Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Random 12 am rambling.

My mum's going to scold me when she sees this cause she just told us to sleep AHAHAHAHA but my iPod finally got connection!!! So yeah anyway. Pardon any spelling mistakes, typing on iPod + both thumbs got plaster (embarrassing story PAISEH max).

So today was alright.. Played that guess who it is game, where Mr Teo picks up some random paper from a box of paper that we all wrote like things about our classmate or teacher then we have to guess who lorh. So my name came up again twice already!! #honored max worhzxc. One thing in common with the two though.. "TALKS A LOT" LOL AHAHAHAHHAHAHA.

Then during E Maths Mr Loo was scolding.. Then we were late and Miss Seow got angry cause we didn't like run to PE lesson so she punished us by letting us run two rounds wtf want faint and drop. Everytime I run 2.4 route I want to just like drop on the floor and sleep there AHAHAHAHAHAHA SOME MORE I RUN SO UNGLAM :(. Yeah I run half round tired already don't know how I managed to pass 2.4pm BY A TIMING OF SIXTEEN MINUTES PLUS SOME MORE WAHLAO AHAHAHAHAHHAA. And aww special thanks to Blessing for running with me so sweet worhzxc.
Then recess, Mr Teo was walking around so me and Ng and Tim escaped and went down to eat (I kope from Ng only AHAHAHAHAHA buay PAISEH one AHAHAHAHAA LOL. then Guijin came down and me and him went to watch the Wii dancing competition thing (Batchimeg and SHI Rong and Rachel were playing AHAHAHAHAHA) and he and Zeryee and maybe Ruiqi ask me join WTH :(.

Then MT and English super slack, AHAHAHHAA LOL and did like studying for Chemistry during Enflish lessons AHAHAHAHAA.

So during lunch got kinda sad, cause throughout the entire day I kept getting like negative feedback from others and like people who like didn't want me to like sit with them and all, damn insulting la. And when someone asked me something they'll be like OH YOU SURE YOU WANT TO ASK HER. Okay like maybe they were all joking but like it all adds up?

So back to where I was, so like during lunch I was studying+ranting to Timothy and then Guijin came in coming like all drenched with durian like hair AHAHAHAHA and then I started telling
him also, (while he ate his EGG MAYO BREAD AHAHAHAHA) and he was like you can't stop people from saying and thinking all this, but you can like change how you see things and etc (said all this while sharing a seat with Timothy LOL AHAHAHAHA).

THEN ISA CAME IN and Guijin was like ISA SOMEONE BULLY JERLYN and stuff then I started talking to both of them while Timothy fan me LOOOOOL. Aiya so I got kinda cheered up after a while (LOL WATCHING ISA THROW THINGS AT GUIJIN CAUSE GUIJIN WAS EATING IN FRONT OF HIM :O) and yeah.

So like they made me think that like no matter what others say.. Like I'll always have like friends who will treat me good so I have to treasure that yeah :) SO CORNY AND CHEESY ZOMGGGGGG XD. So yeah, thanks Timothy, Guijin and Isa HEHEHE love you guys :).

Whole ranting was just to thank them three LOOOOOOL. Okay it's 12:22 am should try going to sleep now :).

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