Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Johor Bahru 2010 (Part 3) :).

Left Day 3, let's do it! AHAHAHA. And Jingwen's waiting for the horse pictures anyway, cause the man who went with us used my camera to take pictures of us during the Jungle Trail so it's all with me buahahaha >:). AND WE SEE THE PUPPIES AGAIN AHAHAHAHA. And on day three my hair looked really funny cause I didn't bathe ehehehehe. I was too lazy.

Part two here

Johor Bahru family trip day three :). 
Breakfast at the Prata shop again. I ordered BANANA PRATA AGAIN. Cause it is awesome. 

And then we head off to Amigos Horse Riding AGAIN FOR OUR HORSE RIDING JUNGLE TRAILLLL :). Quite ex, RM100 for 45 minutes to 1 hour ride. But still an awesome experience. 
See, the puppy misses me :'). 

One of they shy ones has come out! The fully brown one ^^^^^. 

Vroom vroom. 


The pictures are jumbled up so you will see different dogs at different places, cause I'm just too lazy to bother changing them all LOL. And just to be clear, four puppies, one brown shy one, one black shy one, one half brown half white social one (which rarely appeared here anyway) and the black (very) social one. Ta dah. 

AWWWWWW, SO CUTE IT WAVED. This the shy one that hid in the drain the day before, FYI :). 




Pause again AHAHAHA, horses ^^^. Looks like the one I rode on! I think it is :))). I remember two back hoofs white, two front hoofs brown and the mane is cut short one AHAHAHA. 

Up close on Sexy Marshall :) ♥. 

Black social pup :)). 

Mama Papa's come find us liao ehehehehe. They looked SO SCARY at first, but then they started wagging their tails :'). All dogs are so cute ♥. AHAHA yellow dog seems to be enjoying herself. Well actually both look like they are LOL. 

Camouflaged dog LOL. 


Shy black one! SO CUTE HIDE UNDER THE MOTOR :3. 

This, my friends, is a puppy dog face ;). 


Papa/Mama dog LOL. 



Whoops I on-ned flash :/. 

Shy one social one. 

Shy one stayed under the motorcycle until we went off horse riding LOL. 


Social black dog again LOLOL. 


Another one LOL. I took a lot with the social black dog. 


Jingwen bonding with the dogs :). 

It slept after Jonathan went to rub it's tummy LOL. 

Briefing. Which made me very scared, cause that guy over there kept talking about oh yuo must do this or else the horse will run away etc etc LOL. 


Check out the horses butt LOL AHAHAHAA. 

Camwhore before the man comes over with the horse to demonstrate for us LOL. 

DUMDUMDUM. Red carpet red carpet. 

He makes it look so easy and breezy and everything. And you see the dog down there ^^^^, it followed us into the jungle O_O. 

Apparently the first horse came first (well first horse of course come first lah) and they asked WHO'S THE LIGHTEST, and of course everyone looked at me, and I was like OMG NOOOO, 

Because Jingwen told me when she came the previous time (which was a few years ago LOL) the youngest will be the first so I thought in this case the lightest will be the first and she told me that time she was the youngest then and she went first and the man kept holding on to her horse so she couldn't steer it herself AT ALL. 

So I was like NOOOO I WANT TO STEER MYSELF D:. But of course in the end I could steer myself, they just asked for the lightest cause Marshall (the horse) had asthma O_O. And during the ride he kept huffing and puffing and panting and it was quite scary and I felt so sorry for Marshall cause I'm riding on him D:. 

The man telling me something funny LOL. 

Jeric's turn! He said he didn't even bother to ask for his horse's name (the man told us the rest of our horse's name cause I asked or something) LOL. 

I was the first to get on so I had like some alone time with my horse while waiting for the rest to come and ride on their horses LOL. My horse won't move sometimes LOL. 

Pamelia on her horse LOL. I totally forgot the name D:. 

All in one corner LOL. My horse is a rebel. 

ZIBA THE HOBO HORSE. DAMN CUTE LORH, GOT ONE HEADBAND ONE LOL. And this one was damn good. When Kaiwen tells it to stop, it stops. Totally listen to him one. 

Jingwen gets up the horse... 

And then she looks away. 


Oh wrong horse LOLOL. 

I'm thinking this is Beauty. Jingwen say crazy one, will run off on it's own one LOL.So naturally this was the horse that couldn't be steered on it's own nyehehe, so Jonathan couldn't control the horse by himself :(. 

Handsome or not the horse position LOLOLOL. But the name's Beauty so it must be a female O_O. 

Jingwen's Soheil.

Getting ready to go and LOL at the man's body position <<<<<. 

Notice how my horse is second out of the six. 

I think that's Soheil's butt LOLOL. 

At this point we heard barks and then when I reached this place there were three dogs there (not including the one that was following us) and one was TOPPLED OVER, like literally. I only saw like after the dog toppled over, I didn't see the fight cause my horse become fourth already LOL. Pamelia and Kaiwen caught up ._..  And it was here where my horse started panting and panting O_O. So loud, even the front people can hear. Scary. AND, it was also here at this point where my butt started hurting a lot :((, and somemore I was the first to go on the horse LOL. 




Ziba the (cute) hobo horse. 

Jeric looks like he's about to fall off O_O, LOL. The horses stopped for a while to eat here LOL. 


Awkward mouth LOL. 

So throughout the entire Jungle Trail, only Marshall RAN. Like literally galloped. And I bopped up and down, it was so fun LOLOL. But my butt hurt lah, cause already sore from sitting too long and we didn't stop to rest. 
Just in case you're wondering why only Marshall ran it's because Marshall, is quite, slow, so we were quite far behind, and the man (the one who teached us how to ride on a horse was with the three of us behind while another man was with the three elder ones) told Marshall to run faster at some points and there was this one time around the forest area after the green field of grasses (or something) he ran really fast (but for a short distance, like 2 3 seconds LOL) and yeah I BOPPED UP AND DOWN AHAHAHA LOL. 

Horse.. dung. 

Pro eh. 

Then after that we went back to the Villa (around 12 pm plus?), packed our stuff and went to Angsana!  

It is huge. Though it doesn't look like it on the inside O_O. 

Reminds me of Far East Plaza though I've never been there at all LOL. 

Can you spot me :)? AHAHAHAHA. 

And we decided to eat at Kenny Rogers and I was quite happy cause I saw a sign saying there was free WIFI LOL. 

My face ;). 

Banana raisin muffins! Which was delicious, except I didn't like the raisins. 

Don't know who's Winter shake or something LOL. 

Roast chicken or something O_O? 

BBQ roasted chicken. 

<<<< this side one was guava, passion fruit and mango? I think. I didn't order it cause I thought it would be too sweet LOL. >>>>> this one is mine, strawberry and orange with jelly, reminds me of vampires though LOL. 

Jingwen's plain but awesome spagetthi. 

MYYYYY POTATO MEAL (the salad's not mine, just in case you're confused at the fact that I 'chose' vegetables for my side. It's Jingwen's, and I gave her one side cause she felt like eating salad and her meal only had a muffin and no sides) . I though potato was healthy and I was really glad with myself cause I LIKED POTATOES but then Jonathan and Pamelia and Kaiwen told me they were full of carbo -.-. Damn it. POTATO SALADS ARE THE BEST. Kenny Roger's and Aston's Potato Salads ♥. And FYI the thing under ther mac and cheese is boiled potato which was really awesome though the mac and cheese tasted a bit weird and not as nice as SG's one. 

And then we shopped around after eating and at 6.30pm we met up at the ground floor ready to set off to Singapore. 

Some paying thing for the carpark fees. AND THAT IS MY NEW EVERLAST BAG ONLY RM69.90 and my newly found love, Kaya balls ♥. 

Rm1.00 for payment O_O. 

And this is at the Tuas checkpoint or something where it was raining :O. 

7.18 PM AND WE REACHED SINGAPORE. Okay done byebye :). 

Abrupt ending.

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