Thursday, June 9, 2011

Australia Day One.

Boomz, day one's pictures abit boring boring one AHAHAHAHAHHAHAA. Warning, captions are super not interesting at all but a picture says a thousand words! So I guess that's why I'm stumped thinking about what write. That's my excuse. Teehee. 

Flight was at like 10pm or something so we had to reach like at 8pm. Super a lot of luggage, so much need like two taxis. LOL I think it was over the limit LOL. 


Managed to get my parents to eat at Pizza Hut AHAHAHAHAHA cause I badly wanted to try their new dishes after reading them on Xiaxue's blog :O. Not spectacular, but still good. 

Attempt to get an artsy shot AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Quite nice leyh actually! 

Fries with BBQ sauce and Nacho Cheese? I like the BBQ more :). 

Meat lovers with cheese crust booyeah. 

My Beef Lasagne!

Jeric's crayfish pasta. Sauce sweet one sia, taste like chili crab. I don't really like even tho I love Chili crabs :(. 

Terminal 1, 2? 


Cute, I know xie xie ni. 

AHAHAHAHAHA when I was younger me and my brother before we went to Indonesia we just loved the water coolers in Singapore's airport always purposely just drink water from there just to play with the button or something. Aww memories. 

And finally plane time oh yeah AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wahlao Isa say want SMS me one end out cannot :(. Had Andy and Ng to talk to before flight tho AHAHAHAHAHAHA (Y). 


Beef and pasta. I stole this from my mum and she was super reluctant cause I didn't see the fish came with rice and I don't really like rice :(. Everything else sucked. Except for the bread biscuits  and maincourse. 

SO CUTE small bottles. I asked for Sprite and she gave me 7 Up :(. 

And LOL breakfast at SG time 3am like seriously. The croissant was good but SO SMALL AND TINY :(. And I didn't eat finish my danish AHAHAHAHAHA. 

I watched Never Say Never and almost couldn't finish the show cause the plane was landing cause I kept stopping the show cause I was too sian to watch it anymore ehehehehe. Okay lah, not bad the movie :O. 

I just love my DSLR. Focus until damn clear (Y). I think it's snow ehehehe. 

And we reached Melbourne airport. And before we boarded the plane I thought I saw Ahmal at a cafe nearby the boarding gates and I kept staring and his mum kept looking at me too AHAHAHAHA BUT IT WAS REALLY HIM I SAW CAUSE WHEN WE DROPPED OFF THE PLANE I SAW HIM AGAIN ZOMG. I think we saw each other a few times but never say hi :(. I shy lah. LOOOOOL. 

Okay anyway. 
Waiting for my parents to get SIM cards. SIM card got unlimted FB access XD. 

Had Mac's for our first meal in Australia. How original. I ordered the one on the left hand side, something and bagels SUPER GOOD LORH WAHLAO I LOVE BAGELS. 

Omnomnomnom. Something and Sourdough bread LOL. 

Their airport is actually kinda interesting. 

AHAHAA I just thought their traffic lights were so cute. Instead of green man blinking here is red man blinking AHAHAHAHAHA LOL. And look at the trees!!! Super pretty leyh. Singapore cannot see one :(. 

Artsy Fartsy I like the focus. Super architectural bridge. If that's the correct word to describe it AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Uncle Clement fetching us to Dandenong Market!  

Super cheap thick winter jacket $15 Aussie dollars! Inside got fur LOL. But too bad medium was the smallest size and it looked so huge on me! But I still bought it AHAHAHAHAHA. 

There were supposed to be pictures on the food trucks here but I super lazy to take it from Facebook again AHAHAHAHAHA. The album is now like only I can see cause I just upload straight, unglam photos havent take out ;). 

Veggie. Look so colourful! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 



Sui bo. My winter jacket so huge the collar AHAHAHAHAHA. 


And then we went to some shopping mall nearby and saw this huge board of checkers or chess I really not sure AHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL. LOOK AT THE TWO LITTLE CUTE ANGMOH BABY TWINS BEHIND ZOMGGGGG. 


And then we drive back to Uncle Clement's house. 

I think my father took this picture cause I didn't go to the backyard at all LOL. 
So pretty and orange! AHAHAHAHA. 

And this is the bed I slept on for like 8 nights and my butt looks so flat LOL. Li-Anne's room! Damn pink. You just can't see how pink it is. 

And Uncle Clement baked this Crumpets for us and with kaya they were AWESOME. 

Yeah so many holes. 

Looooooooooooooool epic faces. AAHAHAHAHAA. 

Lunch lunch lunch. 

Gosh this was damn good. SUSHI. I MISS SUSHI D:. 

LOL microwave lasagne. Not bad, craving for it now tho. 

And like I said I was sick for like 7/8 of the trip so this is me sleeping. Super cold lorh wth :(. 

And after I woke up we had dinner at La Porchetta nearby! I love their bread. I like all bread and butter like this AHAHAHAHAHAHAA LOL. HOT AND TOASTY ONE THE BREAD. 

Pictures of food I didn't take so here is the menu LOOOOOL. And the waiters and waitress were super friendly! 

See. Food. I ordered a whole small pizza thinking it was just one slice. Which was all I ate anyway, the rest not I eat one AHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

Okay abrupt ending some pictures missing but I really super lazy to put them up again maybe next time when I feel like it AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :). 

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