Monday, December 27, 2010

Yamaha man so mean >:(.

Late for band today :(. Well did foot drills and practice, blah blah blah. And Sheenaz played Memories of Friendship today on the bells and I felt so proud of her :'). Though I didn't teach her anything except for how to hold the sticks when she first joined Mallets, ...but you get the point cause I am her Mallet Senior (And Ali, but more of yours truly)! And she saved me in Blue Skies cause I totally didn't know how to play nyehehehehe and she played with me who's on the Xylo and her on the bells so I GOT COMPANY and we laughed at the end of the song cause we skipped a lot of parts >:). And then we did Buddha claps or something and I had to run 5 rounds cause I was late :(. Okay enough of band.

So after band, went out with Shaik Azwan Weiling the three Xinyi's and Ivan and Ah Tan and Amanda Leow to TM to makan. All of us 'cept for the two malay boys and Ivan (who joined Shiyun and crew to eat somewhere else) went to eat Mosburger which was quite expensive but I kop-ped people's food >:). And L. Xinyi let me eat her burger and fries and drink her milk tea :D. 

And then we met up with the rest ('cept for Shiyun and crew LOL) and went to Toy's 'R' Us nyehehehe and foudn this whole bunch of cool glasses :)) that we camwhored with and two salesperson saw us but they didn't say anything AHAHAHA so embarassing.

Played around, relived our childhood (♥). And after that we went to Yamaha. CAUSE WE ARE BAND PEOPLE (Y). 

And here comes the ranting part. So we went in, admired the instruments we knew how to play (except for me cause THEY DON'T HAVE MALLETS THERE :(. BIASED), and we tried to camwhore in the mirror but then this salesman came to us and said no phototaking so we stopped.

Though we already took one ehehehe. 

And then the rest who weren't camwhoring with us were playing with this piano mechanism thingy that showed you how the piano key works, and the salesman came again and he told us not to like spoil the mechanism thingy >:(. And we got quite pissed off cause it seemed like the man thought we were just some random students coming in to disrupt his business >:((. And he seemed to think like we were just looking at the instruments for pure fun >:(. Mean man didn't know we KNEW how to play all these damn instruments >:(.

Hmph, WE COME FROM BAND alright >:(.  

Okay enough of the rantings AHAHAHA, and then we went to Popular and then we went to Koi  and I saw this girl that LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE SOON WEE and I think I said it too loud and then she stared at me LOL and then I went home AHAHAA. 

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