Friday, August 5, 2011

Jerlyn in the house woot woot.

Pictures taken just now that are just too less to be compiled into a facebook album :(. 

Staying over at Jingwen's house until like Sunday cause our parents go Genting together AHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL. 

Boxmaster meal omnomnom. I didn't really enjoy the chicken inside.. If the wrap was just the hashbrown and some cheddar cheese :B drool liao. 

 I was still in my councillor tee cause I very lazy to bathe AHAHAHAHAHA. 

The lady thought I ordered Strawberry Soya Bean Ice Cream :(. But still nice, I even got a car decal sticker AHAHAHAHA. 


Okay this is a very random post I just needed to update my blog and my birthday is in four more days woot woot! Tomorrow got performance at Fengshan CC and damn it, it's like at night the performance sia :(. AHAHAHAHHAHAHA and going to watch Captain America on Clique 4 outing on Monday woooootz. 


AND HI ANDY I KNOW YOU'RE READING AND don't be so bhb tsktsktsk, not good for you. 

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