Tuesday, June 14, 2011


This chalet I didn't have my DSLR and I had to use my point and shoot so a lot of times I had no mood to take pictures and a lot of them turn out blur :O. But yeah , first time I'm blogging like three days all at once. Ehehehe. 

Waiting to check in :). 

Jingwen was exclaiming about how big the room was :O. But the room still scared me. A bit. LOOOOL cause don't know how many people walk around in this room liao xD. 

Slack slack a bit. 

AHAHAHAHAHAHA check out my 2 Aussie dollars slippers! <3. 

bhb moment. 

Wanted to watch Pirates of the Carribean! But don't have :( so we opted for Super 8. 

And my aunt was craving for kway teow soup or something LOL so we went to this HK cafe to eat. 

My milk tea sucked cause not sweet at all :(. The rest were good and poor Jingwen couldn't drink any of this cause she didn't like gassy drinks (so the lime cooler and coke float is out) and she didn't like grass jelly so AHAHAHAHA. 


Jeric's. Both were awesome (Y)! 

Ordering Jingwen's drinks LOOOL. 

MY BATTERED FISH. I love battered more than breaded. Meh. 

And after that Pampam came and so we went back to the chalet to slack a while before the movie started! 

Me and Jingwen won by the way EHEHEHEHEHEHE. 

Jingwen examining my bag. 

SUBWAY FOR DINNER (L). I learnt that honey mustard and sweet onion is not a good combo. 

Omnomnom. Kaiwen getting pissed cause I kept snapping pictures xD. 

Apparently Jingwen left her wallet with her mum. Who went back home. And the wallet had our tickets xD. But we got it in the end lah, cause my father went back to take it when we found out LOL. 

And then we watched Super 8 (midnight movie!) which was apparently super scary D: and I kept SMSing Andy halfway in the movie cause I was super scared AHAHAHAHAHA and I kept grabbing on to Pam's hand and after the movie my legs kept shaking. Midnight movie somemore, so it ended at like 2am plus and KAIBOON AND HIS MALE FRIENDS WHO WERE SUPPOSED TO ESCORT US WENT TO WATCH SUPER 8 (the 1am movie I guess, ours was the 12:05 one) ALSO D: so we had to walk back to the chalet all alone boohoohoo so scary D:. 

Edit: Isa wants me to credit him for SMSing me too during the movie xD even though he slept and left me all alone to fend for myself boohoohoo. AHAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding. 

Okay the show was still awesome anyway. 4/5! 

Woke up! 

And then decided to watch Kungfu Panda cause we all wanted to watch it (Pam went home already by this time D:) LOOL. Hongwei was late so JW waited for him since both of them already watch the movie before so miss a bit also nevermind one lah ;). 

And Kungfu Panda 2 was boring. BABY PO WAS SO CUTE AND CHUBBY AND SMALL THO. 
3/5 stars I guess. Meh.  

Went back to Chalet to play our own version of Taboo LOL. 

LOOK AT ALL MY CARDS. And Waffle Noob's SMS on my phone AAHAHAHAHAHA. 

I think my brother took this cause you can see unglam me in the background <<<<<<. Without my specs. 


Before BBQ! 

And Jeric locked us in so you can see HW and JW trying to escape and me using the mirror to camwhore AHAHAHAHHAHAHA *so hiao*. 


My delicious dinner which was super good even tho it looks kinda messy and gross here. 


HW likes taking pictures of people eating sausages. 


Chicken that Jingwen marinated LOOOL. 

And then the five of us retreated to an empty table just to 'hang out'. And eat looool. 

HW's failed photography skills AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm just kidding. He has the same DSLR as moi! 


And then we go E!Hub go gaigai cause KB wanted to get a bangle LOLOL. He didn't get it anyway cause it was too ex AHAHAHA. 



My late night snack. Three dollars cupcake which I queued bloody long for and some family cut my queue like (*&$(@&#*(&(@! GUANG MING ZHEN DA CUT QUEUE SOMEMORE WTH. The cupcakes weren't even all that nice. 

HW teaching us how to Monodeal LOL. And Jeric won first round. Meh. 

Doing A Maths like a guai kia. 

OH and HW stayed over which made Jeric quite happy cause Jeric likes HW AHAHAHAHAHA. 

HW's yoyo he made during D&T which I found really fascinating cause all I did during D&T were quite boring stuff.  

Okay that's it cause we checked out AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

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