Friday, December 31, 2010


2010: In The Beginning

Where did you go on New Years?: Malacca!

Who were you with?: Family, and family friends. 

Did you kiss anyone at midnight?: Nope. (forever aloneee trololololol)

Did you make any resolutions?: Nah. I don't keep to them anyways.

2010: Your Love Life

Did you break up with anyone?: I? No. 

Did you get anything for Valentine’s day?: Nonono LOL. 

Did you meet anyone special?: Maybe. 

Did you fall in love?: Yeah. 

2010: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year?: ANDREA AND LINUS. 

Did any of your friendships end?  Yeah :/. 

Did you dislike anyone?: Yes >:). 

Did you make any new enemies?: Not really. 

Did you resolve any fights?: Kinda

Who were your closest friends?:  A5 were the closest I guess :). 

Did you grow apart from anyone?: Yeah :/. 

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? Guess so. 

2010: Your BIRTHDAY

Did you have a cake?: I forgot. I never really liked cakes anyway. 

What did you do for your birthday?: Camwhore at my cousin's house thank you very much :). 

So what was the best thing you got?: Hmmm. I forgot. 

2010: All about YOU

Did you change at all this year?: Personality wise or physical appearance? 

Did you dye your hair?: Nope. 

Did you get your hair cut?: Yes. Just did :). 

Did you change your style?: Nahh.

Were you in school?: Yup.

Did you get good grades?: Happy with them :). Improved a lot ♥. 

Did you have a job?: Nope.

Did you own a car?: Nope.

Did anyone close to you give birth?: Nope. 

Did you move at all?: Nope. 

Did you go on any vacations?: Yeah :). Malaysia again lolololl. 

Did you leave the country at all?: Yeah ^^^^.

2010: Wrap Up:

Is 2010 a good year?: Up and down's. 

Did 2010 bring any new insights?: Whut. 

Do you think 2011 will top 2010?: Please? 

If you could relive any moment which would you choose?: Hmm. 

confess that in 2010 I…

() made out in/on a car

() kissed in the snow

() celebrated Halloween

() kissed in the rain

(x) had your heart broken

(x) broke someone else’s heart

() had a stalker

() went over the minutes on your cell phone

() had a good relationship with someone (Wait, what type)

() someone questioned your sexual orientation

() gotten pregnant

() had an abortion

(x) done something you’ve regretted (oh gosh yes)

() lost faith in love

() kissed under a mistletoe 


() took an honors/advanced class

(x) broke the dress code

() sent to the principles office for misbehavior

() got straight A’s

(x) met one teacher you really like (Mdm Haz :)))))

() met one teacher you really hated

(x) failed a class (Chinese, what else)

() skipped school

(x) did something you were proud of (OMGOMGOMGOMG MY ARTWORKS :D)

() discovered a new talent (sorry, no lolololol)

(x) proved yourself an idiot

(x) embarrassed yourself in front of the class (AND THE ENTIRE SCHOOL -.-.)

() fell in love with a teacher

() intentionally tripped someone at school

() made a varsity team

(x) were involved in something you’ll never forget (BGSS Idol and that whole Art competition with Sean and Shaik and Rachel :))


() painted a picture (drew?)

(x) wrote a poem (I HAVEN'T DONE MY FUTURE CHALLENGES ONE D:, but I did one on that Resilience one and teacher read it in class :')) *bhb bhb*)


() shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch

(x) posted a blog

(x) listened to music you couldn’t stand (Urgh, kpop-.-.)

() went to a sleepover 

(x) went camping (Not literally sleep-in-a-tent camping but yeah, camps and camping yesh LOL)

(x) threw a surprise party

() laughed till you cried

() laughed till you peed in your pants

() visited a foreign country

() cut in a line of waiting people

(x) told someone you were busy when you weren’t

() partied to celebrate the new year

(x) cooked a disastrous meal (Not a meal and IN MY DEFENCE IT WASN'T DISASTROUS. THAT'S A TOO STRONG WORD)

(x) lost something/someone important to you (Kim's birthday card :(((((()

In 2010 I…

(x) broke a promise

(x) lied

() went behind your parents back

(x) disappointed someone close

(x) hid a secret

(x) pretended to be happy

() slept under the stars

() kept a new years resolution

() forgot your new years resolution

(x) met someone who changed your life

() met one of your idols

(x) changed your outlook on life

(x) sat home all day doing nothing

() pretended to be sick

() left the country 

() almost died

() given up something important to you

() lost something expensive

() learned something new about yourself

() tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it (LOL try to upload pictures on overseas trips)

() made a change in your life

(x) found out who your true friends were

(x) met great people

() stayed up til sunrise (Stayed up until 5am longest I think LOL)

(x) cried over the silliest thing

() was never home on weekends 

() got into a car accident

(x) had friends who were drifting away from you

() had someone close to you die

(x) had a high cell phone bill (LOL WHOOPS)

(x) spent most of your money on food

() had a fist fight

() went to the beach with your best friend

() saw a celebrity

(x) gotten sick (Arghhh)

() liked more than 5 people at the same time

(x) became closer with a lot of people


"It's a call I'll never get" 

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