when the next train coming right!! So I pressed it then suddenly got the ringing telephone sound, you know when you call somebody then they haven't pick up yet! AHH that one AHAHAHAHA then scared the crap out of me. I thought I press the red button or something then call the operator wahlaoooo. End out I didn't and I really did press the correct one -___-. 

Freezing cold sia wth. 

Train lai liao! 

I wasn't actually allowed to take pictures but I already did anyway so AHAHAHAHAHHAA. 

Outside of the station! 

Chio not. So old-sy and all. 

Wahlaooo damn cute sweet shop everytime walk past but end out I didn't get anything from here :(((!! 

Our apartment! 

My brother looks like an elf AHAHAHAHAHA. 

Waiting to check in! 

Some stand where all the coupons are!! I wanted to keep the prettier ones for souveniers but I don't know all go where liao :(. 

Still checking in.. I kept myself entertained by reading the DVD's for rent. 

Heh our apartment! One of the toilet doors at the right <<<, and another one is in the master bedroom AHAHAHAHAHAHAA. 

Kitchen area. 

Dining and living room area AHAHAHAHAA. 

Where me and my brother slept in. 

Master bedroom. 

Huge mirror. 

Toilet again AHAHAHAHAA. 

And then we headed out to walk around the city! 


Omnomnomnom we got pizza slices to munch on while walking! Super cheap. Tho I forgot the price liao. 

Sat down to eat. 

Horse carriages!! 

AND ZOMGZOMGZOMG THE SUSHI IN AUSTRALIA WAS SO FRIGGIN' GOOD LAH ZOMG WE HAD IT LIKE ALMOST EVERY SINGLE DAY THERE LORH ZOMG :( I MISS THEM NOW AHAHAHA D':. At first I didn't like the fact that all their salmon rolls were like with avocado but I ended up liking it!! Cause they were oh so good. 

Oh lookie. 

Some random man on the streets playing some local instrument or something! 


Ate.. again. 

Fried rice. 

Ice lemon tea, grass jelly with milk tea and tea I guess. 

This was oh so good. 

AND THEN EAT AGAIN LOL cause my mum saw her favourite something bun. 

Omg so good too. 

My mum photobomb AHAHAHAHA. 

Tram :O! 

Epic face AHAHAHAHAA. 

Free tram ride around the city xD. 

LOL here can rent bicycles one BUT MAD EXPENSIVE LORH AHAHAHAHA. 


LOL epic face again. 

Some really nice man offered to help us! 


And while my parents went to check out the casino.. they left me and my brother some money to get ice cream BUT MY BROTHER WITH HIS LOVE FOR MANGO DECIDED TO GET MANGO ICE CREAM. 

Actually not all that bad lah LOL. 

Pretty looking lights outside the casino. 

Walking around Crown which was HUGE. 

Walking back home to the apartment! Australia starts getting dark at around like 5.30 pm during this season! 

Blur shot of me and a public toilet AHAHAHAA. 

But before we went back home we stopped off at Cole's to do some grocery shopping! 

Lindt cafe which we didn't get to try cause it was so expensive :(. 

AHAHAHA my brother setting up the table for dinner. 

Which my mum cooked at the apartment's kitchen! OMNOMNOMNOM. 

Okay abrupt ending AHAHAHA.