Thursday, March 31, 2011

So... I kinda took Isa's name tag and forgot to return it to him. So yeah.

Was just thinking. About how life's good for me. Well now. So let's see. I got my Aino, my iTouch, my Nikon D3100 (yeah sounds more professional if I say it like this teehee) and my laptop. Oh so thankful. Tho I rarely use my laptop cause it kinda lags and trust me, it annoys the heck out of me. Like crazy. I've literally banged the computer in my parent's room ;). Aino to text and call, well, just for the phone function, iTouch to listen to music, camera to take pictures, like duh AHAHAHAHAHA. 

And well yeah about school, not really too much tests, like to the extent that we had tests everyday for the week. Well that was nerve wrecking like seriously. Next week, two tests confirmed already tho :/, tho we're not taking the Chemistry class test so early cause we have SYF on Friday booyeah :). But I guess I rather get it over and done with actually. And oh gosh Physics :O. 

I kinda understand A Maths now. I just hope Mr Loo forgets about the logs test because I really forgot everything about logs and even tho logs class test was the only like A Maths test I passed in the like ACTUAL one, it was just a borderline pass and all. So yeah and well yeah. Struggling a bit with E Maths equal triangles, I understand congruent but I didn't listen in equal triangles cause I was getting extremely restless and bored. 

Good thing tomorrow's Friday. English, Social Studies and Chemistry lessons and then it's class lessons :) oh so love. Tomorrow got Social Studies test on source based tho :(. I really hope I can top the class again.. even tho I forgot to bring back my file and I'm kinda not really in the mood to study NOW. I'm going to try to find some reading materials later. 

Okay this sounds so sad and emotional. 

So oh look! A picture of happy me. 
Gotta go try to attempt to study now. Today SS was so freaking embarrassing urgh -.-. Oh and today I learnt that I have been pronouncing Auntie Anne's wrongly for the 15 years of my life. Okay goodnight I'm getting sleepy and I shouldn't actually be using the computer now teehee goodnight :). 

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