Thursday, December 30, 2010

Posh restaurants and pedicures.

So today I ate at a posh restaurant at Orchard and it was so posh I didn't dare to talk so loud D:. 

And I tried to eat my club sandwiches properly but yeah well. Once I bit into it the whole bread just *makes spreading gesture with hand*, what's that word. Ermmmm, oh it just fell onto the plate. 

So I didn't really care so much about eating it (the sandwiches duh) as clean as possible (even though I tried to eat properly again but it really didn't work except for when my mum ate it it was so proper) since I already messed up the plate nyehehehehe >:). Oh well. At least I tried :/. AND I TRIED PARMA HAM PIZZA. Posh. 

AND MY MUM ORDERED MUSHROOM CAPPUCHINO (that foamy bowl with a piece of bread and tomato besides it). And I thought it was and sounded weird and I joked to my mum about ordering it and she really did order it. Though it did turn out to be mushroom soup even though it really looked like cappuchino. Imagine MUSHROOM FLAVOURED CAPPUCHINO D:. OMG that would be so epic and yet at the same time quite, revolting. Wait, revolting is a too strong word, let's just stick with weird shall we. 

And then my father went to do some business thing and then me and my mum did pedicures! Before we went to cut our hair. I didn't really like doing the pedicures because they required you to leave your legs just LIKE THAT, no cross legs or anything :( and you can't move and I'm the type of girl who just won't want to sit still. I really can't sit still for more than a minute I just can't D:. And yeah so blah blah blah.


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