Friday, June 24, 2011

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I skipped band camp overnight night two :O.

Dedication to my Spongebob hoodie I bought from JayJays in Australia! I love my Spongebob hoodie and apparently it is quite short I can actually wear it with shorts in SG whoopdeedoo AHAHAHAHAHA. And the material's quite thin too, so it won't be that hot. I like dedicating posts to my clothes. Oh hohoho. 

I figured out since I posted such a long wordy post before this post it will be forgivable to write a short post now AHAHAHAHAHA. But knowing me I'll probably just keep ranting and ranting and never stop EHEHEHE.

Aiyo, still must post about Australia and Genting! Band camp has not finished yet! I just came back home on the second night.. cause of some reasons lah. Still got another day tomorrow! But till 12.30pm only BAHAHAHAHAHA. First day of band camp was super slack, esp. during instrument maintenance, and I quite actually enjoy band practices now! Maybe cause I miss it too much liao lah :'(, but anyway hooha. Playing songs I actually know how to play! AHAHAHA don't need stand down there hit here hit there anyhow hit let conductor think I'm playing *sly grin*. But I hated HATED HATED marching drills. Super suck man 2 hours in a row, 5 minutes break every 30 minutes, and then marching again. March on the spot until my legs like soulless liao, like mei you gan jue, cannot feel liao. Just keep marching and marching. Meh. But after that was lunch then practice then sectionals then instrument maintenance then dinner then movie then sleep!! AHAHAHAHA so first day was quite okay except FOR MARCHING :(.

Second day.., was better I guess AHAHAHAHA. Weather during sectionals not so hot! Marching drills was only (scheduled) 45 minutes (but we only did for like 30 minutes cause of something AHAHAHA)! And practice was good! I had a solo even though Mr Fahmi/Fahmy (Yeah I still don't know how to spell OH BOOHOOHOO D:AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA) didn't acknowledge and tell the whole band even though he looked STRAIGHT at me (which is how I know the part coming up next is IMPORTANT *spot light shine one me haaaaaaa <<that is angels singing 8D*) AHAHAHAHA and the whole room so quiet awww for me to play only and I played it quite good!! And then after that was BBQ which kinda sucked cause I scared of charcoal. Cause I scared poisonous then I touch will die. Yeah I'm paranoid like that AHAHAHA :(.

Tomorrow is mostly practice AHAHAHAHAHA okay byebye I missed my cereal :(.
I LOVE MY LESBIANS AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA I WANT THE LESBIAN GROUP PHOTO! And ooh special thanks to Isa who came earlier to meet us before marching which is at 8 to deliver Amanda Leow, Weiling, Soh Xingyi (LESBIANS) and I hashbrowns from Mac's! He treat us some more awww.

Kai Lun changed most of my contact names and now a Potato just SMSed me.

Monday, June 20, 2011


LOL I'm like posting about Genting in all this posts but not all at once but oh hooha. Sat on the Corkscrew and Cyclone this time round and I feel really proud of myself, knowing that I didn't dare to sit on both of them the previous times I went to Genting. 

I did sit the Cyclone once, when I was like ten, and I always had this impression after that that Cyclone is mega scary, cause of the huge drop they have LOL and since then I didn't dare to sit on it ever again. But this time round I went and for some reason I was braver than ever before (judging that I sat on the Corkscrew too but will explain that later), maybe cause my cousins were also brave or braver this time round and maybe their bravery rubbed on me, idk that's just my theory. Okay that aside, I did sit on it, also probably cause the line was shorter at night. I went on the second night cause Genting has this thing going on like this night festival and wristband holders have to pay an additional 10RM to enter AGAIN to see fire stunts and all this, and the first night we didn't go in cause we used the Annual Passport, and not the daily wristband that expires in a day, ours last for like duh, one year. And so on, so we thought we had to pay to and we didn't go in. 

Little did we know it was free and we only realised that on the second night and okay getting sidetracked here. So yes I sat on the Cyclone! The slope was still high, but ultimately it was fun. Sat on the Cyclone only once though! With Eugene, my brother and Lynn. Jingwen and Kaiwen went to eat icecream and waited for us LOL. Okay that was my rant about Cyclone. 

Now the main attraction dumdumdum, CORKSCREW (I keep spelling it as Corckscrew ._.). I sat on it five times! Three times in a row on the second night cause it was sooooo empty. And on the second day, Kaiwen kept asking me to sit with him, and Lynn wanted me to sit too but she didn't want to sit if I didn't sit cause then she'd had to sit with Kaiwen who she didn't know (Lynn is my mum's side cousin, Kaiwen is my father's side one). And so we lined up and we lined up for like 45 minutes to 1 hour, and throughout the whole lining up process I was like omgomg then after a while I was actually pretty excited to sit on it LOL. But... dumdumdum, it fogged really badly and started raining like on and off so a lot of people exitted and we got EVEN closer to the rollercoaster and our turn (when it rained we were already like halfway there) and we thought if we were resilient we could sit on it! Turns out no we couldn't cause the person said no time already cause they have to sorta clear the outdoor themepark out before bringing people in after they have paid for the night park ._. so we couldn't play BUT WE PLAYED IT THREE TIMES IN A ROW AT NIGHT and this time with Jingwen! Eugene and Jeric lined up for Go-Kart which was besides the Corkscrew LOL. 

And Jingwen kept laughing on the third time cause we were sitting at the back and sitting at the back will be much more scarier than at the front, and Kaiwen, knowing how tame me and Jingwen are, kept saying while we were on the way up in the rollercoaster, TWO NOOBIES IN THE BACK, YOU GUYS ARE GONNA DIEEE.. etc etc. and we were screaming at him and I was insulting him like shut up kaiwen and idiotttt and all .. until I realised we were about to go down the slope and I screamed I'M SORRY KAIWEN while we were  going down cause I didn't want all my insults to be my 'last' words to him if it ever happens LOL. 

OKAY THIS IS BLOODY LONG. I just wanted to show off how I sat on the Corkscrew five times (two times on the last day with Jingwen and Jeric) :) and the Cyclone! 

"When you call a girl fat or ugly, it's engraved into her mind. Every insult will stay with her forever, reminding her that she's worthless, disgusting, and unloved. Her mind will be programmed to put herself down, to hate herself and her body. Call her pretty? She'll remember it for a moment. Call her ugly? She'll never forget it. Because she's a slave to the pain that you never even thought about."


Woohoo got my Nikon back! 

Forgot to mention in my previous post but just like after three hours after I left Singapore like at around 9am, the repairman called to say my camera fixed liao :'(. Haiyaaaa, if we had left like later in the afternoon I still can use my camera!! Since we go there at around 6 plus also never really play much so might as well just wait for my camera and reach there at 7plus!! But oh well. And it's so sad this was my first Genting trip after getting my Nikon but I can't use it :'(((!! Meh. Before I go overseas must not touch my Nikon like 2 weeks beforehand AHAHAHAHAHAHA. 

And I very lazy go for band camp cause I don't like bathing during school camps cause have to wait so long and everything :'(! 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Aloha, konichiwa!

Hi I'm in Genting again. Not that cold, compared to freezing Australia! After thirteen days of Australia's cold weather... Nothing can bother me now! (well except for some but you get what I mean). And today I even wore Cotton On shorts and this thin Cotton On long sleeve shirt, wearing the jacket only sometimes and I felt powerful! Until I saw this woman wearing a tank top and fbt's. They weren't even black to attract more heat! BOTH WHITE. and some more other girls who wore shorts too and I felt meh not special anymore!

Ooh and bought this really pretty bracelet thing from Genting's Outdoor Theme Park for like 5RM and me and Jingwen bought the same one! AHAHAHAHA. okay I'm done ranting my throat hurts :'(. And I watched the movie, "Dylan Dog" with Lynn, Eugene, Jingwen, Kaiboon and Jeric! It was nice, though scary at some parts! AHAAHAHA and after the movie my whole leg/thigh suan like don't know what.

Okay I love Internet access! Okay goodnight :).

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I learnt how to do the penguin on FB chat and I think I deserve an epic round of applause. 

Oh who cares like seriously.

I shall attempt to do SS and English today! Wish me luck and I shall emerge victorious bahahahahahahahaha.

“All About Him” By Auburn (Freeverse)
Now it’s always ‘bout her, It’s never ‘bout me.
Smiles on her face, ‘cause I give her everything.
Stayin’ up late, so i can hear her voice,
But she always falls asleep so I have no choice but,
Reading our texts, over and over.
Words intoxicated, but I’m feelin’ sober.
Cute couples, always make me feel lonely.
Like I’m need for someone to hold me.
But not just anybody, ‘cause I prefer you.
I never found a girl that’s even similar to you.
They’re all quite off, ‘Cause baby you’re different, 
Could you be the puzzle piece that I’ve been missin?
Some what perfect, ‘cause all the jealousy.
We both can’t help it, low self-esteem. 
That’s not even healthy, But you deserve better.
More than what I bring, and more than what I offer.
Haters will appear, more than I mention.
Just move on, too cheap to pay attention,
It’s not about them, it’s all about us.
It’s all about love, and it’s all about trust.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Australia Day Two.


Morning woke up early :(, to set off to Ballarat! The pink thing being exposed is my thermal underwear. *shame shame* so unglam. 

AHAHA and we had a car all for ourselves *inserts evil laughter here*. Angmoh car got heater! 

Drove to some shopping centre that opened at 7am in the morning. To make it sound even more extreme that's like 5am SG time. 

Their sort of food court looks more appetising than SG one :'(. I'm eating healthy food look at this shop! 

The drinks weren't too my liking though :( caramel shake yuck yuck. The ice chocolate wasn't all that bad though, I just don't like thick thick drinks. Sooo, not refreshing. Kinda. 


Reached there, I think it's on a mountain. I wouldn't know cause I was sleeping throughout the entire trip nyehehehehe. The whole place look like storybooks I tell you. 

So pretteh. 


Drove around and stopped at this place for toilet break lol, but there was a fair nearby so we went! 

This is my Ugg boots before bird shit kangaroo shit and dk-what-else shit bombarded it :'(. 

Look like fantasy book, no? 

Meh. If only SG playground this big. Reminds me of Indonesia one! It was themed like a ship and it was so fun to play in :')


Looks nicer than pasar malam. 


SG no ponds/lakes/whatever it is/water like this. 

I don't know why the story Ugly Duckling they call the duckling ugly. GREY ONLY WHUT. Look at how cute they are!! Where got ugly! 

Lol see the duck behind. So small and puny. Awwww *melts*. 



Some guy playing base drum and flute and don't know what else his fantastic hands can play. 
Percussion and flute! 

Yummiest hot dogs ever ohmygoodness. 

Autumn leaves are pretty. 

And then we drove to our cabin! CABIN! HOW WOODSY SOUNDING IS THAT LOL. 
So tiny. But can fit like 6 people on beds zomgwtfbbq. 


When I first saw this I thought it was literally a blanket for you to heat it up on a fire source so that you can wrap it around yourself at night to keep you warm *crow flies over head*. 


Beechworth bakery (Y). Super famous, or that's what the packaging said anyway :O. 

Pie (with potato, sort of like Shepard's pie) , quiche, pie again, and some berry dessert I forgot what name and couldn't enjoy cause I had an ulcer in my mouth :'( and sore throat. 


After lunch we went to Ballarat Wild Life Park! (got animal shit there D:).
I believe that's a Tasmanian Devil and an Alligator/Crocodile LOL. 

KANGAROOS EVERYWHERE SO CUTE. And we bought this bag of Kangaroo food LOL for like three Aussie dollars. Quite big portion actually! But all the kangaroos near the entrance full liao cause maybe people don't know behind still got somemore LOL. 

Quite small though! But still cute aww. 

AHAHAHA there was a kangaroo that ran inside the reptile house! 

Tired looking kangaroos LOL. 


This guy taught me that Crocodiles/Alligators (I forgot which one does what LOL) kills an average of 1/2 a human every year :O! 

Feeding time omnomnom. 

Yes, you may die of cuteness now. 

More Kangaroos. 

Attempt at artsy shot #1. 

Attempt at artsy shot #2. 

Attempt at artsy shot #3. 



May I bring your attention to Li-Nelle who's using her sister's jacket sleeve to feed the Kangaroo's because she doesn't want to dirty her hand lololololol.  

AHAHA look at all the birds! 

Me putting a paper bag in a kangaroo's face. (S)he ate it :O. 

My father trying to pose with the ahem, kids. 


Master shifu. Everyone was laughing at this and it took me quite long to get why their laughing. 



Failed shot at Tasmanian Devil. 

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW brbdyingofcuteness. 

Took this in case I forgot their names LOL. 


This does not require a caption. 

Sha? the eagle. Can watch his video in my previous previous post. Click here

The way he walked was super cute lah please LOL. 

My father trying to disturb the wombat (I think LOL) even though the sign warned us that he will bite LOL. 

Master Wugui. 

More Kangaroos. 

And more. 
And more. 

And more. (Jumping one!). 

My failed attempt to act like I'm kissing the kangaroo. 


AHAHAHAHA Haiqel's face so cute! (idk how to spell his name but it's pronounced like that LOL). 

Hello new pencilcase! (9.50 Aussie dollars siaaaa). 

Group photos! 

And then we went back to the cabins to eat dinner and slack a while before watching some show at Sovereign Hill! Quite famous, and there were no actors in the show, just lights and sounds and all. Was about the story or history of Sovereign Hill (more on that in the next blog post on Australia's trip, it was super fun!), but I slept through most of the show cause I was sick so my ticket totally wasted! Quite cool actually the whole theme of the show LOL. 

Me in my brother and I's room! So small yet can fit four people! SO COOL LOL. 

Okay after the show we went back and slept. Australia gets dark at 5.30pm so our days end quite early actually LOL. Shall attempt to do news report now it's 9.34pm!