Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jerlyn is smart.

Cinnamon pretzel from Auntie Anne's. Gosh how I freakin love cinnamon sugar ♥♥♥. 

So a few days ago, me and Kai Lun and Wen Kee and Yin Min in groups of two had to do our speech. Well by class votes, me and Kai Lun won by like 2 votes. But then teacher added another 2 points to Wen Kee's group because she liked theirs more :(. SO TIE. AGAIN LIKE WTF EVERY SINGLE TIME I'M TIED WITH WEN KEE LIKE ARGHHH. So me and Kai Lun didn't want to do the add points segment, so we let them win. 

And teacher wanted to make it fair so she let us answer a question, and if we knew the answer, we should raise up our hands. So the question was, what do you have to do to make your dreams a reality. And I was like... WAKE UP LAH. Cause I saw a quote on Tumblr saying something like the best way to make your dream come true is to wake up. So I just burst out saying WAKE UP (in chinese like obviously since it's chinese class) and some people laughed at me! But then teacher heard me but said, RAISE UP YOUR HAND IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER and Wenkee raised up first so I was like D: NOOOOO even though I had no idea what was the answer and whether what I said was true or not la. 

And Wenkee gave teacher this super cheem long answer about perseverance and whatnot, and teacher said correct, but that's not the answer I was looking for and she said you have to think out of the box so I WAS LIKE ZOMG IS CONFIRM THAT ANSWER AND MY HAND JUST SHOT UP and I said QI CHUANG. And teacher said correct ♥. 

Even tho we still lost at the end cause the other group sang and we didn't so me and Kai Lun had to take a card and do whatever forfeit was on that card AHAHAHAHAHA LOL. We had to do like 40 push up's in one minute, and Kai Lun wanted to do it but it was quite unfair and BESIDES, girls could choose to do sit up's so I did twenty and he did twenty and we did it in twenty seconds and teacher called us pro :). 

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