Friday, January 6, 2012


Change my blog layout again because I was getting sick of pink (never really did like it as much as white LOL) and will probably get sick of this one too eventually but oh well :(. Back to the basic white blue black theme again like my previous layout LOL. 

Friday lunch date four people date with Ng Gan and Kimmy! 

Went back to school to do some work (only did like one question of A Maths cause idk how to do anything else LOL booooooo) then talked to (cute) guys with Gan and Kim and then walked to bus stop with Kim Farid Zaid Kengpum Khairul and some others (I think LOL short term memory like a gold fish glub glub) and then talked to Kengpum a while when the rest left and waited for Andy and Weijian for a while and then see them 3 minutes then my bus come AHAHAHAHA LOL.

I forgot to reply Andy's Whatsapp AHAHA LOL so he called me to tell me something and scold me >: and then I started to rant to him about something that happened today AHAHA LOL.

LOL 5 minutes only. 

LOL I like people who I can talk to on the phone without the whole awkwardness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHA LOL. And sorry Andy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

My current phone wallpaper. Okay have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Oh and leg/calf cramp the other day and now still have :(. AND I AM 155CM AND 46.8KG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY LOL I DIDN'T GROW. UPDATED MY TUMBLR

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