Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ruiqi's red hands teehee!!

AHAHAHA LOL TODAY WAS SO EMBARRASSING. During lunch me Nelle Jiayi and Kim were at the table sitting then Ruiqi came over, then she want to tease me so she was like, "KENGPUM" damn loud LOL, and she didn't even realise Kengpum's friends+classmates were like 10 meters away from us and they totally heard it and for a moment it was like awkward silence and his friends turned to look at me and then at him and that whole area just burst out in like OHHHH~ sounds LOL damn embarrassing wtf.

And I went to hit Ruiqi's arm I feel quite bad now LOL and she was like EH RED LIAO TAKE PICTURE POST ON YOUR BLOG. Erm hehe, so hi Ruiqi *waves*.

And last night I was counting all my coins and I can cash in like eighty bucks!!! Plus raffles hotel pay PLUS something else PLUS CNY omg happygirl96 I want money!!!!!!!! >:(. AHAHA LOL and went to check out junior band today and played with Clara's bass something LOL. And I drew cars on the yupi gummy burgers casing thing LOL and ate dinner with Kengpum and my Gan!!!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Gan's husbands LOL.

Stayed back in school today did the article for the top scorer interview and one lit question (eh I write a lot okay). Aikel and Khairul's brother (both also very cute LOL) came to talk to me and Gan and Kengpum joke joke! And Aikel did this game thing and totally tricked me pshhh :(.

Then walked to the bus stop with Azwan Aikel Kengpum Khairul's brother and Gan and we saw Gan's husbands/boyfriends along the way LOL. Gan's bus came first and then the rest and and I took 69 back home while the boys went to TM.

LOL that was like the most exciting thing that happened to me today LOL besides the release of O Level results. So proud of my Lit poem question T_T CAN CRY CAUSE MY HANDWRITING SO PRETTY LOL. Actually I also only need to present that answers to the class like in 22 Feb (ya IKR LOL wth) so I don't really need to finish it now LOL :(.

Today for dinner I had mouse noodle LOL (老鼠fen????) and meatball and (EIGHT) quail eggs and fish cake and bread talk's bakwa bread but whatever I whole day in school like never eat proper meal already!!!!!!! Unless you count 29372818 yupi apple gummy rings and three strands of mouse noodle and soup a proper meal LOL.

Kkkkkkk bye :B.

Blogging in class wooooo.

Like a good girl. AHAHAHA LOL. Said I'd do the Clara's post yesterday LOL but whoops I went to study with Kim and Kengpum and came back home at like 8 plus LOL. Ahhhh so many things to blog about. Clara's birthday, East Coast Mile performance day, and the making of horlick's ice cream which I'll probably not do cause the pictures were taken under horrible lighting in the kitchen AHAHA LOL.

I'm in my English class now LOL charging my phone with Jianhong'a portable charger LOL and the bell just rung one more period to Recess!!!!! An I forgot to take allowance so whoops LOL.

Mrs Lee told me to do an interview with the top student for O Level!!!!!!!!! LOL okay la technically she asked Timothy too but she asked me first LOL and only asked Timothy when he walked over BUT SHE CAME TO ME FIRST EVEN THOUGH I WAS FURTHER BEHIND COMPARED TO TIMOTHY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA LOL. Honouredgirl96. LOL.

Random three pictures from English lesson and three of food, one is my yupi gummy that I ate in class LOL and muffins Timothy baked!!!!!!!!) okay bye!!! And in my defence even though I didn't listen during English lesson I actually got like 43/45 questions correct for vocab plus I did it like the fastest even though I started later LOL so :B.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Photo of the century.

Needs no explanation. Danish iis d kut3st evaaaaa

Blur picture for extra suspense dum dum dum.

Clara's birthday celebration post (and some other pictures I want to upload and delete from my phone LOL) tomorrow uploading them was a painnnnnnnnnnnn even though the lighting was gooooood and pictures were pretty :(.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Look how much we have changed!!!

LOL so today after band the usual gang and I were walking to the bus stop and Ng suggested we recreate the sec one/two photo scene AHAHA LOL. The one I posted on my blog before like in November LOL.

Zachary Tan was also in the original photo so this time he was also in the 'recreation' photo AHAHA LOL. LOL we tried to make it as exact as possible (also getting a few stares the along way especially by this bus uncle LOL) and some were taken when the sun was too glaring etc. The nicest and most exact one got wind blowing on my shirt so it makes me look fatter around the stomach LOL so I put this red tape on it using some app on my phone. And I stand until so slanted cause I was trying to make it look the same LOL and T_T super unflattering make my butt and hips look very big LOL *defensive* but whatever still looks better than last time AHAHA LOL.

Friday, January 6, 2012


Change my blog layout again because I was getting sick of pink (never really did like it as much as white LOL) and will probably get sick of this one too eventually but oh well :(. Back to the basic white blue black theme again like my previous layout LOL. 

Friday lunch date four people date with Ng Gan and Kimmy! 

Went back to school to do some work (only did like one question of A Maths cause idk how to do anything else LOL booooooo) then talked to (cute) guys with Gan and Kim and then walked to bus stop with Kim Farid Zaid Kengpum Khairul and some others (I think LOL short term memory like a gold fish glub glub) and then talked to Kengpum a while when the rest left and waited for Andy and Weijian for a while and then see them 3 minutes then my bus come AHAHAHAHA LOL.

I forgot to reply Andy's Whatsapp AHAHA LOL so he called me to tell me something and scold me >: and then I started to rant to him about something that happened today AHAHA LOL.

LOL 5 minutes only. 

LOL I like people who I can talk to on the phone without the whole awkwardness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHA LOL. And sorry Andy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

My current phone wallpaper. Okay have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Oh and leg/calf cramp the other day and now still have :(. AND I AM 155CM AND 46.8KG AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHY LOL I DIDN'T GROW. UPDATED MY TUMBLR

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Horlicks school new house and phoebeeee.

Phoebe pictures from my phone + the first five days of 2012! 


1st January. 
First meal of 2012 LOL. Or last meal of 2011. Forgot liao AHAHA LOL. 

Went to church service, saw Windsor there and ate pepper lunch's seafood aglio olio damn nice omg LOL. 

Then went over to Shaynnie's house! 

Our horlick's ice cream before it went to the freezer. Ownself make one okay!!! If I can get all the pictures of the steps I used I'll post it up! 

Won Monopoly deal ;). 


And I spent over 50k in Pet Society... :(. 

New look skirt and shirt from Suntec City earlier that day! 

2 for $29.90 and :( no more my size for the bottoms I wanted. I'm a UK4 LOL, but UK6 could still fit me so LOL I just got it. Shirt also too big but whhatever buy two more worth it mah LOL. 

2nd January. 
Packing my 18 pens for school LOL. 

Then went over to my Punggol house to view with Jingwen's mum and her brother and my family la of course AHAHA LOL. Pointless dark pictures cause I was here (me) and the light was like <<<<<<< so the pictures all became dark LOL. 

Blur photo of my room! 

Then went over to Kallang airport road to makan! 

Three pictures of sting ray LOL but I liked all three effects!! 

LOL I PACKED A LUNCH SNACK BAG TO SCHOOL but in the end I only ate like one gummy burger and the rest share with friends LOL. 

Doing my homework at 2am.............. like guaikia. And cause I couldn't sleep AHAHA LOL. 

And then I was clearing up my file and LOL I found a whole bunch of letters + one BGSS idol paper LOL in the front page of my file LOL. 

Boo :(. 


LOL in the birthday letter Ng gave me AHAHAHAHA LOL. 

LOL was tweeting that I couldn't sleep and (my other beloved) Ruiqi Whatsapped me AHAHA LOL I GOT A HEART AND A BASEBALL WITH MY NAME LOL. 

3rd January. First day of school! 

Jiwon bought me presents from Korea!!!!!!! 


LOL stayed back in school and LOL I poked my thumb with a stapler bullet AHAHA LOL those big big type one LOL. 

I think Weiling wrote this...... :'). 

And my supper. Nomz. 

Remember I posted up about me being happy on that day!!!!

Seow's formspring! 

Huiting's blog! 

Okay la maybe not much to you all but means a lot to me okay OKAY OKAY OKAY. Soo.. 

4th January. 
LOL my work attachment supervisor wrote this xD. I opened up the letter just to read this LOL. 

I ISH GUAI KIA copy Ng one LOL

My hair looks longerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. LOL random sticker from TP AHAHA LOL >>>>. 

5th January. 

When boredom gets to me.................... And anyway I thought my handwriting looked quite pretty! 

Cover of my Daiso book LOL. 

And my mirror broke again........ like the fourth one already wth LOL. 

Band performance!!! 
Speech with Zoon Shang and Timmmm! 

Gan ☺. 

Some people from band played a few pieces in the canteen and we gathered A HUGE CROWD. Love band :). 

Unflattering picture of me LOL but oh wellzzz. 

Okay that's all!!!!!!!!!!! 

New rather wordy post before this LOL bye I shall eat my yan yan now :). Took long to upload this kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (No actually like less than half an hour LOL BUT STILL). Do until my feet numb I can't take my yan yan anymore :'( hmph. 

My brother is in camp at his school in Sengkang so I'm like sleeping alone tonight :(. YOU KNOW THE BED FEELS WARMER SLEEPING HERE ALONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~.