Friday, August 19, 2011

It was awesome but we lost it, it's not possible for me not to care.


Kinda random but yeah. I thought he was like those scary gangster type!! But he's not and he's nice to me AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And okay la not new friend but you get my point hehehehe. Actually I don't know how I started to talk to him but only like a few weeks ago or something! I think cause that day I was staying back with Weijian Andy Daniel and Kai Lun and he came over and the five of them made me laugh for like 5 to 10 minutes wth and then laugh until I cry then laugh again for another 5 to 10 minutes zomg laugh until tired wth ._..

I hate Andy hmph :(. *purposely put big big so he can see AHAHAHAHAHAHA HI ANDY. Okay so demoralising all the tests I going to have all the subjects I failed for MYE (which obviously means the subjects I am the most weakest at) SIAN RIGHT WAHLAO SO DEMORALISING. AHAHAHAHA I got 10/15 for my Lit Common Test though the teacher never mark my last page and even wrote conclusion on my second page then my third page never mark D:!!!!! So sad wth I got the same marks as people who didn't even write as long as I did so that shows they got more quality and I got more quantity meh so unfair :'(.

SOME TIGERS DUCKS GOATS AND CHICKENS WENT FROM THE RED LAND TO THE GREEN LAND AND SAW AN ELEPHANT AND GIRRAFES. Is it embarrassing that I don't know how to spell Giraffes even though quite ironically I spelled it correct in the sentence talking about how embarassing it is to not be able to spell Giraffe correctly oh shucks. That was the sentence I had to pass on during the Pass the message game during the leadership course today AHAHAHAHAA LOOL Ng kept laughing and half the sentence was already gone when it reached me AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA and I told Aloysius green lamb instead of land. IMAGINE A GREEN LAMB :O.

Need to go shopping zomg :( all my hongbao money very tempting wth :'(. I want camera lenses and some really nice not so high waisted shorts.

And Mr Loo told me I failed A Maths common test :'( and my Physics common test was.... MEHHHHHHHHH. And I failed my practice test for Chem. It was supposed to be a Class Test 2 but I shall call it a practice test cause that's what Miss Nadiah said it was HENCE I DIDN'T STUDY FOR THAT BUT ONLY STUDIED FOR LIKE THE A MATHS COMMON TEST -_-. Cause if I had studied I bet I would have scored better since I thought I did quite well for the first Class Test 1 (19/30!!!!!!!! I thought I would fail some more). But anyway,

Must work hard argh :(
Hope I can score well for Social Studies so at least I got like ONE good result.

Oh and I think I did quite good for the Lit presentation. My voice is loud + my analysing was awesome thank you very much AHAHAHAHAHA. The thing about my voice is it's super loud like.. zomg, and I do get super annoyed when people say they can hear me from here and there and etc, but in the end when we have to present you guys who complain are on the losing end so hah, at least I'll be able to get better grades for presentation booyeah (well unless you got a loud voice also lah... but not likely AHAHAHAHA). 

Today Kai Lun says the only girl he treat badly is me :'(.. cause I friends with him very long liao. I don't know whether to laugh or cry :( AHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

And I actually kinda think this type of ranting posts is kinda fun to write but boring to read... so here's a picture.
Now indulge you lovelies. 
Halfway One eighth way through uploading camwhore shots during the Fengshan CC performance!! 

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